Looking for Opportunity as a DevOps Engineer, Build Release Engineer, Site Reliability Engineer, and Platform/Cloud Engineer.
Highly proficient in Devops tools like Docker, Kubernetes, Helm, Ansible, Terraform, Jenkins, Git etc; and vast knowledge and application of AWS, GCP and Azure clouds.
🌱 I’m currently looking for opportunity in Devops/SRE
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Cloud Native Projects
🤝 I’m looking for help with Devops
💬 Ask me about Devops & Automation
Git, GitHub, GitLab, Linux, AWS, Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Ansible, Terraform, Prometheus, Grafana, DataDog, Nagios, EFK/ELK, Hashicorp Vault, AWS Cloud, Python, MySQL, VS Code, GitHub Actions,Jira, SonarQube, Sonatype Nexus, Nginx, Maven, Tomcat and so many others.
- I work on DevOps, Microservices, containers, and everything around it.
- I’m looking to collaborate on Cloud-native Projects