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20181210 Community Meeting Minutes

Ewout Kramer edited this page Apr 30, 2024 · 1 revision

Time: 10:00-11:00 UTC (11:00-12:00 CET, 05:00-06:00 EST, 21:00-22:00 AEDT) Location: Join Zoom Meeting

R4 Progress

  • Brian has worked on integrating his changes in a PR, Marco will integrate those into the main line next week
  • Brian will cherrypick relevant things from the R4 PR into DSTU2, which we will then merge forwards.
  • Michel is working on the snapshot generator - Ewout will make sure he works on the right branch (either marco's or Brian's R4 working branches).
  • R4 will miss the 1.1-beta release, but we will probably have an alpha release ready before Christmas.

Markdown properties

  • Brian discovered that representing Markdown props as strings makes it completely invisible for the developer to see whether he/she is dealing with Markdown or plain sting. Also, if in FHIR an element changes type from string to markdown, you will not get a compile error. Brian strongly suggests we should have the property be of type Markdown, and so have a single property (not prop::string + propElement::Markdown).
  • The possible disadvantage is that this is inconsistent with what we do with FhirDateTime properties. We discover that the DateTime props should probably not have been strings - but we cannot fix that anymore. But let's not continue making that mistake -> we decide to have the Markdown props as a single property of type Markdown.

Version enum - representing enums starting with numbers

  • We have enums for which the members start with a digit. Currently, Brian is generating members with the number written out, like FhirVersion "one_0_0". We look on Google and find the suggested approach is to use "_", so it becomes FhirVersion "_1_0_0".

Refactor of validator

  • Ewout will continue work and schedule a meeting when there is something to report, prob. next week.

Meeting with MS team

We discussed how the MS team may contribute to the .NET API. Talked about focusing on:

  • Review the new parsing/serialization serialization framework.
  • Performance of the FhirPath engine
  • Performance of the new parser/serializer.
  • Turn improvements into PRs.

Agenda for next call

Action items

  • Marco is going to change the FHIR .NET API pipeline to build and test Vonk for each update of the API.
  • Brian will pull WebApi into a separate repository.
  • Ewout to set up a targeted meeting to discuss these different interfaces for WebApi
  • Brian will help on creating a section in the API docs on dealing with newer data for normative parts of the POCO's. (member may get removed, added, enums expanded upon etc.).
  • Ewout will add a label to the GitHub project to earmark issues that require a breaking change.
  • Ewout to schedule a meeting to show proposed changes to the internals of the validator
  • Marco to deal with PR802 next week
  • Brian will cherrypick relevant things from the R4 PR into DSTU2
  • Ewout will check which branch Michel is working on to upgrade to snapshot generator.
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