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Sql Study

This study is referred to the book, SQL for Studying Alone.

Table of Contents

  1. Database and SQL
  2. Preview of SQL for Real Use
  3. SQL Basic Grammar
  4. SQL Advanced Grammar
  5. Table and View
  6. Index
  7. Stored Procedure
  8. SQL and Python

Database and SQL

1-1. Learning Database

  • Database: a set of data
  • Database Management System (DBMS): a software that manages and operates the database
    • A database should be shared and allow access to several users or application programs simultaneously, so Microsoft Excel is not a DBMS for this reason.

  • Examples of DBMS: MySQL, Oracle, SQL server, MariaDB, and etc.

  • History of DBMS
    • Before DBMS, people used a file to document and manage their data. However, with vast amount of data managed by different people, there could be an inconsistency in data management. That's why DBMS came out in 1973 by E.F. Codd, to manage and operate database more efficiently. DBMS uses SQL (Structured Query Language).

  • Types of DBMS
    • Hierarchical DBMS: Each hierarchy is in a tree structure. Hierarchical DBMS is difficult to change after the configuration is completed and connect each data, so it is no longer used because of this inefficiency.
    • Network DBMS: Network DBMS solved the problem of Hierarchical DBMS by connecting each subdata so that one subdata does not have to move all the way to the root of the tree to get to another subdata, but it is also no longer used because it is too complicated for the programmer to understand the whole structure of the database to use it.
    • Relational DBMS: Relational DBMS, or RDBMS, uses a table, a two-dimensional structure using rows and columns. RDBMS use tables as its smallest unit to manage each data set. Most of the DBMSs today use this type of DBMS.

  • SQL
    • SQL is a language used in RDBMS. Standard SQL created by ISO, but each company creating a DBMS uses a slightly differentiated SQL that reflects the characteristics of each product, although it complies with standard SQL. For example, Oracle uses PL/SQL, SQL server uses T-SQL, and MySQL uses SQL.

1-2. Install MySQL

Preview of SQL for Real Use

2-1. Database Modeling

  • Project: The process of transferring real-world tasks to computer systems or the entire process of creating large-scale software
  • Software(~program): a product of a programming language
    • As software is getting more complicated, there needs to be a detailed plan with procedures in order to make a software (project). Software engineering studies these procedures.
    • Waterfall model: one of the basic software development procedures in software engineering.

      Requirements - Analysis - Design - Development - Testing - (Deployment) - Maintenance

    • Database Modeling is Analysis and Design stage of the project.

  • Database Modeling: The process of transferring real objects or tasks to database objects of DBMS
    • how to transfer: Extract features representing objects in the real world and convert them into tables in the database

  • Database terminology
    • Data: each piece of information
    • Table: table for entering data
    • Database: storage that stores tables
    • DBMS: database management system or software (MySQL)
    • Column (or Field): vertical part on the table
    • Column Name: name to distinguish each column
    • Data Type: format of data to be stored in a column
    • Row (or Record): the actual data, also called row data
    • Primary key: the only column that separates each row, should never be duplicated or empty
    • SQL: Structured Query Language, a language for people and DBMS to communicate

2-2. From the Beginning to the End of the Database

  • Procedure for building a database

    Create a database - Create tables - Enter / Modify / Delete data - Look up / Utilize the data

    1. Creating a Schema

      • Schema = Database
      • Creating a schema named 'shop_db'
        CREATE SCHEMA 'shop_db' ;
    2. Creating tables

      • Design a table first, specifying the column name and data type
        • Data type examples: CHAR (Character), INT (Integer), DATE
        • Not Null: Data must be entered
        • Having a space between each word is not recommended, so "_ (underscore)" can replace it
      • Creating a 'member' table
        CREATE TABLE `shop_db`.`member` (
        `member_id` CHAR(8) NOT NULL,
        `member_name` CHAR(5) NOT NULL,
        `member_addr` CHAR(20) NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (`member_id`));
      • Creating a 'product' table
        CREATE TABLE `shop_db`.`product` (
        `product_name` CHAR(4) NOT NULL,
        `cost` INT NOT NULL,
        `make_date` DATE NULL,
        `company` CHAR(5) NULL,
        `amount` INT NOT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (`product_name`));
    3. Enter/Add/Modify/Delete data

