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The metadataFromGeodata is a Java application, which reads geographic and quality information from geodata files and creates metadata files. The application can be used to read OGC Geopackage files (, Esri Shapefiles (, and ASCII (csv) files linked to a Geopackage file.

The generated metadata is ISO 19115-1:2014 (Geographic information - Metadata and ISO 19157:2013 (Geographic information - Data quality compliant. Thus, the created XML files can be used as inputs for (geographic) metadata catalogues.

A xml file stores all read metadata and additionally a flattened sqlite database is generated. The latter serves as an extension point to generate output in other standard compliant formats.

This project is one result of the project GeoKur. Look at the project page for further information.

Publication: Some results of this tool were published at AGILE 2021. The paper can be found here . All examples from the paper are given in the folder examplesAGILE2021.


Use the IDE of your choice and build, e.g., a jar file. The package needs one argument - the filename of a property file. This file must contain all information to run the main method. An example is given in config/propertiesExample.txt. Precompiled jar files are given in the folder precompiledPackages.

Minimum content of a property file:

  • geodata = is the file name to geospatial data for metadata extraction
  • outXML = filenameOut.xml denotes file name for output in xml format. All extracted metadata follow the nested structure given in ISO 19115 and ISO 19157. If the file exists it is replaced without asking.

Optional content of property file for all formats:

  • profile = filenameProfile.json provides the path (absolute or relative to executing path + file name) to a Json profile containing the used metadata elements for all packages under org.geokur plus their obligation. Metadata elements that are not used in the profile can be instantiated, but a warning will occur. If a class is instantiated, but misses mandatory elements, a warning will occur. If the profile is omitted, a standard profile is used. This allows all ISO entries, none of which is mandatory. This results in a run without any notifications about missing or excess metadata elements.
  • outDB = filenameOut.db is the file name for a flattened view on metadata in SQLite format. If not given, no such file is created.
  • outRDF = filenameOut.ttl is the file name for mapped metadata to GeoDCAT ( compliant rdf format (turtle syntax). If not given, no such file is created.
  • rdfLinkBase = sets the basis of linked data, needed if an rdf file is requested.
  • allowedFileFormat = xxx defines a file extension to be allowed (interpreted in the DQ_FormatConsistency). This entry is allowed an arbitrary number of times.

In the case of an ascii file in csv format more content in the property file must be provided:

  • geodataReference = filenameGeodata.gpkg gives the file name of the geodata that serves as geographic base data for the recent ascii file. Currently only geopackage format is allowed.
  • geoTableName = tablename denotes a table in the geopackage to be interpreted. Multiple entries are allowed.
  • geoColNameJoin = columnName a column header in the geopackage. Multiple entries are allowed and are concatenated in the order of appearance. The resulting string is used to identify unambiguous elements within the tables in the geopackage.
  • asciiColNameJoin = columnName means the same like geoColNameJoin, but for the column names in the ascii file (can be different names). The order of the entries must be the same as in geoColNameJoin.
  • asciiColNameDefine = columnName these entries designate the column name for definition of temporal, thematic, or additional contents. Further analysis of data quality use these columns.
  • descriptionAsciiColNameDefine = thematic/temporal/additional gives the description whether columns in asciiColNameDefine are of thematic, temporal, or additional type. The order of asciiColNameDefine and descriptionAsciiColNameDefine must be given accordingly. Multiple entries for each type are allowed and will be concatenated internally.
  • asciiColNameIgnore = columnName indicates a column to be ignored. Multiple entries are allowed.
  • colJoinNumerical = true/false if the joining criteria can be interpreted numerically and at least one criterion can be interpreted as sequence a faster table masking version is tried.
  • colJoinSequential = true/false indicates whether the columns used to join the table entries to geographic entities can be interpreted as an incremental sequence. The number of entries shall be the same as geoColNameJoin or asciiColNameJoin.
  • postgresUse = true/false if true, a postgresql database is used to derive data quality elements from csv content -> faster and for larger files the only useful decision
  • postgresHostname = hostname for postgresql database
  • postgresDatabase = databaseName name of postgres database
  • postgresUser = userName name of postgres user
  • postgresPasswd = password for postgres user (can be left empty if login equals postgres user)
  • thematicMapping = true/false if true a mapping from thematic IDs according to a mapping dictionary is done.
  • thematicMappingFile = filename.csv ascii file with the mapping from the ID to a string.
  • thematicMappingColFrom = colname column name of IDs in thematicMappingFile.
  • thematicMappingColTo = colname column name of target strings in thematicMappingFile.


