This repo contains six versions of my CV One Page project.
During my second year at the Haute École en Hainaut, we had to design a one page resume for the Front-end development course.
The six versions are:
- the Draft version;
- the Project version;
- the Holidays version;
- the New Year version;
- the Summer version;
- the Grey version.
The first three follow the rules for the project version :
- be responsive;
- be accessible in IE8+, Chrome and Firefox;
- be written with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript (jQuery and other libraries);
- be validated by the W3C validator;
- contain at least one css transition;
- contain at least three jQuery animations/plugins.
Notes : 2. the first three sites could contain some error in the W3C HTML Validator and W3C CSS Validator due to the myriad of favicons.