      • Entering data into the 'member' table

        INSERT INTO `shop_db`.`member` (`member_id`, `member_name`, `member_addr`) VALUES ('tess', 'Hoona', 'Bucheon');
        INSERT INTO `shop_db`.`member` (`member_id`, `member_name`, `member_addr`) VALUES ('hero', 'Young', 'Seoul');
        INSERT INTO `shop_db`.`member` (`member_id`, `member_name`, `member_addr`) VALUES ('iyou', 'IU', 'Incheon');
        INSERT INTO `shop_db`.`member` (`member_id`, `member_name`, `member_addr`) VALUES ('jyp', 'JinY', 'Goyang');
      • Entering data into the 'product' table

        INSERT INTO `shop_db`.`product` (`product_name`, `cost`, `make_date`, `company`, `amount`) VALUES ('bana', '1500', '2021-07-01', 'delmo', '17');
        INSERT INTO `shop_db`.`product` (`product_name`, `cost`, `make_date`, `company`, `amount`) VALUES ('samk', '800', '2023-09-01', 'CJ', '22');
        INSERT INTO `shop_db`.`product` (`product_name`, `cost`, `make_date`, `company`, `amount`) VALUES ('cass', '2500', '2022-03-01', 'OB', '3');
        • Be careful to enter the data according to the datatype

      • Adding data to the 'member' table

        INSERT INTO `shop_db`.`member` (`member_id`, `member_name`, `member_addr`) VALUES ('carry', 'Maria', 'Texas');
      • Modifying data in the 'member' table

        UPDATE `shop_db`.`member` SET `member_addr` = 'London' WHERE (`member_id` = 'carry');
      • Deleting data from the 'member' table

        DELETE FROM `shop_db`.`member` WHERE (`member_id` = 'carry');
    4. Utilizing data

      • In SQL, SELECT statements are mainly used to utilize database.
        • Reserved Words: Previously defined SQLs, such as SELCECT or WHERE.

      • Procedures to execute queries
        1. Click on "Create a new SQL tab for executing queries" icon from the toolbar or [File] - [New Query Tab].

        2. Double click on the schema that you want to utilize and make sure that the name of the schema is bolded.

        3. Look up data in the table

        SELECT column_name FROM table_name [WHERE condition]

        • Looking up all the rows in the table
          SELECT * FROM member;
          • * means every column

        1. Click on "Execute the selected portion of the script or everything" icon to see the result on the [Result Grid], and result, duration, and fetch on the [Output] panel.
          • Can also use [Query] - [Execute (All or Selection)] or Ctrl+Shift+Enter

        • Only looking up 'member_name' and 'member_addr' column from the 'member' table

          SELECT member_name, member_addr From member;
        • Only looking up the member's data whose member_name is 'IU'

          SELECT * FROM member WHERE member_name = 'IU';
        • When there are two different SQLs, DBMS performs both of them. Therefore, you can drag and select the SQL you want to execute so that DBMS can only execute the specified SQL.

2-3. Database Object

  • There are several database objects that are mutually related to the table, a key object in the database, such as index, view, or stored procedure.

    1. Index
      • Indexes help to find data easily when inquiring from a table, especially when there is a lot of data, which is an efficient function that greatly reduces time.

      • Full Table Scan
        select * from member where member_name ='IU';
      • Create an Index
        create index idx_member_name ON member(member_name);
      • This creates an index named 'idx_member_name' in the 'member_name' column of the 'member' table.
      • When we use the same SQL above, which is to look up the member whose name is 'IU,' now the database use Non-Unique Key Lookup, which is an Index Scan.

    2. View
      • View can be defined as a virtual table, which is linked to the actual table.

      • Create a view for 'member' table
        create view member_view
            select * from member;
        • SQL does not need an indent to execute the code, but indents are often used for legibility.
      • Accessing 'member_view'
        Select * from member_view;
        • This view will show the same result as the table, as a shortcut.

