- Open the server folder PotionSlingers\PotionSlingers-A\HW4_Server_Mk_2 in a program like IntelliJ.
- Start the server by running the main() function in GameServer.java (Located in PotionSlingers\PotionSlingers-A\HW4_Server_Mk_2\src\core\GameServer.java)
- Open the PotionSlingers\PotionSlingers-A folder in Unity to open the Unity project.
- Load the TitleScene to start at the Main Menu of the game.
- Press Play in the editor once the scene is loaded up.
- Once you're playing the game in the TitleScene, press the Play button.
- Proceed to press Login, then once "logged in", press the Play button again to choose a character.
- Once a Character is chosen, you will end up in the lobby.
- Once all players (separate clients) are in the lobby, hit the Not Ready button to Ready up.
- After all players Ready up, the scene will transition into the GameScene, where the actual game begins!