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A edited this page Nov 2, 2018 · 6 revisions


Welcome to the FFBEBot wiki! A wiki for a bot dedicated for the mobile Game Final Fantasy Brave Exvicus Here you will find some basic information on the commands the bot supports


These are the current list of commands available for the bot(Updated Nov 2,2018).

For detailed help on a command use -!help [commandName] i.e. for the ping command use -!help ping To use a command add the prefix before the command i.e. for the ping command -!ping. To find the prefix for the server type @FFBEBot prefix, the default prefix is -!.

Name Description Module
ping gets either the difference from the average response time or response time(depending on what it's toggled to default:average) Core
invite gets the invite link for the bot and a small description Core
info prints some stats about the bot Core
bugreport report a bug or suggest something Core
emo bot posts some of the custom emotes it has Core
awaken gets the awakening mats for a unit Exvius
equipment gets the equipment a unit can use Exvius
lore gets lore for a unit Exvius
skill gets the skills and abilities a unit has Exvius
unitart gets the art for a unit Exvius
unit gets the unit info for a unit from exvius wiki Exvius
rawaken gets the awakening mats for a unit Reddit
requipment gets the equipment a unit can use Reddit
rskill gets the skills and abilities a unit has Reddit
runit gets the unit info for a unit from exvius wiki Reddit
summon summons a specific amount of units from the current rare summon banner(more selectability planned) Salt
salty generates image of unit on a pile of salt Salt
waifu random waifu Salt
husbando random husbando Salt
gsummon summon based the guaranteed 5* 10+1 ticket summons Salt
banner view all the banners you can summon from Salt
maintenance what happens every maintenance (throwback to December 2016) Salt
dailies free daily 500 lapis (currency used for other simulation commands) Simulation
lapis check how much lapis you currently have Simulation
sc view the amount of sacred crystals you have (used to awaken units) Simulation
pull pull some units using lapis Simulation
unitinventory view all the units you've summoned using the pull commands Simulation
dailypull daily 250 lapis pull Simulation
11pull 10+1 pull Simulation
unitsell sell some units for sacred crystals Simulation
unitawaken awaken a unit using sacred crystals Simulation

Setting up the bot for yourself

Not well edited guide on how to self host the bot. You'll probably have to make additional changes since no one is probably doing this anyways. Click here to see the guide

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