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ArcGIS Knowledge protobuf definitions for working with Knowledge REST endpoints


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The majority of knowledge graph server REST end points use protocol buffers as a mechanism for serializing structured data during request and response phases of the REST end point.



  • protobuf definitions to work with Knowledge Graph Service REST endpoints
  • scripts to build proto files into language specific helper classes


  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Build or download google's protoc.exe compiler. Instructions here
  3. Build proto files using the build script.



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What is Protobuf?

JSON as a conduit to request and recieve response data is a very verbose format. The most expensive component is serializing and deserializing JSON. Protocol buffers, or Protobuf, is a binary format created by Google to serialize data between dfferent services. It is simpler, smaller, faster and more maintainable than JSON or XML.

Learn more about protocol buffers here:

This repository holds the protobuf definitions of the structured data sent during request and response phases of HTTP messages.

There is also easy language integration. We will provide a mechanism to generate serialization/deserialization code in different languages including C#/C++/JAVA/JS/Python. More languages can also be added as needed using Google protocol buffer compiler.

Optimized For Speed

The Knowledge Graph Service (KGS) has designed the REST end points for performance. Protobuf gives us lossless compression. Moreover, we have made specific data type and design choices to minimize the protobuf payload during transfer.

As a result, there are a number of nuances and contracts that a client must consider when working directly with KGS REST end points. They are outlined below.

Compiling protobuf files

We have provided a powershell script build.ps1 that will generate the encoding / decoding classes for the following languages:

  • C++
  • C++ DLL Export
  • C#
  • Python
  • Java

This script has only been tested against Windows 10 platform. It requires the existence of a protoc.exe compiler in the bin directoy of this repository. There are further instructions on how and where to acquire the compiler in the of the bin directory.

To compile encoding / decoding classes in JavaScript, we have provided a jsbuild.ps1 script under the KnowledgeGraph directory. Please invloke jsbuild.ps1 from the root directory of the repository. This script will generate a bundled classes in EsriKnowledgeGraph.js & EsriKnowledgeGraph.min.js

How to execute a query request

The Knowledge Graph Service query REST end point is located under the graph resource:


The query request is defined in the QueryRequest.proto file as follows (as of 10.9.1):

message GraphQueryRequest {
	string open_cypher_query = 1;

	// 4/7/2020: `parameters` can only contain combinations of:
	//    - primitive values
	//    - array values
	//    - homogeneous arrays
	//    - anonymous objects
	// We'll throw a runtime error if the following are encountered:
	//    - entity values
	//    - relationship values
	map<string, AnyValue> parameters = 2;

	EsriTypes.esriFeatureEncoding feature_encoding = 3;
	EsriTypes.SpatialReference out_sr = 4;
	EsriTypes.DatumTransformation datum_transformation = 5;
	bool apply_vcs_projection = 6;
	QuantizationParameters quantization_parameters = 7;

	// Only applies to geometries sent by the client to the server
	Transform input_transform = 8;


GET query requests do not support a binary body. In other words, GET requests only support passing query parameters on the URL.

A GET query request will not stream the query response back to the client. Moreover, the number of rows returned will abide by the max records defined on the service definition.


Query POST requests support passing a binary body on the query request itself as well as parameters on the URL.

PBF Body

The public proto repository contains helper scripts to generate PBF encoding/decoding classes in a variety of languages. We can use these encoding classes to encode a PBF GraphQueryRequest object, whose binary representation can be placed in the request body. Be sure to set the Content-Type on the request header to application/octet-stream to indicate the body is an unknown binary file.

When a POST request with a PBF binary body is sent to the Knowledge Graph Service (KGS), the response will be streamed.

How to read the response

The query response can be returned in HTML output or as PBF. We do not support a JSON response by design.


The response may be compressed according to the chart below


Encoding of query response

The query response contains 1 GraphQueryResultHeader and 0..N GraphQueryResultFrame. Every GraphQueryResultFrame contains 0..N GraphQueryRow.

The tables below describes the encoding of QueryResponse

When the response is gzip compressed:

Segment no. Size (bytes) Type Content Value alias
0 variable uint64 (varint encoding) Size of header message SzHdr
1 SzHdr GraphQueryResultHeader
(2 * K) + 2 variable uint64 (varint encoding) Size of GraphQueryResultFrame message SzRec(K)
(2 * K) + 1 + 2 SzRec(K) GraphQueryResultFrame

When the response is not gzip compressed:

When the response if not gzip compressed, the individual GraphQueryResultFrame messages will be gzip compressed.

Segment no. Size (bytes) Type Content Value alias
0 variable uint64 (varint encoding) Size of header message SzHdr
1 SzHdr GraphQueryResultHeader
(2 * K) + 2 variable uint64 (varint encoding) Size of gzip compressed GraphQueryResultFrame message GzipSzRec(K)
(2 * K) + 1 + 2 GzipSzRec(K) gzip compressed GraphQueryResultFrame


From the response, the client must first decode the header. The header is not compressed, and can be decoded using the usual protobuf helper classes.

