Big update, 55 commits and 769 (lol) lines of code added to include/bug fix:
Bug Fixes:
Near complete rewrite of all checkout code (@DaakJaniels is a hero)
Finally fixed false positives on checkout (question mark)
Discord Presence support
--random-delay Adds a randomized delay to final checkout
--single-shot Stops after the first successful purchase
--no-screenshots Disables all screenshots (if you use this, do not expect us to be able to help in #tech-support)
Behind the scenes stuff:
NVIDIA removed as a store until it comes back
Credential encryption (no more plaintext creds on your drive)
Screenshots and HTML saves for troubleshooting now reside in screenshots and html_saves, respectively
Releases will be pushed to the github releases page, no more git commands unless thats your kinda thing