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Reverse the order of adding list elements
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
Appends new Elements in front of the list
Closes Issue: #9

Also extended supported Syntax
See Issue: #11
  • Loading branch information
florian-kohrs committed Jan 15, 2020
1 parent 58f728e commit bcc2a89
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Showing 3 changed files with 170 additions and 105 deletions.
250 changes: 153 additions & 97 deletions path-extractor/src/AST_Builder.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,20 +7,29 @@ type NodeBuilder a = [Int] -> [Identifier] -> Int -> a SrcSpanInfo -> [Node]
type Value = String

class Builder a where
build :: [Int] -> [Identifier] -> Int -> a SrcSpanInfo -> [Node]
build :: a SrcSpanInfo -> Int -> [Node]

data Node =
Leaf [Identifier] [Int] Int Value

instance Show Node where
show (Leaf idents is len v) = "Identifications:" ++ show idents ++ "; Siblindindicies:" ++ show is ++ "; Length:" ++ show len ++ "; Value:" ++ v

setLeafHead :: Identifier -> Node -> Int -> Node
setLeafHead ind (Leaf idents is len v) i = Leaf (ind : idents) (i : is) (len + 1) v

setLeafHeads :: Identifier -> [Node] -> Int -> [Node]
setLeafHeads ident ns index = map (\n -> setLeafHead ident n index) ns

setIndentHead :: Node -> Identifier -> Node
setIndentHead (Leaf idents is len v) ind = Leaf (ind : idents) is (len + 1) v

data FunctionNodes =
FunctionNodes String [[Node]]

instance Show FunctionNodes where
show (FunctionNodes s nss) = s ++ concatMap show nss

instance Show Node where
show (Leaf idents is len v) = "Identifications:" ++ show idents ++ "; Siblindindicies:" ++ show is ++ "; Length:" ++ show len ++ "; Value:" ++ v

valueOf :: Node -> Value
valueOf (Leaf _ _ _ v) = v

Expand All @@ -36,148 +45,171 @@ nameOf (Ident _ name) = name
nameOf (Symbol _ name) = name

buildMethod :: Match SrcSpanInfo -> [Node]
buildMethod (Match _ name ps rhs _) = patterns ++ rhs'
where (patterns, index) = foldBuilder 0 [] [MethodDecl'] 0 ps
rhs' = build [index] [MethodDecl'] 1 rhs
buildMethod (Match _ name ps rhs _) = patterns ++ map (\n -> setIndentHead n MethodDecl') rhs'
where (patterns, index) = foldBuilder' 0 MethodDecl' ps
rhs' = build rhs index

instance Builder Decl where
build is idents len (PatBind _ pat rhs (Just bind)) = r1 ++ r2 ++ r3
where r1 = build (is ++ [0]) idents' (len + 1) pat
r2 = build (is ++ [1]) idents' (len + 1) rhs
r3 = build (is ++ [2]) idents' (len + 1) bind
idents' = idents ++ [PatBind']
build is idents len (PatBind _ pat rhs Nothing) = r1 ++ r2
where r1 = build (is ++ [0]) idents' (len + 1) pat
r2 = build (is ++ [1]) idents' (len + 1) rhs
idents' = idents ++ [PatBind']
build is idents len a = [Leaf idents is len (show a)]
build (PatBind _ pat rhs (Just bind)) index = setLeafHeads PatBind' (r1 ++ r2 ++ r3) index
where r1 = build pat 0
r2 = build rhs 1
r3 = build bind 2
build (PatBind _ pat rhs Nothing) index = setLeafHeads PatBind' (r1 ++ r2) index
where r1 = build pat 0
r2 = build rhs 1
build a index = [Leaf [PatBind'] [index] 0 (show a)]

instance Builder Pat where
build is idents len (PVar _ name) = build (is ++ [0]) (idents ++ [PVar']) (len + 1) name
build is idents len (PLit _ sign lit) = r1 ++ r2
where r1 = build (is ++ [0]) idents' (len + 1) sign
r2 = build (is ++ [1]) idents' (len + 1) lit
idents' = idents ++ [PLit']
build is idents len (PList _ pats) = fst (foldBuilder 0 is idents len pats)
build is idents len a = [Leaf idents is len (show a)]
build (PVar _ name) index = setLeafHeads PVar' (build name 0) index
build (PLit _ sign lit) index = setLeafHeads PLit' (r1 ++ r2) index
where r1 = build sign 0
r2 = build lit 1
build (PList _ pats) index = fst (foldBuilder 0 index PList' pats)
build (PParen _ pat) index = setLeafHeads PParen' (build pat 0) index
build (PTuple _ _ pats) index = fst (foldBuilder 0 index PTuple' pats)
build (PWildCard _) index = [Leaf [PWildCard'] [index] 0 "_"]
build (PInfixApp _ pat1 qName pat2) index =
setLeafHeads PInfixApp' (r1 ++ r2 ++ r3) index
r1 = build pat1 0
r2 = build qName 1
r3 = build pat2 2
build (PApp _ qName pats) index = r1 ++ r2
r1 = setLeafHeads PApp' (build qName 0) index
r2 = fst (foldBuilder 1 index PApp' pats)
build a index = [Leaf [] [index] 0 ("Error in Pat:" ++ show a)]

