Some services provided here.
This is not a stable service.
Please do not use it for commercial projects. Important files need to be backed up.
- Gitea: 1.4.2-1
- Sqlite3: 3.24.0-1
- Arch Linux: latest
- CPU: Intel Xeon E5606 (8) @ 1.196GHz
- Memory: 296MiB / 7960MiB
- HDD: 70G*2
Send a message containing your username and email, and I will return an account with a random password at first. If you did not join our group, you can open an issue here.
This is a caching for archlinux packages. It contains testing or rebuilding packages. You need to pay attention to them.
The package will be signed by my keyring which one you can install archlinuxcn-keyring
from archlinuxcn's mirror.
Then downloading the package to install.