Remote Control for Touch screen backlight on Raspberry Pi for control by Home Assistant
1) On the Raspberry Pi copy the and RpiMqtt.conf files to a convenient folder.
The folder used in testing was /var/www/html.
If this location is changed, that change needs to be reflected in the mqttscrD file.
2) For the start and restart to work properly python3 needs to be linked to pyscr.
Enter the command "sudo ln /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/pyscr"
This allows the program to be stopped and started without affecting other python3 programs.
3) To enable startup at boot and restart of the app, copy mqttscrD to the /etc/init.d folder.
Then activate it by typing in "sudo update-rc.d mqttscrD defaults"
This installs mqttscrD as a service.
The backlight control will look like a light to Homeassistant
It can be added to the lights.yaml file with the entry in lights.yaml.
It can also be added to configuration.yaml as a light.
Suggestions branches or anything to improve this is welcome.