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Developer platform for improving technical communication via Web-RTC-enabled video responses to interview questions using rubber-ducking methods

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FullQuack Project (WIP -- MongoDB, Express, Node, React/Redux)

Despite ample ‘coding interview training’ sites/resources, many developers lack the experience to improve their technical communication to excel on job interview and whiteboarding questions.

Hello, and welcome to the wonderful world of FullQuack! Our client runs on localhost:3000, our express server runs on localhost:5000 (two terminals running npm run start), and mongoDB is currently set for the developer's local database, although an mLab URI can be substituted in server/config/keys.js.

Feel free to utlize our mLab URI @ mongodb://admin:[email protected]:19449/fullquackjust don't be surprised if we pop in some new datapoints here and there as we can't wait to do more refactoring ;)

Thanks in advance for your help, feel free to ask us anything about the code, and have fun!

Quack Quack!

--Jonathan, Andrew, and Jonah

Next Steps

  • Linking up already-created back-end routes to the front-end (more details in the Backend Routes section), including: liking/unliking, adding/deleting posts and comments, and deleting accounts.

  • Questions are currently displayed by recency, we'd like to add more filtering/sorting options, including popularity and tag-names (Javascript, Google Questions, roles, etc.).

  • Implementing Logout functionality in two ways: 1) User-controlled logout button; 2) Setting an expiration timeout on the backend for perhaps 24 hours after login (we realize this isn't a high-security app, so not nearly as vital as user-controlled logout). Redux holds the "iat" issued-at time for the User's token in the store, so a little Math (i.e., Time Now - Issued At Time = Time) could do the trick. IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENT NOTE: Because our login is based on jwt tokens in localstorage, until you add 'logout' features, to clear the current user, go in the console and type localStorage.clear();. Otherwise, you will be automatically redirected from registration/login pages to the main feed component.

  • Setting up our core functionality to record, re-watch, and download 'Quacks', AKA video/audio recordings of users' answers to programming/whiteboard questions. We are aiming to use (free and well-documented) in-browser video and/or audio recording APIs, particularly WebRTC (see Additional Info ).

Video Example

  • In terms of layout, we envision each question having a button that toggles an embedded video and/or audio widget, either in the main feed, or on a separate route/component, with a small embedded iframe below to type code as they record. Ultimately, our grander goal is to display (potentially host) all clips so that the community can view, comment, and vote on each others' quacks, similar to how on other code-training sites, users can see spoilers of others' solutions once they've submitted their own responses.

  • Speaking of our front-end design, our current animated duck background, made with inline CSS in client/public/index.html, was (lovingly) lifted from another artist for our demo. We want our own design using this duck as inspiration, adding more flexibility/functionality (one limitation of the current duck is that it prevents page-scrolling). In addition to time-based css animations, we want to make it also responsive to user actions, for example, a button click on a 'record-a-quack' button -- in addition to triggering our embedded video/repl iFrame -- simultaneously triggers a @keyframes animation loop (example) where our duck opens it's mouth to 'speak'. Additionally, the rest of our layout/design is hastily-added twitter bootstrap boilerplate classes. We'd love thoughtfully-designed 'question' divs, bright buttons, animated CSS bubbles, and of course, LOTS and LOTS of rubber ducks. Also, we'd like to implement input tag icons for our question tags which, despite a plethora of react-based npms, proved difficult for us:


  • We're also interested in implementing a merit-and-engagement-based points system (similar to Stack Overflow badges), 'verified' status for professional devs, and 'Staff Pick' responses.

  • While we don't mind seeing code snippets here and there on the site -- particularly necessary in the interview prompts as well as the previously mentioned coding widget -- we nontheless aim to limit code in comments, perhaps through strict limits on comment length, which can be handled via adjustments to server/validation (similar to our email/password validation handling). If users want to speak via code, they could potentially "Quack" back with a video and/or audio comment, just not with reams of code text.

Backend Routes

NOTES: Currently checkmarked routes have been successfully linked to our front-end, while unchecked routes are setup in mongo/express, ready to be hooked up to the client. There is a proxy setup in client/package.json which allows you to skip the localhost:5000 url prefix when making client-based http calls.

