DailyQuest is a productivity app designed to help users automate reminders for important but often forgotten one-off tasks, such as car maintenance, filing taxes, scheduling physicals, and more. The app provides a streamlined way to manage non-recurring tasks, with a few fun twists to keep users engaged!
- Room SQLite Database Integration: Stores all user tasks, providing a robust and reliable way to manage and retrieve tasks, or "quests" over time.
- Daily Task Reminders: Get notified every day when a task is assigned.
- Configurable Task Prioritization System: Prioritize tasks to determine.
- Random "Day Off" Feature: Occasionally, DailyQuest will randomly give you a day off with no tasks.
- Task Completion Streak Tracker: Track how many days in a row you've completed your tasks without missing a beat. Stay motivated by maintaining your streak!
- Flexible Task Management: Add, edit, and delete tasks as your priorities shift, allowing to keepo your tasks up to date.
- Create a Task: Add a new task by entering the task details (e.g., title, description, priority).
- Daily Reminders: You’ll receive a notification each day to remind you of your one-off tasks.
- Prioritize Tasks: Use the prioritization system to sort tasks based on importance.
- Task Completion: Complete your tasks daily to maintain a streak.
- Day Off: Enjoy the random chance of having a day with no tasks!
- Manage Tasks: Edit or delete tasks at any time.
- Kotlin
- Room (SQLite): For local storage of tasks and their details.
- Android Jetpack: Includes libraries for lifecycle management, navigation, and data persistence.
- Delayable tasks, with getting the ability to delay one task on completing non-delayed tasks
- Adding a reminder notification later in the day after the initial one