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DisCal is a Discord Bot that links up to a Google Calendar to create, delete, edit, and announce events and more!


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A calendar bot made for communities, DisCal integrates directly with calendar services to bring you superior support and features. Custom calendars, events, automated reminders and more, ready for you, and ready for your community.

πŸ”— Quick Links

πŸ’Ž Core Features

  • Custom Calendars
    • Create a fully custom calendar to suit your community's needs, without feeling out of place.
    • Powerful in-server integration of Google Calendar (plus more in the future)
  • Unlimited Events
    • Have a busy community? DisCal can make sure all your community events are scheduled, no matter the amount.
  • Automated Reminders
    • DisCal can automatically remind your community of upcoming events, so no one misses out.
  • Integrated RSVP
    • Need to know who is planning to attend? Community members can let you know whether they are attending.

πŸŽ‰ Patron features

Patrons and supporters on the $5/month plans (or more) get access to work in progress and exclusive features. These features aren't required for core functionality and help support the development and hosting of this bot.

  • Web Dashboard (Early WIP)
  • Multiple calendars
  • Server branding
    • Hide the DisCal name in favor of using your server's name on announcements and embeds.
  • Announcement Publishing
    • Announcements posted in news channels can be (optionally) automatically "published" so servers following the news channel receive them as well!
  • Gif support for event images
  • Automatically assign roles to users when RSVPing to an event.

⌨️ Commands

How permissions are handled

DisCal uses a simple-to-understand permission scheme for handling access to commands.

  • Elevated
    • Requires ADMINISTRATOR or MANAGE_SERVER permission nodes, or being the guild owner
  • Privileged
    • Requires DisCal control role (default control role is @everyone)
  • Everyone
    • Everyone will always be able to access (unless commands are disabled for the channel)
  • Patron-Only
    • Requires guild to be a patron-guild at the early access tier or higher
  • Dev-Only
    • Only DisCal Developers are able to use these commands
Calendar Commands (/calendar)
Command Description Permissions
/calendar create Starts the calendar creation wizard elevated
/calendar name Sets the calendar's name elevated
/calendar description Sets the calendar's description elevated
/calendar timezone Sets the calendar's timezone elevated
/calendar review Displays the calendar's properties elevated
/calendar confirm Commits the changes made in the wizard elevated
/calendar cancel Cancels the wizard elevated
/calendar delete Deletes the calendar elevated
/calendar edit Starts the calendar edit wizard elevated
Displaycal Commands (/displaycal)
Command Description Permissions
/displaycal new Creates a new auto-updating calendar overview message elevated
Event Commands (/event)
Command Description Permissions
/event view Displays the event's details everyone
/event create Starts the event creation wizard privileged
/event name Sets the event's name privileged
/event description Sets the event's description privileged
/event start Sets the event's start privileged
/event end Sets the event's end privileged
/event color Sets the event's color privileged
/event location Sets the event's location privileged
/event image Sets the event's image privileged, gif support patron-only
/event recur Toggles whether the event recurs, and how it recurs privileged
/event review Displays the event's properties privileged
/event confirm Commits the changes made in the wizard privileged
/event cancel Cancels the wizard privileged
/event edit Starts the event edit wizard privileged
/event copy Copies an existing event's details to a new event privileged
/event delete Deletes an event privileged
Events Commands (/events)
Command Description Permissions
/events upcoming Lists the next X upcoming events everyone
/events ongoing Lists the ongoing events everyone
/events today Lists the events occurring in the next 24 hours everyone
/events range Lists the events found in the date range provided everyone
RSVP Commands (/rsvp)
Command Description Permissions
/rsvp ontime RSVPs as going to the event on time everyone
/rsvp late RSVPs as going to the event, but arriving late everyone
/rsvp not RSVPs as not going to the event everyone
/rsvp unsure RSVPs as unsure if you will be able to attend everyone
/rsvp remove Removes your RSVP status from the event everyone
/rsvp list Lists who has RSVPed to the event everyone
/rsvp limit Sets the max number of people allowed to attend. -1 to disable the limit privileged
/rsvp role Sets the role assigned when RSVP'd to the event. @everyone to disable. NOTE: These roles are currently not automatically removed elevated, patron-only
Announcement Commands (/announcement)
Command Description Permissions
/announcement create Starts the announcement create wizard privileged
/announcement type Sets the announcement type. Valid types: UNIVERSAL, SPECIFIC, COLOR, RECUR privileged
/announcement event Sets the announcement's event. Only needed when using SPECIFIC or RECUR types privileged
/announcement color Sets the announcement's color. Only needed when using COLOR type privileged
/announcement channel Sets the channel the announcement will be posted in privileged
/announcement minutes Sets the minutes before an event to announce. Added to hours privileged
/announcement hours Sets the hours before an event to announce. Added to minutes privileged
/announcement info Sets the additional info to be posted along with the event. No text input to remove privileged
/announcement calendar Sets the calendar the announcement will read from. Defaults to 1 (main calendar) privileged
/announcement publish Toggles if the announcement should be pushed to channel subscribers privileged, patron-only
/announcement review Displays the announcement properties in the wizard privileged
/announcement confirm Commits the changes made in the wizard privileged
/announcement cancel Cancels the announcement wizard privileged
/announcement edit Starts the announcement edit wizard privileged
/announcement copy Copies an existing announcement to a new one privileged
/announcement delete Deletes an announcement privileged
/announcement enable Sets whether an announcement is enabled privileged
/announcement view Displays an existing announcement's properties everyone
/announcement list Lists announcements, -1 for all everyone
/announcement subscribe Subscribes to an announcement to be pinged when it is posted everyone
/announcement unsubscribe Unsubscribes to an announcement, to stop being pinged when it is posted everyone
Settings Commands (/settings)
Command Description Permissions
/settings view Displays the current settings for the guild elevated
/settings role Sets the role required to use privileged commands elevated
/settings announcement-style Changes the style announcements will be posted as elevated
/settings language Changes the language the bot will use in responses elevated
/settings time-format Changes what format to display date/time when needed elevated
/settings branding Toggles between DisCal branding or the guild's name/image where possible elevated, patron-only
All Other Commands
Command Description Permissions
/discal Displays information about the bot everyone
/linkcal Provides info and a link to view the guild's calendar everyone
/time Displays the current time as seen by the calendar's timezone everyone
[WIP] /addcal Starts the process to add a pre-existing calendar patron-only, dev-only
help Links to the commands page and documentation everyone

