This is a client for the Jira REST API.
Metacello new
githubUser: 'Evref-BL' project: 'Jira-Pharo-API' commitish: 'main' path: 'src';
baseline: 'JiraPharoAPI';
The first step before querying is to connect to the Jira API.
On the official atlassian Jira, perform the following script:
jpAPI := JiraPharoAPI new.
jpAPI endpoint: '<your endpoint>'.
jpAPI basePath: '<basePath>/rest/api/latest/'.
jpAPI beHttps.
jpAPI user: '<Your usernam (can be email)>'.
jpAPI apiToken: '<Your apiToken>'.
If you still have a olf self-hosted Jira, you might want to use the following script.
jpAPI := JiraPharoAPI new.
jpAPI endpoint: '<your endpoint>'.
jpAPI basePath: '<basePath>/rest/api/latest/'.
jpAPI beHttps.
jpAPI bearerToken: '<Your personal token>'.
This project comes with an integration to the Moose environment. It comes with a specific importer for this purpose that simply the data analysis.
jpImporter := JiraPharoImporter new
model: JPModel new;
api: jpAPI;
jpImporter importAllIssuesOf: '<email of user>'.
jpImporter model
jpAPI issue: '<issue name>'.
We define the API to search issues using the JQL query language of Atlassian. We propose here some example but you can do a lot more.
issues := OrderedCollection new.
tmp := jpAPI searchIssueWithExpand: nil fields: {'*navigable' . 'created'} fieldsByKeys: nil jql: 'project = <projectName> and created > ''2023-01-01''' maxResults: 100 startAt: 0.
issues addAll: tmp issues.
[tmp issues isNotEmpty ] whileTrue: [
tmp := jpAPI searchIssueWithExpand: nil fields: {'*navigable' . 'created'} fieldsByKeys: nil jql: 'project = <projectName> and created > ''2023-01-01''' maxResults: 100 startAt: issues size.
issues addAll: tmp issues.
allJiraIssues := issues
issues := OrderedCollection new.
tmp := jpAPI searchIssueWithExpand: nil fields: {'*navigable' . 'created'} fieldsByKeys: nil jql: 'assignee = "[email protected]"' maxResults: 100 startAt: 0.
issues addAll: tmp issues.
[tmp issues isNotEmpty ] whileTrue: [
tmp := jpAPI searchIssueWithExpand: nil fields: {'*navigable' . 'created'} fieldsByKeys: nil jql: 'assignee = "[email protected]"' maxResults: 100 startAt: issues size.
issues addAll: tmp issues.
allJiraIssues := issues
user := '<username/email>'.
jqlQuery := String streamContents: [ :stream |
stream << 'assignee = "'.
stream << user.
stream << '"'
issues := OrderedCollection new.
tmp := jpAPI searchIssueWithExpand: nil fields: {'*all'} fieldsByKeys: nil jql: jqlQuery maxResults: 100 startAt: 0.
issues addAll: tmp issues.
[tmp issues isNotEmpty ] whileTrue: [
tmp := jpAPI searchIssueWithExpand: nil fields: {'*all'} fieldsByKeys: nil jql: jqlQuery maxResults: 100 startAt: issues size.
issues addAll: tmp issues.
allJiraIssues := issues.
jiraWithTime := allJiraIssues reject: [ :jiraIssue | jiraIssue timespent isNil ].
grouped := jiraWithTime groupedBy: [ :jiraIssue | jiraIssue created month ].
computedMean := OrderedDictionary new.
grouped keysDo: [ :key | computedMean at: key put: ((grouped at: key) sum: #timespent) / (grouped at: key) size ].
"To get a visualization"
c := RSCompositeChart new.
c add: (RSBarPlot new y: (computedMean values collect: #asSeconds)).
c horizontalTick fromNames: computedMean orderedKeys;
c verticalTick labelConversion: [ :v | v seconds ].
c xlabel: 'Month'.
c ylabel: 'Time spent'.
c title: 'Mean time spend by dev on jira issue'.
Another option is to assign a jira ticket to the first month work has been log on it
jiraWithTime := allJiraIssues reject: [ :jiraIssue | jiraIssue timespent isNil ].
grouped := jiraWithTime groupedBy: [ :jiraIssue | jiraIssue worklogs first created asDate month ].
sortedGrouped := (grouped associations asOrderedCollection sort: [:a :b | a key < b key]) asOrderedDictionary .
computedMean := OrderedDictionary new.
sortedGrouped keysDo: [ :key | computedMean at: key put: ((grouped at: key) sum: #timespent) / (grouped at: key) size ].
c := RSCompositeChart new.
c add: (RSBarPlot new y: (computedMean values collect: #asSeconds)).
c horizontalTick fromNames: computedMean orderedKeys;
c verticalTick labelConversion: [ :v | v seconds ].
c xlabel: 'Month'.
c ylabel: 'Time spent'.
c title: 'Mean time spend by dev on jira issue'.