The current human reference genome, GRCh38, is built from several individuals, most of whom are of Caucasian and African ancestry, which limits the genomic analyses of distinct populations. For example, some population-specific variants cannot be detected when comparing genomes with the reference.
An ideal way to address the limitation is to create a pan-genome, a representation of both the core and variably distributed genomes of a species. By better capturing unexplored or missed variants, pan-genomic analysis improves the decoding of the genetic basis of human diseases. Considering the computation complexity of assembling deep sequenced human genomes de novo and combining them, a feasible strategy for constructing a pan-genome is to focus on large insertion for a specific population.
Firstly, we aligned the sequencing reads of 486 Han Chinese to the GRCh38.p13 reference genome individually and gained reads that could not be mapped to the reference genome. The unaligned reads were assembled into contigs (continuous sequences). Any contigs identified as contaminants or mapped to GRCh38 were eliminated. Based on the alignment positions of contigs’ reads and mates to GRCh38, we classified these contigs into two types: placed and unplaced ones. The exact insertion breakpoints of the placed contigs were determined and the placed contigs were then separated into three parts: right-end-placed (REP), left-end-placed (LEP) and both-end-placed (BEP). Secondly, we compared the placed contigs against one another and clustered together the similar contigs that placed close to each other. Unplaced contigs aligned closely to the placed ones with high identities were also included in the placed clusters. Finally, the remaining unplaced contigs were clustered by cd-hit-est.
The name format of raw reads is Prefix+"_"+read_ID
, like K14_17534.
bwa index -p ref GRCh38_primary.fa
bwa mem ref read1.fq read2.fq > alignment.sam
samtools fastq -f 12 alignment.sam -1 R1_Unalignedmate.fq -2 R2_Unalignedmate.fq
samtools fastq -f 68 -F 8 alignment.sam > R1_alignedmate.fq
samtools fastq -f 132 -F 8 alignment.sam > R2_alignedmate.fq
samtools view -f 8 -F 4 alignment.sam > alignedmate_GRCh38.sam
megahit -r R1_Unalignedmate.fq , R2_Unalignedmate.fq, R1_alignedmate.fq, R2_alignedmate.fq -o sample_1
makeblastdb -in contaminations.fa -dbtype nucl -out contamination
blastn -db contamination -query contig.fa -outfmt 6 -max_target_seqs 1 -max_hsps 1 -out contig_contamination.tsv
makeblastdb -in GRCh38_alt.fa -dbtype nucl -out ref_alt_Id
blastn -db ref_alt_Id -query contig.fa -outfmt 6 -max_target_seqs 1 -max_hsps 1 -out contig_ref.tsv
bowtie2-build filteredcontig.fa contig_Id
bowtie2 -x contig_Id -U R1_alignedmate.fq, R2_alignedmate.fq -S readtocontig.sam
samtools view -h -F 2304 readtocontig.sam | samtools sort -n -O bam | bedtools bamtobed -i stdin | awk '{OFS="\t"} {print $4,$1,$6,$2,$3}' | sed -e "s/\/[1-2]//g" |sort > readtocontig.txt
samtools view -H alignedmate_GRCh38.sam | cat - <(awk 'NR==FNR{ a[$1]; next }$1 in a{ print $0 ; delete a[$1]; next }' readtocontig.txt <( samtools view alignedmate_GRCh38.sam )) | samtools sort -n -O bam | bedtools bamtobed -i stdin | awk '{OFS="\t"}{print $4,$1,$6,$2,$3}' | sed -e "s/\/[1-2]//g" | sort > pass_mates.txt
join -j 1 readtocontig.txt pass_mates.txt > mates_region.txt
Based on the alignment information, get the unambiguous placement for each contig.
samtools faidx GRCh38_no_alt.fa unambiguou_placement > GRCh38_Region.fa
samtools faidx contig_ID.fa LEP/REP_region > LEP/REP_contig.fa
nucmer --maxmatch -l 15 -b 1 -c 15 -p contig_ID GRCh38_Regions.fa REP_contig.fa/LEP_contig.fa
delta-filter -q -r -o 0 -g >
python --ref_name_id GRCH38.fa.fai --alignment_info --LEP_contigs LEP_folder --REP_contigs REP_folder --BEP_contigs BEP_folder --BEP_contigs_all all_BEP_folder
Please remove contigs in BEP_contigs_all folder from the LEP/REP folder. The remaining contigs are unplaced.
