- Alan : Git Master
- Scrum Master : Sherly
- Fun Master : Zac
- Cici : Project Manager
- Matt : Group Councilor
- Alan : External API, Redux & Testing
- Cici : Dropdown Menu for search bar and external API
- Zac : External API, toggle components in React
- Matt : React, Redux and external API
- Sherly : Google Maps, Passport on React/Redux, testing.
- User select location, date to get information about gigs available in an area.
- User can see a list of gigs available and click on them to view some information about that artist.
- If you select a gig, it will show you where the gig is playing using a map
- If you select a gig, there will be a link to buy tickets for the said gig.
- User can select the artists to be added into playlist.
- User can review and edit the artists list before submitting.
- User can login into their spotify accounts.
- Map based navigation to find gigs.
- Write our own songkick?
- Never push to Master, Alan sets his eyes on you.
- branches of Dev branch.
- Once feature complete, create pull request to merge from feature branch to Dev branch.
- Git master approves pull request and deal with git conflict before merging to Master
- Git master informs everyone to pull down Dev branch once the merges has been dealt with.
- Header
- Home
- Gig List
- Search
- Playlist
- Login
- Nav Bar