      • There are two reasons to use View.
        1. Security
        2. Can make a long SQL statement simple

    3. Stored Procedure
      • Stored Procedure is a programming function provided by MySQL that can be conveniently used by grouping multiple SQL statements together.

      • With this, computational expressions, conditional statements, and repetitive statements used in other programming languages may be used in MySQL as well.

      • Create a stored procedure

        Delimiter //
        Create procedure myProc()
                Select * from member where member_name='hoona';
                Select * from product where product_name='samk';
        End //
        Delimiter ;
        • This SQL combines two different SQL between Begin and End into one stored procedure.
      • Call the newly created stored procedure

        Call myProc();
        • The result will show the same as executing the two different SQL to look up the data.
      • Delete the procedure

        Drop procedure myProc ;

SQL Basic Grammar

3-1. Select ~ From ~ Where

  • Select: Retrieve data from the table

    • Basic format

      SELECT (Row name) FROM (Table name) WHERE (Condition)

  • Creating a database called market_db

    CREATE DATABASE market_db;
    • DROP DATABASE: Deleting the database named market_db
    • CREATE DATABASE: Creating a new database

  • Creating a Member table

    USE market_db;
    CREATE TABLE member
    (   mem_id  	CHAR(8) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
        mem_name    VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, 
        mem_number  INT NOT NULL,  
        addr	  	CHAR(2) NOT NULL, 
        phone1		CHAR(3), 
        phone2		CHAR(8), 
        height    	SMALLINT,  
        debut_date	DATE  
    • USE: Selecting a database to use
      • All subsequent queries are executed in this db
    • CREATE TABLE: Creating a new table
      Two hyphens(--) in SQL represents comment

  • Creating a Buy table

        mem_id  	CHAR(8) NOT NULL,
        prod_name 	CHAR(6) NOT NULL,
        group_name 	CHAR(4), 
        price     	INT  NOT NULL,
        amount    	SMALLINT  NOT NULL,
        FOREIGN KEY (mem_id) REFERENCES member(mem_id)
    • AUTO_INCREMENT: Automatically entering numbers

  • Inserting data into a table

    INSERT INTO member VALUES('TWC', '트와이스', 9, '서울', '02', '11111111', 167, '2015.10.19');
    INSERT INTO buy VALUES(NULL, 'BLK', '지갑', NULL, 30, 2);
    • CHAR, VARCHAR, and DATe types need quotation marks, while INT type doesn't
    • Since Num are automatically entered, we input NULL

  • Retrieving data

    SELECT * FROM member;
    SELECT * FROM buy;
  • Structure of SELECT statement

    SELECT select_expr
    [FROM table_references]
    [WHERE where_condition]
    [GROUP BY {col_name | expr | position}]
    [HAVING where_condition]
    [ORDER BY {col_name | expr | position}]
    [LIMIT {[offset,] row_count | row_count OFFSET offset}]


    USE market_db;
    SELECT * FROM member; --SELECT * FROM market_db.member;
    • * means everything
    • You can specify the db name in front of the table name using a dot(.)

  • Selecting specific columns from the table

    SELECT addr, debut_date, mem_name FROM member;
    SELECT addr address, debut_date "debut date", mem_name FROM member; -- using alias to change how the column name is printed in the result
    -- column_name alias, column_name2 "alias with spaces"

    • Using WHERE to query specific records that matches the condition
    SELECT * FROM member WHERE mem_name = '블랙핑크';
    SELECT * FROM member WHERE mem_number = 4;
  • Using comparison operator and logical operating in WHERE

    SELECT mem_id, mem_name FROM member WHERE height <= 162;
    SELECT mem_name, height, mem_number FROM member WHERE height >= 165 AND mem_number >6;
    SELECT mem_name, height, mem_number FROM member WHERE height >= 165 OR mem_number >6;

    SELECT mem_name, height FROM member WHERE height >= 163 AND height <= 165;
    SELECT mem_name, height FROM member WHERE height BETWEEN 163 AND 165;
  • IN()

    SELECT mem_name, addr FROM member WHERE addr = '경기' OR addr = '전남' OR addr = '경남';
    SELECT mem_name, addr FROM member WHERE addr IN('경기', '전남', '경남');
  • LIKE