--buildNode parent i id p = (Leaf (show p) parent id, id+1)

instance Builder Sign where
build is idents len (Signless _) = [Leaf (idents ++ [Signless']) is len ""]
build (Signless _) index = [Leaf [Signless'] [index] 0 "+"]
build (Negative _) index = [Leaf [Negative'] [index] 0 "-"]

--buildPVar :: NodeBuilder PVar

instance Builder Rhs where
build is idents len (UnGuardedRhs _ exp) =
build (is ++ [0]) (idents ++ [UnGuardedRhs']) (len + 1) exp
build is idents len (GuardedRhss _ rhss) =
fst (foldBuilder 0 is (idents ++ [GuardedRhss']) len rhss)
build (UnGuardedRhs _ exp) index = setLeafHeads UnGuardedRhs' (build exp 0) index
build (GuardedRhss _ rhss) index =
fst (foldBuilder 0 index GuardedRhss' rhss)

instance Builder GuardedRhs where
build is idents len (GuardedRhs _ stmts exp) =
nodes ++ build (is ++ [width]) idents' (len + 1) exp
build (GuardedRhs _ stmts exp) index =
r1 ++ setLeafHeads GuardedRhs' r2 index
(nodes, width) = foldBuilder 0 is (idents ++ [GuardedRhs']) len stmts
idents' = idents ++ [GuardedRhs']
(r1, width) = foldBuilder 0 index GuardedRhs' stmts
r2 = build exp width

instance Builder Stmt where
build is idents len (Generator _ pat exp) = child1 ++ child2
where child1 = build (is ++ [0]) idents' (len + 1) pat
child2 = build (is ++ [1]) idents' (len + 1) exp
idents' = idents ++ [Generator']
build is idents len (Qualifier _ exp) =
build (is ++ [0]) (idents ++ [Qualifier']) (len + 1) exp
build is idents len (RecStmt _ stmts) = fst (foldBuilder 0 is (idents ++ [RecStmt']) len stmts)
build (Generator _ pat exp) index = setLeafHeads Generator' (r1 ++ r2) index
where r1 = build pat 0
r2 = build exp 1
build (Qualifier _ exp) index = setLeafHeads Qualifier' (build exp 0) index
build (RecStmt _ stmts) index = fst (foldBuilder 0 index RecStmt' stmts)

instance Builder Exp where
build is idents len (If _ exp1 exp2 exp3) = node1 ++ node2 ++ node3
where node1 = build (is ++ [0]) idents' (len + 1) exp1
node2 = build (is ++ [1]) idents' (len + 1) exp2
node3 = build (is ++ [2]) idents' (len + 1) exp3
idents' = idents ++ [If']
build is idents len (InfixApp _ exp1 qop exp2) = node1 ++ node2 ++ node3
where node1 = build (is ++ [0]) idents' (len + 1) exp1
node2 = build (is ++ [1]) idents' (len + 1) qop
node3 = build (is ++ [2]) idents' (len + 1) exp2
idents' = idents ++ [InfixApp']
build is idents len (Var _ qname) = build (is ++ [0]) (idents ++ [Var']) (len + 1) qname
build is idents len (Lit _ lit) = build (is ++ [0]) (idents ++ [Lit']) (len + 1) lit
build is idents len (Paren _ p) = build (is ++ [0]) (idents ++ [Paren']) (len + 1) p
build is idents len (Con _ qName) = build (is ++ [0]) (idents ++ [Con']) (len + 1) qName
build is idents len (List _ exps) = fst (foldBuilder 0 is (idents ++ [List']) len exps)
build is idents len (Let _ binds exp) = r1 ++ r2
build (If _ exp1 exp2 exp3) index = setLeafHeads If' (r1 ++ r2 ++ r3) index
where r1 = build exp1 0
r2 = build exp2 1
r3 = build exp3 2
build (InfixApp _ exp1 qop exp2) index = setLeafHeads InfixApp' (r1 ++ r2 ++ r3) index
where r1 = build exp1 0
r2 = build qop 1
r3 = build exp2 2
build (Var _ qname) index = setLeafHeads Var' (build qname 0) index
build (Lit _ lit) index = setLeafHeads Lit' (build lit 0) index
build (Paren _ p) index = setLeafHeads Paren' (build p 0) index
build (Con _ qName) index = setLeafHeads Con' (build qName 0) index
build (List _ exps) index = fst (foldBuilder 0 index List' exps)
build (Let _ binds exp) index = setLeafHeads Let' (r1 ++ r2) index
r1 = build (is ++ [0]) idents' (len + 1) binds
r2 = build (is ++ [1]) idents' (len + 1) exp
idents' = idents ++ [Let']
build is idents len (Lambda _ pats exp) = patterns ++ exp'
where (patterns, index) = foldBuilder 0 is idents' len pats
exp' = build (is ++ [index]) idents' (len + 1) exp
idents' = idents ++ [Lambda']
build is idents len (Case _ exp alts) = exp' ++ alt'
r1 = build binds 0
r2 = build exp 1
build (Lambda _ pats exp) index = patterns ++ setLeafHeads Lambda' exp' index
where (patterns, index') = foldBuilder 0 index Lambda' pats
exp' = build exp index'
build (Case _ exp alts) index = setLeafHeads Case' exp' index ++ alt'
exp' = build (is ++ [0]) idents' (len + 1) exp
alt' = fst (foldBuilder 1 is idents' len alts)
idents' = idents ++ [Case']
build is idents len (App _ exp1 exp2) = r1 ++ r2
exp' = build exp 0
alt' = fst (foldBuilder 1 index Case' alts)
build (App _ exp1 exp2) index = setLeafHeads App' (r1 ++ r2) index
r1 = build (is ++ [0]) idents' (len + 1) exp1
r2 = build (is ++ [1]) idents' (len + 1) exp2
idents' = idents ++ [App']
build is idents len a = [Leaf idents is len ("Exp Error:" ++ show a)]