    • Register new user via POST @ '/api/users/register' -- returns new MongoDB object:
      email:[email protected] password:123456 password2:123456 name:Jonathan Schwartz
      validator handles validation (proper email format; passwords must match; min/max password length; required inputs must exist).
    • Login existing user via POST @ '/api/users/login' -- returns bearer token
      email:[email protected] password:123456
      passport and passport-jwt facilitates jwt authentication; bcrypt for password hashing.
    • Add a post (authenticated) via POST model @ '/api/posts/' -- returns new post:
      { "_id": "5bd0b0cceab29e88d1ecc0a6", "text": "You have a five quart jug and a three quart jug, and an unlimited supply of water (but no measuring cups) How would you come up with exactly four quarts of water?", "name": "Jonathan Schwartz", "tags": "Google, Brain-Teaser, Back-End" "user": "5bd0aad62634ee4a4a9d73ea", "likes": [], "comments": [], "date": "2018-10-24T17:50:04.725Z", "__v": 0 }
      validator ensures mandatory text field. Note: Additional fields (name) will be pulled via Redux State, not necessary in post request body.
    • Get all users' posts (Public) sorted by date, GET @ '/api/posts/' -- returns all posts, as array of Post objects:
      [ { "_id": "5bd0b39feab29e88d1ecc0a8", "text": "How do you find the missing number in a given integer array of 1 to 100?", "user": "5bd0a4652634ee4a4a9d73e2", "name": "Jonah Wilkof", "tags": "Big Four, Algorithm, Data Structures" "likes": [], "comments": [], "date": "2018-10-24T18:02:07.881Z", "__v": 0 }, { "_id": "5bd0b259eab29e88d1ecc0a7", "text": "How do you find the largest and smallest number in an unsorted integer array?", "name": "Andrew Catalano", "tags": "Arrays" "user": "5bd0aad62634ee4a4a9d73ea", "likes": [], "comments": [], "date": "2018-10-24T17:56:41.491Z", "__v": 0 }, { "_id": "5bd0b0cceab29e88d1ecc0a6", "text": "How do you reverse a singly linked list without recursion?", "name": Jonathan Schwartz, "tags": "Linked Lists, Data Structures, Node Interview", "user": "5bd0aad62634ee4a4a9d73ea", "likes": [], "comments": [], "date": "2018-10-24T17:50:04.725Z", "__v": 0 } ]
    • Delete a post (authenticated) via DELETE @ '/api/posts/:id -- returns:
      { "success": true }
    • Add a comment (authenticated) via POST @ '/api/posts/comment/:id -- returns:
      { "_id": "5bd0b259eab29e88d1ecc0a7", "text": "How do you find the missing number in a given integer array of 1 to 100?", "name": "Jonah Wilkof", "user": "5bd0aad62634ee4a4a9d73ea", "likes": [], "comments": [ { "_id": "5bd0b5caeab29e88d1ecc0aa", "text": "Excellent response, you spoke clearly from a high conceptual level then worked your way down.", "name": "Andrew Catalano", "user": "5bd0a4652634ee4a4a9d73e2", "date": "2018-10-24T18:11:22.624Z" }, { "date": "2018-10-24T18:11:22.624Z", "_id": "5bd0b5caeab29e88d1ecc0aa", "name": "Jonathan Schwartz", "text": "Watch your 'um' and 'likes' -- otherwise, great answer!", "user": "5bd0a4652634ee4a4a9d73e2" } ], "date": "2018-10-24T17:56:41.491Z", "__v": 1 }
      validator ensures mandatory text field. Note: Additional fields (i.e., name) will be pulled via Redux State, not necessary in post request body.
    • Delete a comment (authenticated) via DELETE @ '/api/posts/comment/:id/:comment_id -- returns updated Post
      { "_id": "5bd0b259eab29e88d1ecc0a7", "text": "How do you find the missing number in a given integer array of 1 to 100?", "name": "Jonah Wilkof", "user": "5bd0aad62634ee4a4a9d73ea", "likes": [], "comments": [ { "_id": "5bd0b5caeab29e88d1ecc0aa", "text": "Excellent response, you spoke clearly from a high conceptual level then worked your way down.", "name": "Andrew Catalano", "user": "5bd0a4652634ee4a4a9d73e2", "date": "2018-10-24T18:11:22.624Z" } ], "date": "2018-10-24T17:56:41.491Z", "__v": 1 }
    • Like a Post (authenticated) via POST @ '/api/posts/like/:id' -- returns updated post:
      { "_id": "5bd0b259eab29e88d1ecc0a7", "text": "How do you find the missing number in a given integer array of 1 to 100?", "name": "Jonah Wilkof", "user": "5bd0aad62634ee4a4a9d73ea", "likes": [ { "_id": "5bd0b7f8eab29e88d1ecc0ad", "user": "5bd0a4652634ee4a4a9d73e2", "name": "Jonathan Schwartz", "date": "2018-10-24T18:12:45.446Z", } ], "comments": [ { "_id": "5bd0b5caeab29e88d1ecc0aa", "text": "Excellent response, you spoke clearly from a high conceptual level then worked your way down.", "name": "Andrew Catalano", "user": "5bd0a4652634ee4a4a9d73e2", "date": "2018-10-24T18:11:22.624Z" } ], "date": "2018-10-24T17:56:41.491Z", "__v": 1 }
      Note: If user already liked the post, returns error; You can like your own post.
    • Unlike a Post (authenticated) via POST @ '/api/posts/unlike/:id' -- returns updated post:
      { "_id": "5bd0b259eab29e88d1ecc0a7", "text": "How do you find the missing number in a given integer array of 1 to 100?", "name": "Jonah Wilkof", "user": "5bd0aad62634ee4a4a9d73ea", "likes": [], "comments": [ { "_id": "5bd0b5caeab29e88d1ecc0aa", "text": "Excellent response, you spoke clearly from a high conceptual level then worked your way down.", "name": "Andrew Catalano", "user": "5bd0a4652634ee4a4a9d73e2", "date": "2018-10-24T18:11:22.624Z" } ], "date": "2018-10-24T17:56:41.491Z", "__v": 1 }
      Note: If the user has not already liked the post, returns error message.
    • Delete a user completely from Profile and Users collections (authenticated) via DELETE @ '/api/profile/' -- returns success message:
      { "success": true }

Additional Info

Video and Audio

Coding Challenge Sites and Front-End Layout Inspiration:

Rubber-Ducking Background Research:

Hack Reactor Rubber-Ducking Instructions:

  1. Prepare to record & time

Prepare your screencasting (both video and audio) setup all ready to go before de-obfuscating the problem statement. Prepare an audible countdown timer (say, the Clock app on your phone).

  1. Begin the problem

Go to and de-obfuscate the problem statement. Paste the problem statement into the work area in (replace the original, obfuscated version). Start your timer for: 20 minutes / TWENTY MINUTES Start recording.

  1. Do the problem in a structured way

Note: Since you are working by yourself, you have to mimic the live experience by asking rhetorical questions, then provisionally answering them yourself on behalf of your imaginary live interviewer. Ask those questions out loud anyway!


Developer platform for improving technical communication via Web-RTC-enabled video responses to interview questions using rubber-ducking methods






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