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build(deps): bump rollup from 3.29.4 to 3.29.5 in /packages/wp-content/plugins/formbuilder-embedded in the npm_and_yarn group across 1 directory #7

build(deps): bump rollup from 3.29.4 to 3.29.5 in /packages/wp-content/plugins/formbuilder-embedded in the npm_and_yarn group across 1 directory

build(deps): bump rollup from 3.29.4 to 3.29.5 in /packages/wp-content/plugins/formbuilder-embedded in the npm_and_yarn group across 1 directory #7

name: Playground for Requests
types: [opened, synchronize, reopened]
contents: write
pull-requests: write
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
submodules: 'true'
- name: Set up Node.js
uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: 'lts/*'
- name: Set up pnpm
uses: pnpm/action-setup@v4
version: 9.10.0
run_install: |
- recursive: true
cwd: .
args: [--frozen-lockfile, --strict-peer-dependencies]
- name: Setting up GITHUB_ENV for later steps
run: |
TARGET_DIR="pr/${{ github.head_ref}}/${GITHUB_SHA}"
- name: Set up Git credentials and ensure gh-pages branch exists
run: |
# Configure the bot's name and email and
git config --global "github-actions[bot]"
git config --global "github-actions[bot]"
# Ensure that a gh-pages branch exists and push it to the remote
# HACK: since refs are not properly updated, we have to fetch the refs first
# and then check if the gh-pages branch exists
echo "Updating refs"
git fetch > /dev/null 2>&1
ref=$(git show-ref | grep "gh-pages") || true
if [ -z "$ref" ]; then
echo "Creating gh-pages branch"
BASE_BRANCH=$(git branch --show-current)
git checkout --orphan gh-pages
git reset --hard
git commit --allow-empty -m "Initial commit"
git push origin gh-pages
git checkout $BASE_BRANCH
git branch -D gh-pages
- name: Clone the gh-pages branch
run: |
# this will create a gh-pages directory with the content of the gh-pages branch. this makes it easier to work
# with the gh-pages branch instead of having to switch branches all the time
git clone --single-branch --branch gh-pages https://${{ }}:${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}${{ github.repository }} gh-pages
- name: Preparing Folders for Deployment
run: |
# this will create the target directory if it does not exist
# and ensure that it is empty
printf "%s\n" "Creating gh-pages/$TARGET_DIR"
rm -rf gh-pages/$TARGET_DIR
mkdir -p "gh-pages/$TARGET_DIR"
- name: Prepare Branch for Deployment
run: |
# this whould be to much work to do in a single step.
# please refer th scripts/ for more details
# this script will build and zip all Plugins for deployment
# it will also create a playground for the trunk
- name: Copy dist folder to gh-pages/trunk
run: |
# Move all Files from dist to gh-pages/trunk and commit the changes
# HACK: The mv command does not work as expected, so we have to use the dirname command
echo "copying dist/$TARGET_DIR to gh-pages/$TARGET_DIR"
mv dist/$TARGET_DIR $(dirname gh-pages/$TARGET_DIR)
- name: Commit and push changes
run: |
# Adding changes to git
cd gh-pages
git add .
git commit -m "Deploying state of PR ${{ github.pr_number}} from ${{ github.head_ref}}"
git push origin gh-pages --force
- name: write a State file for transfering to Node
run : |
# HACK: this is very hacky, but it works for now
# GITHUB_ENV does not transfer to Node, so we write a
# separate file that we can read in Node.
# This is a workaround until we have a better solution
# NOTE: this is only necessary because we want to comment on the PR
# with a link to the playground, which is only available after the
# deployment
echo "TARGET_DIR=$TARGET_DIR" >> ./state.txt
echo "GITHUB_SHA=$GITHUB_SHA" >> ./state.txt
echo "PR_NUMBER=${{ github.pr_number}}" >> ./state.txt
echo "HEAD_REF=${{ github.head_ref}}" >> ./state.txt
- name: comment on PR with playground link
uses: actions/github-script@v7
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
script: |
const fs = require('fs');
const state = fs.readFileSync('./state.txt', 'utf8');
const [TARGET_DIR, GITHUB_SHA, PR_NUMBER, HEAD_REF, GITHUB_REPOSITORY] = state.split('\n').map(x => x.split('=')[1]);
const badge = `[![Checkout Commit here](](${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/gh-pages/${TARGET_DIR}/playground.json)`;
owner: context.repo.owner,
issue_number: context.issue.number,
repo: context.repo.repo,
body: `Playground for PR ${PR_NUMBER} from ${HEAD_REF} is ready! \n ${badge}`