DORA-Prozess im Detail
Discover: Der DHCP-Client sendet ein Broadcast-Paket an alle verfügbaren DHCP-Ports bzw. Server. Dies geschieht mit einer Anforderung zur IP-Adressvergabe.
Offer: Einer oder mehrere Server antworten mit einem Angebot. Dieses enthält eine freie IP-Adresse und andere Konfigurationsparameter.
Request: Der Client wählt das beste Angebot aus. Er sendet eine Anforderungsnachricht an den jeweiligen Port für DHCP.
Acknowledge: Der ausgewählte DHCP-Server bestätigt die Zuweisung. Der Client speichert die erhaltenen Konfigurationsdaten lokal.
Within the data center each BGP router is identified by a private autonomous system number (ASN). This ASN is used for internal communication. The default is to have 2-byte ASN. To avoid having to find workarounds in case the ASN address space is exhausted, a 4-byte ASN that supports up to 95 million ASNs (4200000000–4294967294) is used from the beginning.
ASN numbering in a CLOS topology should follow a model to avoid routing problems (path hunting) due to it's redundant nature. Within a CLOS topology the following ASN numbering model is suggested to solve path hunting problems:
- Leaves have unique ASN
- Spines share an ASN
- Exit switches share an ASN
Uses ipv6 fe80::: to connect to its neighbors automatically, this way no ip adresses beforehand are needed to configure.
Router hass ~900k ip routes configured. It's the whole internet.