Using a dataset of house prices from ( We aim to build an artificial neural network (ANN) optimized with Keras-Tuner.
♦The first model shows signs of heteroscedasticity then we tried several steps to improve the metrics and the understanding of the data set.
♦About the data set:
Number of rows: 21613
Number of columns: 21
We use 18 columns as features (inputs), 1 as target (continuous variable "price"), and drop 2
num_layers: 4
units_0: 243
activation: relu
dropout: False
lr: 0.00038877295727384804
units_1: 441
units_2: 234
units_3: 342
units_4: 252
units_5: 63
units_6: 45
Score: 72580.02265625
MAE: 71293.14455383993
MAPE: 0.12926294242315003
RMSE: 129690.04519255627
♦ The results show signs of heteroscedesticity so we perform a Breusch-Pagan Test (WLS.ipynb) wich confirms it (p-value = 0).
There are several ways to overcome heteroscedesticity, one of them is to try to transform the target.
We transform the target with Box-Cox (ANN_regression_Box_Cox.ipynb) and store its lambda value. After training the ANN we detransform using the inverse Box-Cox function with lambda the predicted values and obtain the metrics
MAE: 76957.75244332664
MAPE: 0.14025944529697412
RMSE: 141284.0378744411
Another solution may be to use a weighted least squares (WLS) model that we developed (WLS.ipybn) using the statsmodels library.
First we need to get MSE from the trained OLS model so that we can use it to assign weights as parameter in WLS.
OlS MAE: 125881.5718112254
OlS MAPE: 0.25561092052451
OlS RMSE: 201188.16048555568
WLS MAE: 118120.09129246318
WLS MAPE: 0.21997946214696784
WLS MAPE: 217696.18526827247
Although WLS performs better than OLS as it is supposed to do in this case, both models perform poorly compared to our ANN with MAE: 72580.02265625.
The idea is to build an unsupervised model (Segmentation1.ipybn) to segment the data before applying a regression model to predict the price. Hopefully, we will be able to differentiate complicated data sets from simple ones. We train an optimal Kmeans with K=13 which shows us that there are two groups of data (3,6) with a wider price range.
Then we separate the data in labels [3,6] and [0,1,2,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12] and build an ANN for each group
MAE: 61773.60449419276
MAPE: 0.1276305452895651
RMSE: 102346.97434221503
MAE: 189728.11892564403
MAPE: 0.14515582486390521
RMSE: 320830.6859570142
We treat heteroscedasticity as outliers
First sort the data and graph .95 quantile:
Build an ANN classifier to detect whether new data belongs outside (1) or inside (0) the 0.95 quantile
Loss: binary_crossentropy
num_layers: 16
units_0: 54
activation: relu
dropout: False
lr: 0.00010406284012562844
units_1: 234
units_2: 135
units_3: 261
units_4: 180
units_5: 261
units_6: 189
units_7: 81
units_8: 243
units_9: 36
units_10: 396
units_11: 18
units_12: 18
units_13: 18
units_14: 18
units_15: 18
Score: 0.04392734244465828
MAE: 65967.06092114073
MAPE: 0.14311744919508246
RMSE: 96768.70049794603
MAE: 303073.26987327187
MAPE: 0.1882879259314524
RMSE: 458908.4186139931
We classify all the data through our ANN classifier to predict whether they belong to the .95 quantile or not.
After classification we apply the correct ANN regression for their classes
Notice that there will be misclassified instances and we are interested in how the models will perform
For data classified as 0.95 quantile:
MAE: 42503.68199954071
MAPE: 0.09253917253987413
RMSE: 72454.40221470839
For data classified as 0.05:
MAE: 198023.983157277
MAPE: 0.12319025379957788
RMSE: 339525.5425219687
I noticed that there is an issue with the WLS formula in the statsmodels documentation.(
It is not clear whether we should apply w^2 or w, the first option works better in our WLS
There is an open forum on the case: