This is a PHP class for Hipocard struct.
You can install the class via download the class file and include it in your project.
require_once 'hipocard.php';
$hipocard = new HipocardIntegration();
$response = $hipocard->checkEpinStatus();
if (isset($response['success']) && $response['success'] === true) {
// Epin is valid
} else {
// Epin is not valid
"success": true,
"message": "Successful",
"data": {
"total_sales": 100,
"total_sales_multiplied": 10000,
"total_commission": 5,
"net_total": 95,
"currency": "TRY",
"rounded_total_sales": 100
"success": false,
"message": "E-PIN Code has been used or is invalid!",
"error_code": 12