- Author: Geoffrey Aulombard - Java web-application developer student at OpenClassRooms
- A web application for traders.
- this app runs on port 80, then address is "localhost"
- the mySQL database runs on port 3306
- first, run the script data.sql located in src/main/resources/script
- second, run the script data-test.sql located in src/main/resources/script
- more information in the application.properties file located in src/main/resources
This is a Spring Boot Application, working with (check the pom.xml file to see all dependencies and versions)
- Java 11
- Spring Web
- Spring Security
- Spring DATA JPA
- Thymeleaf
- Bootstrap
- this application use the MVC pattern.
use the following command to run the app:
- mvn clean package
- mvn spring-boot: run
use ctrl+c in terminal to stop the program
use the following command to run the app:
- mvn clean verify