Implementing Multi-level attention spatio-temporal network for mobile traffic prediction using Keras.
Mobile traffic data is released by Telecom Italia and the data can be acquired here.
You can download the first 7 days of November as demo for testing the code.
- run : src> python ../data/raw ../data/processed
to calculate series distance, run: src> python
notice that series distance is calculated based on weekly average traffic series, so if using only 7 days as demo for testing, the whole demo data will be used to calculate series distance
to generate weight matrix, run: src>python
to train and test data set for the model, run : src >python
test_len is specified in this py file
src> python
model type is specified by the parameter modelbase
baseline model STN(spatio-temporal network that incoporating 3Dconv and convlstm for forecasting)$[3]$
- make dataset: src > python
- train and evaluate: src > python
baseline mode ARIMA:
- run: src > python
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- 2.Yuxuan Liang, Songyu Ke, Junbo Zhang, Xiuwen Yi, Yu Zheng, "GeoMAN: Multi-level Attention Networks for Geo-sensory Time Series Prediction", IJCAI, 2018.
- 3.Zhang C , Patras P . Long-Term Mobile Traffic Forecasting Using Deep Spatio-Temporal Neural Networks[J]. 2017.