foldBuilder :: (Builder a) => Int -> [Int] -> [Identifier] -> Int -> [a SrcSpanInfo] -> ([Node], Int)
foldBuilder width is idents len =
foldl (\(r, width') x -> (r ++ (build (is ++ [width']) idents (len + 1) x), width' + 1)) ([], width)
r1 = build exp1 0
r2 = build exp2 1
build a index = [Leaf [] [index] 0 ("Expression Error:" ++ show a)]

foldBuilder :: (Builder a) => Int -> Int -> Identifier -> [a SrcSpanInfo] -> ([Node], Int)
foldBuilder width index ident xs =
(nodes, indexCount) =
foldl (\(r, width') x -> (r ++ (build x width'), width' + 1)) ([], width) xs
(setLeafHeads ident nodes index, indexCount)

foldBuilder' :: (Builder a) => Int -> Identifier -> [a SrcSpanInfo] -> ([Node], Int)
foldBuilder' width ident xs =
(nodes, indexCount) =
foldl (\(r, width') x -> (r ++ (build x width'), width' + 1)) ([], width) xs
(map (\n -> setIndentHead n ident) nodes, indexCount)

instance Builder Binds where
build is idents len (BDecls _ ipBinds) = fst (foldBuilder 0 is (idents ++ [IPBinds']) len ipBinds)
build is idents len (IPBinds _ decls) = fst (foldBuilder 0 is (idents ++ [IPBinds']) len decls)
build (BDecls _ ipBinds) index = fst (foldBuilder 0 index IPBinds' ipBinds)
build (IPBinds _ decls) index = fst (foldBuilder 0 index IPBinds' decls)

instance Builder IPName where
build is idents len (IPDup _ s) = [Leaf (idents ++ [IPDup']) is len s]
build is idents len (IPLin _ s) = [Leaf (idents ++ [IPLin']) is len s]
build (IPDup _ s) index = [Leaf [IPDup'] [index] 0 s]
build (IPLin _ s) index = [Leaf [IPLin'] [index] 0 s]

instance Builder IPBind where
build is idents len (IPBind _ ipName exp) = r1 ++ r2
build (IPBind _ ipName exp) = setLeafHeads IPBind' (r1 ++ r2)
r1 = build (is ++ [0]) idents' (len + 1) ipName
r2 = build (is ++ [1]) idents' (len + 1) exp
idents' = idents ++ [IPBind']
r1 = build ipName 0
r2 = build exp 1

instance Builder Alt where
build is idents len (Alt _ pat rhs Nothing) = pat' ++ rhs'
build (Alt _ pat rhs Nothing) = setLeafHeads Alt' (r1' ++ r2')
pat' = build (is ++ [0]) idents' (len + 1) pat
rhs' = build (is ++ [1]) idents' (len + 1) rhs
idents' = idents ++ [Alt']
r1' = build pat 0
r2' = build rhs 1