The metadataFromGeodata project is structured into several packages:

  • org.geokur contains the main method in the class MetadataGenerator.
  • org.geokur.generateMetadata contains central classes for each supported geospatial format (Geopackage, Asciidata, Shape).
  • org.geokur.ISO191xxProfile contains classes and exceptions for profiling the metadata schema for individual use cases.
  • org.geokur.ISO19103Schema contains classes from ISO 19103:2015 (geographic information - conceptual schema language). Only a small set of classes is included (Coordinate, DirectPosition, Record, RecordType). These classes are necessary for correct instantiating classes from ISO 19115 and ISO 19157.
  • org.geokur.ISO19107Schema contains classes from ISO 19107:2019 (geographic information - spatial schema). These classes describe the representation and manipulation of spatial characteristics of geographic entities. Only classes ISO 19115 and ISO 19157 refer to are included.
  • org.geokur.ISO19111Schema contains classes from ISO 19111:2019 (geographic information - referencing by coordinates). Included are only classes ISO 19115 and ISO 19157 refer to.
  • org.geokur.ISO19115Schema contains classes from ISO 19115-1:2014 (geographic information - metadata). Using these classes provides a standardized way for metadata representation.
  • org.geokur.ISO19115_2Schema contains classes from ISO 19115-2:2019 (geographic information - metadata - Extension for acquisition and processing). These classes extend ISO 19115-1 in regard to specific requirements for observational data.
  • org.geokur.ISO19157Schema contains classes from ISO 19157:2013 (geographic information - data quality). These provide comprehensive information about data quality of the described dataset. Referring to comparable data quality measures the data user can evaluate the dataset's fitness for the specific use.

Output File Structure

xml file

  • the root element is DS_DataSet according to ISO 19115
  • all namespaces from the ISO norms are declared
  • next element has is a field of class DS_DataSet and leads to the next element
  • MD_Metadata indicates one geospatial resource; shape files allow only one resource, geopackages enable an arbitrary number of resources and thus MD_Metadata elements

SQLite database

  • the database consists of several tables: datasets, namespaces, properties, and a metadata linking table plus metadata content table for each geospatial dataset (one in case of shape, possibly multiple in case of geopackage or csv)
  • datasets table lists all geospatial datasets
  • namespaces contains all used namespaces
  • metadata linking table (e.g., exampleGeo_gpkg_1) shows the nested structure of metadata elements and fields and links to metadata content via metadata_id
  • metadata content table (e.g., exampleGeo_gpkg_1_metadata) summarizes all metadata content
  • properties allows future extensions

rdf file

  • mapped content of xml file to GeoDCAT compliant turtle format
  • all namespaces from xml are included
  • each spatial entity is an own dataset
  • the structure of datasets is realised in rdf compliant way, the tree struture is given via dct:isPartOf

Extracted Metadata Elements

The following measures can be extracted. The specific quantities depend on the input format.

  • Basic Information: user name, role, uid, description, file creation date, last update
  • Reference System: spatial reference system (SRS) defining organization, SRS ID, SRS description
  • Structure of Spatial Data: metadata creation date, spatial representation type, environmental description, geographical extent in source SRS, geographical extent in standard SRS (WGS84, EPSG:4326), median resolution
  • Data Quality: counts and rates of missing items per attribute, counts and rates of excess items, polygons per area, count of temporal units, count of thematic units, empirical distribution parameters of various combinations of spatial- temporal-thematic units, format consistency, temporal consistency, non-quantitative attribute correctness
  • Metadata Contact: link to ISO standard

Java Libraries

  • commons-io 2.7 - Apache 2.0 license
  • jdom 2.0.6 -
  • sqlite-jdbc 3.32.3 - Apache 2.0 license
  • jts-core 1.17.0 - EDL 1.0, EPL 2.0 license
  • gt-geopkg 23.1 - LGPL license
  • gt-shapefile 23.1 - LGPL license
  • gt-epsg-hsql 23.1 - LGPL license
  • gson 2.8.6 - Apache 2.0 license
  • tika-parsers 1.2.5 - Apache 2.0 license
  • postgresql 42.2.18 - BSD 2-clause

Known Limits/Bugs

  • only geopackages are allowed as geographic source for ascii files
  • resolution of point data has a bug in case of globally distributed points (too large distance calculated)


The metadataFromGeodata project is licensed under the GNU LGPL.


Michael Wagner ([email protected])


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