- Enter
to compile the project and report in normal mode - Enter
make report
to compile only the report - Enter
make max
to compile only the program - Enter
make conv
to compile edgtoadj converter
- First download any number of DIMAC instances in .clq format
- Then put them in bingraph folder. then run clqtoadj script to convert
all the .clq files into .mat(adjacency matrices) and .ls (edge lists) files.
You can also use them in .clq format. - You can use the command
./clqtoadj bingraph/*
to convert all .clq files in bingraph. The resulting adjacency matrices and edge lists would be respectively in adjmat/ and edgls/ folders. - then you can run the main program with the command
./maxc <input-file>
- Alternatively you can use the program directly with your .clq files.