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ExternalDNS Plugin CoreDNS Webhook


usage: external-dns-coredns-webhook [<flags>]

ExternalDNS CoreDNS webhook

  --help                    Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
  --version                 Show application version.
  --dry-run                 When enabled, prints DNS record changes rather than actually performing them (default: disabled)
  --log-format=text         The format in which log messages are printed (default: text, options: text, json)
  --log-level=info          Set the level of logging. (default: info, options: panic, debug, info, warning, error, fatal
                            The read timeout for the webhook provider in duration format (default: 5s)
                            The write timeout for the webhook provider in duration format (default: 5s)
                            Webhook provider port (default:
  --prefix="/skydns/"       Specify the prefix name
  --txt-owner-id="default"  When using the TXT registry, a name that identifies this instance of ExternalDNS (default: default)
                            Services are pre filter based on the txt-owner-id (default: false)

ENVs for Etcd

Name Description Default
ETCD_URLS Optionally, can be used to configure the urls to connect to etcd, comma seperated. "http://localhost:2379"
ETCD_USERNAME Optionally, can be used to configure for authenticating to etcd. ""
ETCD_PASSWORD Optionally, can be used to configure for authenticating to etcd. ""
ETCD_CA_FILE Optionally, can be used to configure TLS settings for etcd. ""
ETCD_CERT_FILE Optionally, can be used to configure TLS settings for etcd. ""
ETCD_KEY_FILE Optionally, can be used to configure TLS settings for etcd. ""
ETCD_TLS_SERVER_NAME Optionally, can be used to configure TLS settings for etcd. ""
ETCD_TLS_INSECURE Optionally, To insecure handle connection use "true", default is false. ""

Pre-filtering CoreDNS services based on ownerIDs

If you are running external-dns in multi cluster, you can use --coredns-pre-filter-external-owned-records and --txt-owner-id to ignore external created services, for example from a different external-dns.

Custom attributes

Coredns offers currently a single custom attribute:

  • Grouped records: