Python demonstration application for CR95HF NFC Reader API for an access control use-case.
- Free software: MIT license
- Documentation:
The aim was to provide better support for the CR95HF's use for the Raspberry Pi in Python3, via an API.
Thus an API was developed here: Documentation for nfcreader:
- Automatic USB Connect
- Protocol Select (Select between ISO15693, ISO14443-A, ISO14443-B, and ISO18092)
- Inventory command on tag (request ID and tag information from tag.)
- Enter tag hunting mode (Looks for a tag for 5 seconds before timeout.)
- Read a block from a tag (Specify address to read from 0 to 128.) Tag must be present.
- Write a block to a tag (Specify address to write to, and data to write.) Tag must be present.
- Access control demo (contiuously scans for registered tags.)
- Scan till written to a tag (Enter data to write, and scans continuously till tag is in range and writes.)
- Print authorized tag access history (print out log of all tags successfully read.)
- Read entire tag contents (Place tag on reader and read entire contents in all address locations.)
- Add tag access (for access control demo purposes.)
- Clean tag (wipe all address locations clean.)
- Reset SPI connection to NFC reader from Pi.
- Exit demonstrator.
Please follow instructions at to run this demonstrator.
This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.