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Security: HewlettPackard/HPEStoragePowerShellToolkit


Security Policy

Supported Versions

Note that all security checks against the codebase while it is in Beta program can be made using the standard Github Issue process.

However once the codebase has been signed and uploaded to the PSGallery, if a security concern is found please report it to [email protected] and I will acknoledge reciept of the issue immediately. If the security issue poses no risk to current customer, I will post the issue as a standard bug with the Label of Security, however if the issue is sensitive, I will give you direct feedback on efforts to fix the bug, and once the bug is fixed and the new codebase is signed and uploaded to the PSGallery, we will issue a notice in the readme of the new version as a fixed issue from the previous version.

Version Supported
< 4.0

There aren’t any published security advisories