    SELECT * FROM member WHERE mem_name LIKE '우%';
    SELECT * FROM member WHERE mem_name LIKE '__핑크';
    • Selecting a part of a string using LIKE and %(whatever comes before or after) or _(matching just one letter)

  • Subquery: Having SELECT inside SELECT

    SELECT mem_name, height FROM member
        WHERE height > (SELECT height FROM member WHERE mem_name = '에이핑크);

3-2. More about SELECT

  • ORDER BY: Controls the sequence of the outcome
    SELECT mem_id, mem_name, debut_date FROM member ORDER BY debut_date;
    SELECT mem_id, mem_name, debut_date FROM member ORDER BY debut_date ASC;
    SELECT mem_id, mem_name, debut_date FROM member ORDER BY debut_date DESC;
    • ASC: Ascending order
    • DESC: Descending order

    SELECT mem_id, mem_name, debut_date height FROM member ORDER BY height DESC WHERE height>= 164; -- error
    SELECT mem_id, mem_name, debut_date height FROM member WHERE height>= 164 ORDER BY height DESC;
    • ORDER BY can be used with WHERE, but it should be used after WHERE

    SELECT mem_id, mem_name, debut_date, height FROM member WHERE height >= 164 ORDER BY height DESC, debut_date ASC;
    • Having multiple orders

  • Limit: limits the number of output printed
    SELECT * FROM member LIMIT 3;
    SELECT * FROM member LIMIT 0,3;
    SELECT * FROM member LIMIT 3 OFFSET 0;
    • Retrieving first 3 records from the output
    • Limit starting_number, number_of_records
      • LIMIT 0,3 is same as LIMIT 3
      • LIMIT number_of_records OFFSET starting_number

    SELECT mem_name, debut_date FROM member ORDER BY debut_date LIMIT 3;
    SELECT mem_name, height FROM member ORDER BY height DESC LIMIT 3,2;
    • Usually used with ORDER BY

  • DISTINCT: removes duplicate
    SELECT addr FROM member;
    SELECT addr FROM member ORDER BY addr;
    SELECT DISTINCT addr FROM member;
  • GROUP BY: grouping records
    SELECT mem_id, amount FROM buy ORDER BY mem_id;
    SELECT mem_id, SUM(amount) FROM buy GROUP BY mem_id;

    SELECT mem_id "member id", SUM(amount) "total purchase" FROM buy GROUP BY mem_id;
    • Using alias to organize output table

    SELECT mem_id "member id", SUM(price*amount) "total purchase" FROM buy GROUP BY mem_id;
    SELECT AVG(amount) "average purchase" FROM buy;
    SELECT mem_id, AVG(amount) "average purchase" FROM buy GROUP BY mem_id;
    • Can do the calculation within the parenthesis
    • Can be used with GROUP BY

    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM member;
    SELECT COUNT(phone1) "members with contact" FROM member;
    • Counting the number of members
    • Count(row_name) counts the number of records not null

    SELECT mem_id "member id", SUM(price*amount) "total purchase"
    FROM buy GROUP BY mem_id;
    SELECT mem_id "member id", SUM(price*amount) "total amount" FROM buy WHERE SUM(price*amount) > 1000;
    GROUP BY mem_id; -- error
    SELECT mem_id "member id", SUM(price*amount) "total amount" FROM buy GROUP BY mem_id HAVING SUM(price*amount) > 1000;
    • HAVING is used with GROUP BY, similarly functions as where

    SELECT mem_id "member id", SUM(price*amount) "total purchase" FROM buy GROUP BY mem_id HAVING SUM(price*amount) > 1000 ORDER BY SUM(price*amount) DESC;
    • Used with ORDER BY

3-3. SQL for data manipulation

  • INSERT: enter row data into the table

    INSERT INTO table[(row1, row2, ...)] VALUES (value1, value2, ...)

