Get Train Times at Great Portland Street Tube Station!
This is a .net core 6.0 Web Project and was created using Microsoft Visual Studio. Minimum requirements are Microsoft Visual Studio with .net core 6.0 SDK to build and run this project.
It also uses a TFL web-api, so you will also need an HTTPS connection and more details regarding the TFL Service are available here:
The application refreshes every 30 seconds to ensure the latest times are shown.
To get started:
1. In GitHub, click on 'Code' and select the 'Open in Visual Studio' option.
This will open Visual Studio and ask you to assign a local path to load this repository to download to.
2. Alternatively click on 'Download .zip' and extract the files from the downloaded .zip file to a local directory.
Then open the solution by double clicking on TrainTimes.sln file to open the project in Visual Studio.
3. To run the tests in Visual Studio open Test Explorer and click on Run, this will build the project and run the tests.
4. Clicking on 'Start Debugging' in Visual Studio will allow you to run and debug the project.
5. Right hand clicking on the project file and selecting 'Publish' in Visual Studio will allow you to publish the project to a webserver which you will need to configure first.