Turbo GeoServer - 100% C/C++
- Web Map Service (WMS)
- Web Map Tile Service (WMTS)
Aiming to serve blistering fast geo raster data beyond the WMS/WMTS specification like raw data or custom formats. Druckwelle does not feature a full implementation of WMS/WMTS Specifications and is not planned to do some day.
- Raw output formats for data layers (float32, uint64, int16, etc.)
- building and serving of WMTS caches
- Example Layer (showing how to implement the basics for your own layer)
- High Quality Elevation Map Service (combining ASTER (1 arc second, 30m) + SRTM_v3 (1 arc second, 30m))
- OpenStreetMap to Signed Distance Field Rasterization
- CMake 3.4
- Visual Studio 2015 (Windows only)
- run CreateProjectFiles.bat
- open Visual Studio Solution from sln directory and build
- install packages: libboost1.54-all-dev libssl-dev libgdal-dev
- cmake -G "Unix Makefile"
- make
- finish High Quality Elevation Map Service (ASTER+SRTM+NSIDC-0082)
- implement GetCapabilities functionality to reflect actual layer setup
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. See UNLICENSE file for details.