This repository contains code for generating anime character faces using GAN's
The dataset used in this repository is the courtesy of [1] and can be easily downloaded from here. The dataloader implementation is based on this tutorial.
Currently the generator and discriminator are a slightly modified version of the architectures mentioned in [3]. For generator network, input feature size is a 128 vector, no label embedding has been used as of now. The number of sub-pixel cnns is reduced to 2, since the input images are of size 64*64. For similar reasons, in discriminator network number of residual blocks has been reduced to 8 instead of 10. The discriminator outputs binary output representing wether the image is real or fake, unlike [3].
For training the modified loss function mentioned in [2] is being used. The latent variable z is being sampled from a uniform distribution.
Loss function:
[1] @online{chao2019/online, author = {Brian Chao}, title = {Anime Face Dataset: a collection of high-quality anime faces.}, date = {2019-09-16}, year = {2019}, url = {} }
[2] arXiv:1406.2661
[3] arXiv:1708.05509