Globally Install Node.js
Install yarn
npm install --global yarn
Install Wed3
sudo yarn install —g web3 optional
Truffle and Ganache are required to compile, test and deploy the smart contracts.
Install Truffle (the version is important)
yarn global add [email protected]
Install Ganache
sudo npm install -g ganache / npm install ganache --global
Install Ganache - cli
yarn global add ganache-cli / sudo npm install -g ganache-cli
To deploy egl, clone the egl_client repo, egl_genesis repo, and egl repo
Suggested file structure:
├── package.json
├── /egl_client
├── /genesis (egl_genesis)
├── /voting (egl)
create package.json in egl_master folder
"name": "egl_master",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"get-genesis-abis": "cd ./egl_genesis && yarn compile && truffle migrate && cp ./build/contracts/* ../egl_client/lib/contracts && cd ..",
"get-voting-abis": "cd ./egl && yarn compile && truffle migrate && cp ./build/contracts/* ../egl_client/lib/contracts && cd ..",
"get-abis": "yarn get-genesis-abis && yarn get-voting-abis",
"install-all": "cd egl_client && yarn install && cd ../genesis && yarn install && cd ../voting && yarn install && cd ..",
"dev": "cd ./egl_client && yarn dev",
"build": "yarn get-genesis-abis && get-voting-abis && cd ./egl_client && next build && next export",
"start": "yarn get-genesis-abis && get-voting-abis && cd ./egl_client && next start",
"rmabi": "rm -rf ./egl_client/lib/contracts/* && rm -rf ./genesis/build/contracts/* && rm -rf ./voting/build/contracts/*"
"author": "Greg Prouty",
"license": "ISC"
Install npm modules in each folder
yarn install
Make sure truffle and ganache-cli are installed globally
npm i -g truffle
npm i -g ganache-cli
Start ganache in a separate terminal
ganache-cli --port 7545 --networkId 5777
Deploy genesis contracts (in egl_master)
yarn get-genesis-abis
Navigate to the egl_client folder and start web app
cd ./egl_client
yarn dev
Add ganache to metamask (if haven't already)
Network Name: ganache-cli
Chain ID: 1337
Add one of the addresses (not 0 or 1) provided by ganache to metamask, should have 100 ETH
Participate in Genesis (click JOIN), send 10 ETH to close genesis
Once genesis is closed, copy the EGL Genesis address (logged by the deploy script), navigate to the voting/migrations/3_deploy_egl_voting.js, in the code section if (network === 'ganache') {}
replace eglGenesisAdress with the EGL Genesis deployed to address:
Navigate back to egl_master, deploy voting contracts
yarn get-voting-abis
Start the egl_client
yarn dev
Return to localhost:3000 in your browser, client should have voting abis and be fully functional
Start using EGL locally
congigure .env with a metamask pneumonic that is funded with ropsten ETH in both genesis and egl folders
Navigate to egl_genesis, deploy contracts to ropsten
yarn mig-ropsten
After contracts are deployed to ropsten, navigate to /genesis/build/contracts, copy all the abis (.json files), paste to /egl_client/lib/contracts
Contribute enough ropsten ETH to genesis to close the genesis.
navigate to /egl (voting contracts), copy the genesis address to the deploy script.
make sure there are two addresses in metamask that are funded with ETH
deploy voting contracts
yarn mig-ropsten
In egl_client, build production client
yarn build
After that is done, copy the /out folder to an S3 bucket, or any preferred deployment