MCLASS is a comprehensive LMS platform that connects students and teachers. It provides features for joining classes, accessing course materials, submitting assignments, and managing classes. MCLASS streamlines the learning process and promotes engagement within a secure digital environment. It is designed to transform online and blended learning.
- Join Classes: Students can easily join classes by entering unique access codes provided by their teachers
- Create Classes: Educators can effortlessly set up new virtual classrooms with customizable settings and information.
- Access Course Materials: Students can access a wide range of course materials, including documents, presentations, videos, and interactive content.
- Submit Assignments: Students can submit their assignments directly through the MCLASS platform, ensuring a streamlined workflow.
- File Support: MCLASS supports a variety of file formats, including PDF, DOC/DOCX, PPT/PPTX, XLS/XLSX, images, and videos, allowing for a diverse range of learning resources.
- Grade Submissions: Teachers can efficiently evaluate and provide feedback on student assignments within the MCLASS interface.
- Light/Dark Mode: Users can toggle between light and dark mode, providing a customized viewing experience for comfort and accessibility.
- Update Profile: Users can personalize their profiles and keep their information up-to-date.
- NextJs
- TypeScript
- Drizzle ORM
- React Query
- TailwindCSS
- NextAuth
- Shadcn/UI
- Uploadthing
To get started with MCLASS, follow these steps:
Clone the repository
git clone
Install dependencies
cd mclass npm install
Set up environment variables
cp .env.example .env.local
Set up the database Before running the project, it's essential to set up the database. This project utilizes a PostgreSQL database hosted on Supabase. Please follow these steps:
a. Create a new project on Supabase. b. Once your Supabase project is set up, locate your database credentials. c. Open your
file and fill in the following fields with your Supabase database credentials:DATABASE_CONNECTION_STRING = DATABASE_HOST = DATABASE_USER = DATABASE_PASSWORD = DATABASE_NAME =
Generate and migrate the database schema Run the following commands to generate the database client and migrate the schema to your database:
npm run db:generate npm run db:migrate
Run the development server
npm run dev
Your MCLASS application should now be running and connected to your Supabase PostgreSQL database.
After logging in, users can:
- Students: Join classes, view assignments, submit work, and track progress.
- Teachers: Create classes, manage students, assign tasks, and grade submissions.
MCLASS - Empowering Education Through Technology