EasyVCR is a library for recording and replaying HTTP interactions in your test suite.
This can be useful for speeding up your test suite, or for running your tests on a CI server which doesn't have connectivity to the HTTP endpoints you need to interact with.
Add this to your project's POM:
Add this to your project's build file:
implementation "com.easypost:easyvcr:0.5.3"
- Java 8's HttpUrlConnection
Run your test suite locally against a real HTTP endpoint in recording mode
import com.easypost.easyvcr;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.Cassette;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.Mode;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.clients.httpurlconnection.RecordableHttpsURLConnection;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.clients.httpurlconnection.RecordableURL;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a cassette to handle HTTP interactions
Cassette cassette = new Cassette("path/to/cassettes", "my_cassette");
// create a RecordableURL using the cassette
RecordableURL recordableURL = new RecordableURL("https://www.example.com", cassette, Mode.Record);
// open the connection to get a Http(s)URLConnection
RecordableHttpsURLConnection connection = recordableURL.openConnectionSecure();
// A RecordableHttp(s)URLConnection extends a normal Http(s)URLConnection, so you can use it as you would a normal Http(s)URLConnection
int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode();
Real HTTP calls will be made and recorded to the cassette file.
Switch to replay mode:
import com.easypost.easyvcr;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.Cassette;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.Mode;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.clients.httpurlconnection.RecordableHttpsURLConnection;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.clients.httpurlconnection.RecordableURL;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a cassette to handle HTTP interactions
Cassette cassette = new Cassette("path/to/cassettes", "my_cassette");
// create a RecordableURL using the cassette
RecordableURL recordableURL = new RecordableURL("https://www.example.com", cassette, Mode.Replay);
// open the connection to get a Http(s)URLConnection
RecordableHttpsURLConnection connection = recordableURL.openConnectionSecure();
// A RecordableHttp(s)URLConnection extends a normal Http(s)URLConnection, so you can use it as you would a normal Http(s)URLConnection
int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode();
Now when tests are run, no real HTTP calls will be made. Instead, the HTTP responses will be replayed from the cassette file.
: Play back a request if it has been recorded before, or record a new one if not. (default mode forVCR
: Record a request, including overwriting any existing matching recording.Mode.Replay
: Replay a request. Throws an exception if no matching recording is found.Mode.Bypass
: Do not record or replay any requests (client will behave like a normal HttpClient).
comes with a number of features, many of which can be customized via the AdvancedOptions
Censor sensitive data in the request and response, such as API keys and auth tokens.
Can censor:
- Request and response headers (via key name)
- Request and response bodies (via key name) (JSON only)
- Request query parameters (via key name)
- Request URL path elements (via regex pattern matching)
Default: Disabled
import com.easypost.easyvcr;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.AdvancedSettings;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.Cassette;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.CensorElement;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.Censors;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.Mode;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.clients.httpurlconnection.RecordableHttpsURLConnection;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.clients.httpurlconnection.RecordableURL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Cassette cassette = new Cassette("path/to/cassettes", "my_cassette");
AdvancedSettings advancedSettings = new AdvancedSettings();
List<String> headersToCensor = new ArrayList<>();
headersToCensor.add("Authorization"); // Hide the Authorization header
advancedSettings.censors = new Censors().censorHeadersByKeys(headersToCensor);
advancedSettings.censors.censorBodyElements(new ArrayList<>() {{
add(new CensorElement("table", true)); // Hide the table element (case-sensitive) in the request and response body
advancedSettings.censors.censorPathElementsByPattern(new ArrayList<>() {{
add(".*\\d{4}.*"); // Hide any path element that contains 4 digits
// or
advancedSettings.censors =
Censors.strict(); // use the built-in strict censoring mode (hides common sensitive data)
RecordableURL recordableURL =
new RecordableURL("https://www.example.com", cassette, Mode.Replay, advancedSettings);
RecordableHttpsURLConnection connection = recordableURL.openConnectionSecure();
Simulate a delay when replaying a recorded request, either using a specified delay or the original request duration.
Default: No delay
import com.easypost.easyvcr;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.AdvancedSettings;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.Cassette;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.Mode;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.clients.httpurlconnection.RecordableHttpsURLConnection;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.clients.httpurlconnection.RecordableURL;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Cassette cassette = new Cassette("path/to/cassettes", "my_cassette");
AdvancedSettings advancedSettings = new AdvancedSettings();
advancedSettings.manualDelay = 1000; // Simulate a delay of 1000 milliseconds when replaying
advancedSettings.simulateDelay = true; // Simulate a delay of the original request duration when replaying (overrides manualDelay)
RecordableURL recordableURL = new RecordableURL("https://www.example.com", cassette, Mode.Replay, advancedSettings);
RecordableHttpsURLConnection connection = recordableURL.openConnectionSecure();
Set expiration dates for recorded requests, and decide what to do with expired recordings.
