The Decentralized Self-Identity Platform provides a secure and tamper-proof solution for storing user data. By leveraging blockchain technology, the system minimizes the risk of identity fraud. Users have full control over their personal information, allowing them to share it with other parties as they choose. The platform maintains a transparent record of when and with whom the data has been shared. Additionally, the system ensures that no external entity can retain user data for extended periods without explicit user consent.
- highly encrypted storage of user data
- Monitoring and management of access to user data for external parties by the user
- decentralised storage of user data
- Nodejs
- metamask
- Javascricpt
- Web3
- Open Terminal
- clone repository by using command " "
- Open " " and set up the .sol file
- set up the code files in the visual studio code
- run the .sol file over at remix ethereum website
- start the server in the given directory
- open local host at the set port to access your website
├── .vscode/
│ └── Configuration files for Visual Studio Code
├── Andres block chain model modified/
│ └── Contains modifications and updates to the blockchain model
├── DecentralizedIdentity-Backend/
│ └── Backend implementation for the platform
│ ├── APIs
│ └── Server-side logic
├── frontendtest/
│ └── Files related to testing frontend components
├── project-folder-with-ipfs/
│ └── Project files integrating IPFS for decentralized storage
└── Project documentation file