Commands for handling a zettelkasten with Luhmann-style IDs (e.g: 12a56g) as filenames
Creates a note under the current note, e.g: If run from "", "" (or the next available sibling) will be created.
If you have text selected, that will be used as the title for your new note. Otherwise, you will be prompted to enter a title.
Creates a note next to the current note, e.g: If run from "", "" (or the next available sibling) will be created.
If you have text selected, that will be used as the title for your new note. Otherwise, you will be prompted to enter a title.
Allows you to search for files by their inner markdown title (i.e: the first H1 found within the note)
Lets you search by markdown titles like the "Open zettel" command above, but inserts a link to the file instead of opening it.