For example, in Java it may look as follows:

QueryResponse.GraphQueryResultHeader header = QueryResponse.GraphQueryResultHeader.parseDelimitedFrom(responseStream);

Let's inspect the proto header definition:

message GraphQueryResultHeader {
	uint64 data_model_timestamp = 1; // UTC UNIX epoch in milliseconds
	Transform transform = 2;
	Error error = 3; // optional
	repeated string field_names = 4;
	bool compressed_frames = 5;

Amongst other information, the query response header will indicate whether the following response frames are compressed. The client will need to consume this boolean and choose whether to decompress the frames prior to decoding them.

Result Frames

The http response header will indicate the Content-Encoding: gzip and the content-length determines the number of compressed bytes. The return format can either be HTML or PBF.

After decompressing the response, if PBF, the client will be responsible for decoding the PBF into a usable object in the language of their choice.


If streaming, the http response header will indicate the response is streaming by either setting the X-Esri-Stream-Response attribute to 'true' or by setting Content-Type attribute to application/x-protobuf and Transfer-Encoding to Chunked. As a client, you can continue to read the result frames until they are null.

Empty Result Frames (AKA: Heart Beat)

If streaming, clients should expect to receive empty result frames (GraphQueryResultFrame with 0 rows). Empty result frames are written in response stream to keep the http connection alive while server is busy querying the next row. An empty result frame does not indicate end of streaming instead client must continue to read the stream until they receive a null result frame.

Error Handling

A GET request packages all rows into a single result frame up to the max number of rows as indicated by the service definition property maxRecordCount. A POST request does not guarantee the number of rows packaged in a result frame, and may be 0..N rows.

When an error occurs while processing rows, the Error error parameter of the result frame will be set, and no more rows will be processed. That is we short-circuit processing once we encounter an error condition. The ensuing result frame includes rows processed before the error and the error itself.

How to execute an apply edits request

The Knowledge Graph Service applyEdits REST end point is located under the graph resource:



ApplyEdits is a POST only operation and its input parameters must be passed as PBF binary body on the post request. Be sure to set the Content-Type on the request header to application/octet-stream to indicate the body is an unknown binary file.

PBF Body

PBF messages required to construct the input parameters are defined in the ApplyEditsRequest.proto file.

Encoding of input parameters as PBF binary

ApplyEdits request's input PBF binary must contain 1 uncompressed GraphApplyEditsHeader and 0..N compressed GraphApplyEditsFrame. Every GraphApplyEditsFrame contains entities and relationships for adds, updates and deletes.

GraphApplyEditsHeader PBF message
message GraphApplyEditsHeader {
	EsriTypes.SpatialReference spatialReference = 1;

	// Set useGlobalIDs to True if all the named objects referenced in the request are identified by GlobalID.
	// This applies to Updates and Deletes. 
	// If useGlobalIds=True, the server will return an error if the client is attempting to update or delete a named object by ObjectID.
	// Conversely, if useGlobalIds=False, the server will return an error if the client is attempting to update or delete a named object by GlobalID.
	bool useGlobalIDs = 2;

	// Set cascade_delete to True for automatically deleting all relationships connected to an entity before deleting the entity.
	// If cascade_delete=False, the client will have to provide both entities and their connected relationships for deletion, else ApplyEdits operation will fail.
	bool cascade_delete = 3; // default value of cascade_delete is false.

	// Only applies to geometries sent by the client to the server.
	Transform input_transform = 4;
GraphApplyEditsFrame PBF message
message GraphApplyEditsFrame {
	graph.Adds adds = 1;
	graph.Updates updates = 2;
	graph.Deletes deletes = 3;

The tables below describes the encoding of ApplyEdits input request

Segment no. Size (bytes) Type Content Value alias
0 variable uint64 (varint encoding) Size of header message SzHdr
1 SzHdr GraphApplyEditsHeader
(2 * K) + 2 variable uint64 (varint encoding) Size of gzip compressed GraphApplyEditsFrame message GzipSzRec(K)
(2 * K) + 1 + 2 GzipSzRec(K) gzip compressed GraphApplyEditsFrame

How to read an apply edits response

The ApplyEdits operation supports only PBF response. We do not support a JSON response by design. The response PBF contains 1 compressed GraphApplyEditsResult objects.

GraphApplyEditsResult PBF message

message GraphApplyEditsResult {
Error error = 1; // to be used in case there was a non-entity/rel-specific reason for the failure

// grouped by named object type name
map<string, EditResults> entity_add_results = 2;
map<string, EditResults> relationship_add_results = 3;

// grouped by named object type name
map<string, EditResults> entity_update_results = 4;
map<string, EditResults> relationship_update_results = 5;

// grouped by named object type name
map<string, EditResults> entity_delete_results = 6;
map<string, EditResults> relationship_delete_results = 7;

// grouped by relationship type name
map<string, CascadingRelationshipDeletes> cascading_relationship_delete_results = 8;

// grouped by relationship type name
map<string, RelationshipTypeSchemaChanges> rel_type_schema_changes = 9;

PBF messages required to read the response objects are defined in the ApplyEditsResponse.proto file.


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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

A copy of the license is available in the repository's license.txt file.