AsyncIO viBER – Python library for easy creation of Viber bots Currently, Viber bots can only be works using webhooks.
Creating a viber bot is easy !
- Install the library with
pip install git+
or using git - From aiober import Bot and Dispatcher to your projects
- Build a simple script like in Example
- Make viber bot here
- Using ngrok make your address global (for webhooks)
- Run your script
- Open Postman and make post request to with data
{"url":"https://your-domain/update, "auth_token": "auth-token"}
for set webhook to viber bot Good, webhook is registred !
import asyncio
from aiober import Bot, Dispatcher
from aiober.types import Message
bot = Bot('auth-token')
dp = Dispatcher(bot=bot)
# router
async def echo(message: Message):
await message.copy_to(
async def main():
# start webhook
await dp.start_webhook(