1.1. Get the placement locations of contigs
# For BEP contigs,
awk '{OFS="\t"} {split(FILENAME,b,"."); if($7=="reverse") print $2,$3-1,$5,$1"_"b[1],"-"; else print $2,$3-1,$5,$1"_"b[1],"+"}' BEP_folder/* |bedtools sort -i > BEP_contigs.bed
# For LEP/REP contigs,
awk '{OFS="\t"} {split(FILENAME,b,"."); if($4=="reverse") print $2,$7-1,$8,$1"_"b[1],"-"; else print $2,$7-1,$8,$1"_"b[1],"+"}' LEP/REP_folder/* |bedtools sort -i > LEP/REP_contigs.bed
1.2. Group contigs based on placement positions
bedtools merge -d 20 -c 4 -o distinct -i placed_contigs.sorted.bed > merge_contigs.bed
python --seq_path LEP/REP/BEP_seq_path --path_merge_bed merge_contigs.bed --path_rep save_rep_folder --path_contig save_cluster_folder
nucmer -p align_info rep.fa cluster.fa<br>
Save contigs that hit to representative (save folder: remain_cluster_folder
4.1. Align contigs to sequences that belong to the current clusters
makeblastdb -in remaining_cluster.fa -dbtype nucl -out remainingcontigs_Id
blastn -db remainingcontigs_Id -query othertype_contig.fa -outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid pident qlen slen length qstart qend sstart send mismatch g
apopen gaps evalue bitscore" -max_target_seqs 1 -max_hsps 1 -out othertype_contig.tsv
4.2. Obtain contigs that can be added to the clusters
# Two types of contigs
awk '{OFS="\t"}{if($3>99 && ($6-$13)/$4>=0.99 && ($6-$13) /$5>=0.8 ) print $2,$1}' othertype_contig.tsv > Ensure_contigs.txt
awk '{OFS="\t"}{if($3>99 && ($6-$13)/$5<0.8 && ($6-$13)/$4>=0.99 ) print $2,$1}' othertype_contig.tsv > candidate_contigs.txt
Remove some candidate contigs based on the placement of their linking mates. The remaining contigs are saved in pass_contigs.txt
, file format: Rep_ID pass_contig_ID
4.3. Add other types of contigs to the current cluster (contigs from Ensure_contigs.txt and pass_contigs,txt)
python --ensure_contigs -Ensure_contigs.txt -pass_contigs pass_contigs.txt --cluster_folder remain_cluster_folder --contig_path othertype_contig_path
5.1. For two contigs within 100 bp in the same orientation, align the two contigs
nucmer -f -p align_info left_placed.fa right_placed.fa
delta-filter -q -r -g -m -1 align_info >
show-coords -H -T -l -c -o > filterdalign_info.coords
Classify the alignment result into four situtaions:
situation1. The two representatives are identical identity.coords
situation2. One representative is contained, the identity cutoff is over 90% contained.coords
situation3. The ends of two representatives overlap in the correct arrangement and orientation overlap.coords
situation4. One representatives covering at least 50% of the other one part.coords
5.2. Update the alignment result
python --LEP_bed LEP_contigs.bed --REP_bed REP_contig.bed --Identity_path identity.coords --Contained_path contained.coords --Overlap_path overlap.coords --Part_align_path part.coords --save_folder updated_alignment_folder
5.3 Remove false-positive potentially merging clusters. for the fourth alignment result, further check wehther there is at least one contig shared by the two clusters.