Default: No expiration
import com.easypost.easyvcr;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.AdvancedSettings;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.Cassette;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.ExpirationActions;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.Mode;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.TimeFrame;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.clients.httpurlconnection.RecordableHttpsURLConnection;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.clients.httpurlconnection.RecordableURL;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Cassette cassette = new Cassette("path/to/cassettes", "my_cassette");
AdvancedSettings advancedSettings = new AdvancedSettings();
advancedSettings.timeFrame =
new TimeFrame(30, 0, 0, 0); // Any matching request is considered expired if it was recorded more than 30 days ago
// or
advancedSettings.timeFrame =
TimeFrame.months12(); // Any matching request is considered expired if it was recorded more than a year ago
advancedSettings.whenExpired = ExpirationActions.ThrowException; // Throw exception if the recording is expired
RecordableURL recordableURL =
new RecordableURL("https://www.example.com", cassette, Mode.Replay, advancedSettings);
RecordableHttpsURLConnection connection = recordableURL.openConnectionSecure();
Customize how a recorded request is determined to be a match to the current request.
Default: Method and full URL must match
import com.easypost.easyvcr;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.AdvancedSettings;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.Cassette;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.MatchRules;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.Mode;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.clients.httpurlconnection.RecordableHttpsURLConnection;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.clients.httpurlconnection.RecordableURL;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Cassette cassette = new Cassette("path/to/cassettes", "my_cassette");
AdvancedSettings advancedSettings = new AdvancedSettings();
advancedSettings.matchRules = new MatchRules().byBody().byHeader("X-My-Header"); // Match recorded requests by request body (i.e. POST data) and a specific header
// or
advancedSettings.matchRules = MatchRules.strict(); // use the built-in strict matching mode (matches by method, full URL and request body; useful for POST/PATCH/PUT requests)
RecordableURL recordableURL =
new RecordableURL("https://www.example.com", cassette, Mode.Replay, advancedSettings);
RecordableHttpsURLConnection connection = recordableURL.openConnectionSecure();
Have EasyVCR integrate with your custom logger to log warnings and errors.
Default: Logs to console
import com.easypost.easyvcr;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.AdvancedSettings;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.Cassette;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.MatchRules;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.Mode;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.clients.httpurlconnection.RecordableHttpsURLConnection;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.clients.httpurlconnection.RecordableURL;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Cassette cassette = new Cassette("path/to/cassettes", "my_cassette");
AdvancedSettings advancedSettings = new AdvancedSettings();
advancedSettings.logger = new MyCustomLogger(); // Have EasyVCR use your custom logger when making log entries
RecordableURL recordableURL =
new RecordableURL("https://www.example.com", cassette, Mode.Replay, advancedSettings);
RecordableHttpsURLConnection connection = recordableURL.openConnectionSecure();
In addition to individual recordable HttpClient instances, EasyVCR
also offers a built-in VCR, which can be used to easily switch between multiple cassettes and/or modes. Any advanced settings applied to the VCR will be applied on every request made using the VCR's HTTP client.
import com.easypost.easyvcr;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.AdvancedSettings;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.Cassette;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.Censors;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.Mode;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.VCR;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.clients.httpurlconnection.RecordableHttpsURLConnection;
import com.easypost.easyvcr.clients.httpurlconnection.RecordableURL;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
AdvancedSettings advancedSettings = new AdvancedSettings();
List<String> censoredQueryParams = new ArrayList<String>();
censoredQueryParams.add("api_key"); // hide the api_key query parameter
advancedSettings.censors = new Censors().hideQueryParameter(censoredQueryParams);
// Create a VCR with the advanced settings applied
VCR vcr = new VCR(advancedSettings);
// Create a cassette and add it to the VCR
Cassette cassette = new Cassette("path/to/cassettes", "my_cassette");
// Set the VCR to record mode
// Get a RecordableURL instance from the VCR
RecordableURL recordableURL = vcr.getHttpUrlConnection("https://www.example.com");
// Use the client as you would normally.
RecordableHttpsURLConnection connection = recordableURL.openConnectionSecure();
// Remove the cassette from the VCR
# Build project
mvn clean install -DskipTests -Dgpg.skip
# Run tests
mvn clean test -B
# Run tests with coverage
mvn clean test -B jacoco:report
The test suite in this project was specifically built to produce consistent results on every run, regardless of when they run or who is running them.
The cassettes used in the test suite are stored in a "cassettes" directory in the project root. Most of the cassettes produced by the test suite are erased and recreated on each run. Nevertheless, the test suite may complain if the cassettes are not present, so please do not delete them manually.
- C# EasyVCR, upon which this library is based
- Scotch by Martin Leech, whose core functionality inspired the C# version of EasyVCR