This is an app that visualizes the mempool activities in bitcoin core. The main branch contains the client side (frontend code) and the server branch contains the endpoints (backend code).
- Typescript (client)
- Rust (server)
- Nextjs (client)
- Chakra UI (client)
- ChartJs (client)
- Framer motion (client)
- bitcoinrpc (server)
- bitcoinrpc-json (server)
- Serde (server)
- Rocket (server)
This app works with Bitcoin core, So you must have it running on your machine.
Before running the server, modify your bitcoin.conf file to use the following rpc configurations:
First, run the backend server:
cargo run
cargo build && ./target/debug/server
Next start the client development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
[API routes] server can be accessed on http://localhost:8000/.