This is a microservice example. I have been studying Golang for a while and I am doing this project to show what I have learned in process.
This Project was developed with the following technologies:
- Golang v1.16 - Stable version of go
- Fiber - Web framework
- gRPC - RPC framework
- Kafka - Kafka library in Go
- Docker - Docker
- Prometheus - Prometheus
- Grafana - Grafana
- Jaeger - Jaeger tracing
- Gorm - ORM library for Golang
git clone
cd kbu-store
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec app bash
# Database migration
make migrate.up
# Create env file
make env
docker-compose exec app bash
# Start http server
make start.http
# Start gRPC server
make start.grpc
Swagger UI:
Jaeger UI:
Prometheus UI:
Grafana UI:
Kafka Control Center:
gRPC Service:
docker-compose exec app bash
evans -r repl