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A collection of functions used to analyze ancient DNA.

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            A proof-of-concept toolbox for ancient DNA


Author: Gustaw Eriksson

Date: 06-06-2019

Version: 1.0

Contact: [email protected]


aDNA Toolbox is a command-line toolbox applied on BAM-files, to be used for analyzing aDNA to illustrate concepts of C to T substitutions, patterns of overlapping reads and nucleotide frequency at the ends of reads. Furthermore, the toolbox allows the user to reconstruct aDNA molecules by reconstructing it with the use of MD-tags and CIGAR-string. The program was developed using Python version 3.7.1 and the Atom Editor version 1.29.0.

The program requires the use of samtools, which either can be downloaded locally from samtools website or using package manager. aDNA Toolbox was written with samtools version 1.9 using htslib version 1.9.

aDNA Toolbox also uses several Python modules. The version used were the following:

sys 3.7 subprocess 3.7 collections 3.7 matplot.pyplot 3.1.0 argparse 3.2 numpy 1.3.0


The program utilizes argparse, allowing the user to call inputting a BAM-file and call different analytic functions. Some of the functions allows the output the data in an output file which the user has to supply. If an output is not supplied, the output will be printed in the terminal. Other functions output the data in plot format in the user window. For further information on functions, flag and output format, please see below:

-h, --help Show help message

-v, --version Show program's version number

-b [BAM_FILE], --b [BAM_FILE] User BAM input file

-rr, --rr Output reconstructed reference seq. If output file is not supplied, output is printed in terminal window

-c, --c Output consensus sequence of reads. If output file is not supplied, output is printed in terminal window

-ct, --ct Output plot illustrating C to T substitution frequeny close to read ends. Outputs plot in user window

-ag, --ag Output plot illustrating A to G substitution frequeny close to read ends. Outputs plot in user window

-freq, --freq Output plot illustrating nucleotide frequeny close to read ends. Outputs plot in user window

-frw, --frw Allow forward reads to construct consensus sequence

-acl, --acl Allow all consensus sequence lengths, i.e allow not fully covered consensus sequences

-rf, --rf Allow reads with insertions and deletions in analysis

-over, --over Output figure of 3'-5' distance of overlapping sequences. Outputs plot in user window

-r [X-AXIS_RANGE], --r [X-AXIS_RANGE] X-axis range of output 3'-5' distance of overlapping sequences histogram. Default is -100-100

-o [OUTPUT_FILE], --o [OUTPUT_FILE] User output file

Flags can also be shown in the terminal by writing:

$ ./aDNA_Toolbox -h

The program is runned by the following command:

$ ./aDNA_Toolbox -b [BAM FILE] [-flag]

Besides calling the program and supplying a BAM-file, a flag with our without a output file has to be provided.


In its current state, the program will filter out reads containing soft (S in cigar) and hard clips (H in cigar), spliced ends (N in cigar) as well as padding (P in md) when calling the -ct, -ag and -freq flags.

The flags -frw and -acl which removes filters are not fully functional and increases memory use, i.e. removal of the filters increase runtime.

The program is still in development and is to be used with caution


A collection of functions used to analyze ancient DNA.






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