released this
15 Jun 10:56
inject the routing into the service container
decoupled routing cache key generation to make it customizable
optimized sfCompileConfigHandler and added unit tests
added possibility to use sfAPCCache without APC (same as sfNoCache)
added logger into service container for command
optimized sfPatternRouting cache with unserialise sfRoute objects on demand, huge gain with lookup_cache_dedicated_keys
added sf_cli core configuration
added default option --no-debug for tasks (usefull for project:optimize task)
used is_file
instead of file_exists
in sfFileCache, sfAutoload, sfApplicationConfiguration, sfProjectConfiguration and sfSessionTestStorage classes
added sfBaseTask::isVerbose() method
fixed "plugin:publish-assets" task generate absolute symlinks
fixed "project:optimize" task: file permissions, configurable environment and module generation
added task doctrine:compile to package the library into an unique cached file
added send event "application.throw_exception" when an exception occurs in a task
added exceptions catch in "cache:clear" task
added sfServiceContainer* classes to core_compile
cleaned some file class names, removed some require_once
fixed possible warning in sfWidgetFormSelectCheckbox
sfLogger implements sfLoggerInterface
added unit tests for yaml and event classes
added possibility to parse yaml for value when encoding is not utf-8
added sfWidgetFormDoctrineArrayChoice widget
added unit test for sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoice
added sfFormObject::saveObject() method
fixed sfValidatorFile error message for php.ini upload_max_filesize (inspired from Symfony2)
added sfForm::getErrors method
added possibility to set integer as name for named error
fixed: do not clone the form on embed anymore
removed unused sfWidgetFormSchemaForEach and sfValidatorSchemaForEach classes
added skip-build option to sfDoctrineCreateModelTablesTask (patch from @estahn )
better code coverage for sfWebRequest class unit tests
added parameters proxy to sfWebRequest::getClientIp() method (default true)
introduced trust_proxy option on sfWebRequest (default true)
added call to fastcgi_finish_request()
function if available on sfWebResponse::run() method
added possibility to launch bin/coverage task for only one class
added sfRequest::getOption() method
used SQLite 3 for php 5.3 or later, as it's required for php 5.4
fixed sfI18NTest for php version > 5.2
added possibility for preValidator to modify values
displayed form errors with sfTestBrowser->with(form)->hasError()
added sfValidatorEqual
added test_path option to sfLimeHarness (patch by @stephaneerard )
allowed '-' character in key for sfToolkit::stringToArray (patch by @eXtreme )
added sfValidatorChoice::isEmpty method to test if value is an array with only empty value(s) (inspired by patch of @antitoxic )
added sfWebRequest::getClientIp() method
added sf_upload_dir_name to config
added sfValidatorIp (extracted from symfony2)
removed usage of array_unique in getStylesheets and getJavascripts methods of sfWidgetFormDateRange
fixed sfDoctrineRecordI18nFilter::filterGet() do not return empty translation (patch from @mahono )
fixed possible warning in sfDoctrineConnectionProfiler (patch from @mahono )
added sfWidgetFormInputRead
added sfWebResponse::prependTitle() method
added options truncate_pattern and max_lenght arguments to truncate_text function in TextHelper
added sfBaseTask::withTrace() and sfBaseTask::showStatus() methods
removed usage of array_map in widget
fixed sfValidatorFileTest for PHP >= 5.3.7
injected sf_event_dispatcher, sf_formatter and sf_logger to core service container
introduced recursive form embed (fix many embed form issues)
formatted sfValidatorFile error with KB instead of Bytes for readability
added sfComponent::renderJson() method
added foreign field name for column in foreign key field form definition
removed first choice only if it's strictly an empty string in sfValidatorDoctrineChoice
added sfValidatedFile::resetType() method
enabled trim option by default on sfValidatorBase
throw real exception on sfValidatorSchema and sfValidatorSchemaFilter
return php result for copy and rename methods of sfFilesystem
added clearJavascripts() and clearStylesheets() methods to sfWebResponse
added clear_javascripts and clear_stylesheets functions to AssetHelper
fixed sfAction::setTemplate() to allow view exists only in plugin dir when the module action is extended in application
added sfServiceConfigHandler
imported sfServiceContainer component
replaced embedded swiftmailer by upstream submodule of swiftmailer 4.1
removed sfPropelPlugin
add sfNoMailer
class for application without mail
do no remove .* files when clearing the cache
Add helper __() to sfComponent to translate messages
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