instance Builder Literal where
build is idents len (Int _ i' s) = [Leaf (idents ++ [Int']) is len s]
build is idents len (String _ s s') = [Leaf (idents ++ [String']) is len s]
build is idents len (Char _ c s) = [Leaf (idents ++ [Char']) is len s]
build is idents len (Frac _ f s) = [Leaf (idents ++ [Frac']) is len s]
build (Int _ i' s) index = [Leaf [Int'] [index] 0 s]
build (String _ s s') index = [Leaf [String'] [index] 0 s]
build (Char _ c s) index = [Leaf [Char'] [index] 0 s]
build (Frac _ f s) index = [Leaf [Frac'] [index] 0 s]

instance Builder QOp where
build is idents len (QVarOp _ qname) = build (is ++ [0]) (idents ++ [QVarOp']) (len + 1) qname
build is idents len (QConOp _ qname) = build (is ++ [0]) (idents ++ [QConOp']) (len + 1) qname
build (QVarOp _ qname) = setLeafHeads QVarOp' (build qname 0)
build (QConOp _ qname) = setLeafHeads QConOp' (build qname 0)

instance Builder QName where
build is idents len (UnQual _ name) = build (is ++ [0]) (idents ++ [UnQual']) (len + 1) name
build (UnQual _ name) = setLeafHeads UnQual' (build name 0)
build (Special _ con) = setLeafHeads Special' (build con 0)

instance Builder SpecialCon where
build (ListCon _) index = [Leaf [ListCon'] [index] 0 "[]"]
build (Cons _) index = [Leaf [Cons'] [index] 0 ":"]
build (UnitCon _) index = [Leaf [UnitCon'] [index] 0 "()"]
build (FunCon _) index = [Leaf [FunCon'] [index] 0 "->"]
build (ExprHole _) index = [Leaf [ExprHole'] [index] 0 "_"]
build a index = [Leaf [ListCon'] [index] 0 ("UnkownError in special con: " ++ show a)]

instance Builder Name where
build is idents len (Ident _ name) = [Leaf (idents ++ [Ident']) is len name]
build is idents len (Symbol _ name) = [Leaf (idents ++ [Symbol']) is len name]
build (Ident _ name) index = [Leaf [Ident'] [index] 0 name]
build (Symbol _ name) index = [Leaf [Symbol'] [index] 0 name]

instance Show Identifier where
show MethodDecl' = "MethodDecl"
show PVar' = "PVar"
show PLit' = "PLit"
show PList' = "PList"
show Signless' = "Signless"
show Negative' = "Negative"
show UnGuardedRhs' = "UnGuardedRhs"
show GuardedRhss' = "GuardedRhss"
show GuardedRhs' = "GuardedRhs"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -212,12 +244,25 @@ instance Show Identifier where
show IPBinds' = "IPBinds"
show Let' = "Let"
show PatBind' = "PatBind"
show PParen' = "PParen"
show PApp' = "PApp"
show PInfixApp' = "PInfixApp"
show ListCon' = "ListCon"
show ExprHole' = "ExprHole"
show Special' = "Special"
show Cons' = "Cons"
show UnitCon' = "UnitCon"
show FunCon' = "FunCon"
show PTuple' = "PTuple"
show PWildCard' = "PWildCard"

data Identifier =
| PVar'
| PLit'
| PList'
| Signless'
| Negative'
| UnGuardedRhs'
| GuardedRhss'
| GuardedRhs'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -252,3 +297,14 @@ data Identifier =
| IPBinds'
| Let'
| PatBind'
| PParen'
| PApp'
| PInfixApp'
| ListCon'
| Special'
| ExprHole'
| Cons'
| UnitCon'
| FunCon'
| PTuple'
| PWildCard'
23 changes: 16 additions & 7 deletions path-extractor/src/Demo.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,19 +8,28 @@ module Demo where
--buildPath [] rs = Path [] (head rs) (tail rs)
--buildPath ls rs = Path (tail ls) (head ls) (tail rs)

--const' :: a -> b -> a
--const' :: a -> (b -> (a))
--const' a b = a

letter val =
let val' = val * val
in val' - val
--letter val =
-- let val' = val * val
-- in val' - val

--(|<>|) :: Int -> Int -> Bool
--i |<>| i2 = i == i2

guards a
| a == 0 = 5
| otherwise = 6
--guards a
-- | a == 0 = 5
-- | otherwise = 6

--mathStuff :: Int -> Int
--mathStuff val = if val > 0 then 1 else 0
bigMethod val x y
| y > 0 = case val of
(Just (x:xs)) -> x * foldr (+) 0 xs
Nothing -> case x of
(_,b,v) -> y + y * b - val + head x
| head (reverse val) < 1 =
let b = y * y
in b + z + z
where z = 5
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion path-extractor/src/PathExtractor.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ data Options =
--width length includeSemiPath

defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions = (Options 3 8 False)
defaultOptions = (Options 6 18 False)

extractPaths :: FunctionNodes -> FunctionPath
Expand Down

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