This repo will install streama using ansible and/or cloud-init.
- Streama
- MariaDB
- nginx reverse proxy with a letsencrypt SSL certificate (can be configured)
- A Terraform script for an easy deploy on Hetzner and Cloudflare.
- Make sure the the latest streama version is packed. Currenly version 1.9.1 is packed. You can pack you own version by reading the readme here.
- Make sure vars.yml is correct for your use-case, especially the domains part.
- Delete secret.yml, then run:
ansible-vault create --vault-id db@prompt secret.yml
- put in the following data:
db_user_pass: `PASSWORD` db_root_pass: `PASSWORD`
- put in the following data:
- If you're using letsencrypt, make sure your DNS is correctly configured. (or use my Terraform script)
- If you're using cloud init be aware of the following:
- Cloud-init.yml pulls from this git repo, if you don't want this change the url inside the file. This is highly recommended because you don't know the password for secret.yml and this will probably make your installation fail.
- Put a database password in cloud-init.yml, instead of the default. The password will be deleted after cloud init finishes.
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
ansible-playbook --vault-id db@prompt main.yml
Everything was tested on on Ubuntu 18.04. Cloud init was tested on hetzner cloud.