πŸ—“οΈ Planned & Work In Progress

This bot is a hobby project for me, please note that while these features are planned, there's no solid timeline.

  • Website rewrite (it's old and ugly)
  • [WIP] Migration to Spring data
  • [WIP] Kotlin coroutines rewrite

🧰 Tech stack

  • Java 17
  • Discord4J
  • Spring Boot (DI, Data, Actuator, etc.)
  • Flyway for automatic database migrations (MySQL)
  • Redis cluster caching
  • Fully containerized with Docker (hosted in Kubernetes, docker-compose for local development)

✏️ Contributing

DisCal is an open source, GPL-3 project. We always welcome and appreciate contributions.

πŸ’» Development & Local Testing

For development, you need JDK 17+ and Docker installed.

  1. Fork this repository and open it in your favorite editor (IntelliJ recommended for Kotlin)
  2. Write your code and add applicable tests
  3. Compile and build the docker image with ./gradlew clean jibDockerBuild
  4. Place config in ./docker/{api/bot/cam}/
  5. Start the bot and dependencies for testing with docker compose up -d
    • You can connect to the Java debugger at port 5005
  6. Create a pull request and describe your changes! <3

🌐 Localization & Internationalization

Please only submit localizations if you speak and/or write the language you are translating to. We want to keep these translations correct and high quality, running the strings through Google Translate or DeepL is not acceptable. Thank you for understanding

In the early days of the bot, we had a pretty dis-organized json file system for translated strings. This was messy and somewhat confusing. Since the 2.0 update, we now utilize properties files

  1. The base english locale file is located at /src/main/resources/locale/
  2. Files are named values_{lang-code}.properties. For example, the Spanish locale file would be
  3. Translate the strings and submit it back to us (either via Discord, or a pull request to this repo)

NOTE: Variables use {N} where N is the zero-indexed order it is passed through in code.

In English, these are always in order 0, 1, 2... 5.