This is a simple API to call the Ollama API
You must first install Ollama on your computer
ollama := OllamaAPI new.
ollama model: OCodeLlamaModel new.
ollama model tag: '7b-code'.
ollama temperature: 0.1.
ollama num_predict: 30.
ollama top_p: 0.5.
ollama query: '<PRE><body>
<!-- here a table -->
ollama := OllamaAPI new.
ollama model: OCodeLlamaModel new.
ollama model tag: '7b'.
ollama temperature: 0.5.
ollama num_predict: 75.
ollama top_p: 0.5.
ollama query: 'Writte a comment that explain this function
[ollama := OllamaAPI new.
ollama model: OCodeLlamaModel new.
ollama model tag: '7b'.
ollama temperature: 0.5.
ollama num_predict: 100.
ollama top_p: 0.5.
ollama stream: true.
answer := ollama query: 'Hello world'.
reader := NeoJSONReader on: (ZnCharacterReadStream on: answer).
[ reader atEnd ] whileFalse: [
| val |
val := reader next.
Transcript crShow: (val at: #response).
(val at: #done) ifTrue: [ answer close ] ]] forkAt: Processor lowIOPriority
Metacello new
githubUser: 'Evref-BL' project: 'Pharo-OllamaAPI' commitish: 'main' path: 'src';
baseline: 'PharoOllama';
baseline: 'PharoOllama'
with: [
spec repository: 'github://Evref-BL/Pharo-OllamaAPI:main/src' ]