nucmer -p Lrep_Rcluster REP_cluster.fa LEP_rep.fa
nucmer -p Rrep_Lcluster LEP_cluster.fa REP_rep.fa
delta-filter -r -q -g >
delta-filter -r -q -g >
show-coords -H -T -l -c -o > LEP_rep_REP_cluster_filter.coords
show-coords -H -T -l -c -o > REP_rep_LEP_cluster_filter.coords
Only REP_rep_LEP_cluster_filter/LEP_rep_REP_cluster_filter.coords reports CONTAINED/IDENTITY
can the alignment result be saved
Results are saved in updated_alignment_folder/final_part.txt
, file format: LEP_rep REP_rep New_rep.{r/l}
5.3. Merge LEP and REP representatives into longer single contigs
popins merge -c LEP_REP.fa <br>
Save files in merged/
5.4. Update the placed representatives and corresponding clusters
python --LEP_folder LEP_folder/ --REP_folder REP_folder/ --contigs_fai contigs_fai_path --LEP_cluster_folder LEP_cluster_folder --REP_cluster_folder --LEP_rep_folder LEP_rep/ --REP_rep_folder REP_rep/ --align_folder updated_alignment_folder/ --LEP_cluster_update_folder LEP_cluster_update/ --LEP_rep_update_folder LEP_rep_update --REP_cluster_update_folder REP_cluster_update/ --REP_rep_update_folder REP_rep_update/ --BEP_rep_folder BEP_rep/ --BEP_cluster_folder BEP_cluster/ --merged_contig_folder merged/
6.1 Align placed contigs against each other
makeblastdb -in all_placed.fa -dbtype nucl -out all_placed_Id
blastn -db all_placed_Id -query all_placed.fa -outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid pident slen qlen length qstart qend sstart send mismatch gapopen gaps evalue bitscore" -max_target_seqs 1 -max_hsps 1 -out all_placed_aligned.tsv
6.2 Obtain contigs that can be merged together
python --alignment_path all_placed_aligned.tsv --BEP_bed BEP_bed_path --LEP_bed LEP_bed_path --REP_bed REP_bed_path --pass_alignment placed_aligned.update.tsv
6.3 Generate the final placed representatives and clusters
python --placed_align_path final_aligned.txt --contigs_fai contigs.fa.fai --BEP_cluster_folder BEP_cluster_updater/ --LEP_cluster_folder LEP_cluster_update/ --REP_cluster_folder REP_cluster_update/ --BEP_rep_folder BEP_rep_update/ --LEP_rep_folder LEP_rep_update/ --REP_rep_folder REP_rep_update/ --BEP_cluster_update_folder BEP_final_cluster/ --LEP_cluster_update_folder LEP_final_cluster/ --REP_cluster_update_folder REP_final_cluster/ --BEP_rep_update_folder BEP_final_rep/ --LEP_rep_update_folder LEP_final_rep/ --REP_rep_update_folder REP_final_rep/
cd-hit-est -i remain_unplaced.fa -o unplaced_cluster -c 0.9 -n 8 <br>
bwa index -p new_ref_Id new_ref.fa<br>
bwa mem new_ref_Id read1.fq read2.fq > alignment.sam
java -jar picard.jar MarkDuplicates I=alignment.sam O=alignment.markdup.sam M=alignment.markdup.txt
java -jar picard.jar BuildBamIndex I=alignment.markdup.sam
gatk HaplotypeCallerSpark -R GRCh38_decoy.fa -I alignment.markdup.sam -O vcffile
bwa index -p common_seq_id common_seq.fa
bwa mem common_seq_id unaligned_reads.fa > alignment.sam
samtools view -h -F 2304 alignment.sam | htsbox samview -pS - > Filter_aligned.paf
vep -i contig_insertion_points.vcf -o contig_annotation --dir Cache_path --cache --offline --fasta GRCh38_primary.fa --species homo_sapiens --everything --plugin StructuralVariantOverlap,file=gnomad_v2_sv.sites.vcf.gz
bwa index -p other_genome_Id other_genome.fa
bwa mem other_genome_Id CPG.fa > alignment.sam