Solving a linear programming task by the method of parameter evolution
Main page
"Calc finish" message
No. It was my study project, and I just want to forget it :). But I'm ready to check any pull requests, or answer some questions.
- It's work
- Interface by fyne, so you could build it for any platform
- Simple statistic module, with output in csv format
Just add it to main.go
linprogtask.CalcRandom(10, 100, 100, "filepath", true)
And comment
program := _interface.InitInterface()
So main.go file should looks something like that
package main
import (
func main() {
//program := _interface.InitInterface()
//Disable logs
linprogtask.CalcRandom(10, 100, 100, "filepath", true)
Output of statistic module return data in csv format. So you can use any program you like, to open and analyze it. So you can save it to file, just use function CalcRandom, with filepath parameter.
Решение задачи линейного программирования методом эволюции параметра, все подробности выше!