    • Example
      USE market_db;
      CREATE TABLE hongong1 (toy_id INT, toy_name CHAR(4), age INT);
      INSERT INTO hongong1 VALUES (1, 'woody', 25);
      INSERT INTO hongong1 (toy_id, toy_name) VALUES (2, 'Buzz');
    • Specifies column names if you don't want to enter data for all columns
      • Null value for Unspecified columns
      INSERT INTO hongong1 (toy_name, age, toy_id) VALUES ('Jessie', 20, 3);
      • Can change the order of the column

    • AUTO_INCREMENT: enters the value increasing from 1, should be a primary key
      CREATE TABLE hongong2 ( toy_id INT AUTO INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, toy_name CHAR(4) age INT);
      INSERT INTO hongong2 VALUES(NULL, 'Bo peep', 25);
      INSERT INTO hongong2 VALUES(NULL, 'Slinky', 22);
      INSERT INTO hongong2 VALUES(NULL, 'Rex', 21);
      SELECT * FROM hongong2;
      • Enter NULL for AUTO_INCREMENT

      • The result is 3, which means that with AUTO_INCREMENT, entered up to 3

      ALTER TABLE hongong2 AUTO_INCREMENT=100;
      INSERT INTO honghong2 VALUES (NULL, 'jenam' 35);
      SELECT * FROM hongong2;
      • Change the beginning AUTO_INCREMENT value to 100

      CREATE TABLE hongong3 (
          toy_name CHAR(4),
          age INT);
      ALTER TABLE hongong3 AUTO_INCREMENT=1000;
      SET @@auto_increment_increment=3;
      • AUTO_INCREMENT value increases from 1000 by 3

      INSERT INTO hongong3 VALUES (NULL, 'thomas', 20);
      INSERT INTO hongong3 VALUES (NULL, 'james', 23);
      INSERT INTO hongong3 VALUES (NULL, 'gordon', 25);
      SELECT * FROM hongong3;
      • toy_id goes like "1000, 1003, 1006, ..."

      INSERT INTO hongong3 VALUES (NULL, 'thomas', 20), (NULL, 'james', 23), (NULL, 'gordon', 25)
      • Same as the previous code

    • INSERT INTO ~ SELECT: retrieve data from other table to insert data
    • INSERT INTO table_name (row_name1, row_name2, ...) SELECT ;
    • Number of columns in SELECT should match that in the table to be inserted
    • Using table, sue INSERT INTO ~ SELECT
    • Checking some info about table
      CREATE TABLE city_popul (city_name CHAR(35), population INT);
      INSERT INTO city_popul SELECT Name, Population FROM;
  • UPDATE: Modifying data in the table

    UPDATE table_name SET row1=value1, row2=value2, ... WHERE condition ;

    USE market_db;
    UPDATE city_popul SET city_name = '서울'
    WHERE city_name = 'Seoul';
    Select * FROM city_pupul WHERE city_name = '서울';
    • Updating 'Seoul' into '서울'

    UPDATE city_popul SET city_name = '뉴욕', population = 0 WHERE city_name = 'New York';
    SELECT * FROM city popul WHERE city_name = '뉴욕'
    • Updating several column values at once

    UPDATE city_popul SET city_name = '서울';
    • Not recommended, changes every row value when skipping WHERE

    UPDATE city_popul
    SET population = population / 1000;
    SELECT * FROM city_popul LIMIT 5;
    • Dividing all values in population column by 1000

  • DELETE: deletes the data

    DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition ;

    DELETE FROM city_popul WHERE city_name Like 'New%';
    • Deleting records that contains the city name beginning 'New...'

    DELETE FROM city_popul
    WHERE city_name LIKE 'New%'
    Limit 5;
    • Deleting top 5 records matching the condition

    • Deleting a large table
      DELETE FROM big_table1;
      Drop TABLE big_table2;
      TRUNCATE TABLE big_table3;
      • DELETE deletes every record, so it takes long time, leaving an empty table
      • DROP deletes the table itself
      • TRUNCATE is similar to DELETE, but faster, leaving an empty table, but cannot use WHERE like DELETE

SQL Advanced Grammar

4-1. Data type in MySQL

  • Why use a data type?
    • To efficiently store data in the db

  • Data Types
    • Exact Numeric Data Type

      data type byte range
      TINYINT 1 -128~127
      SMALLINT 2 -32,768~32,767
      INT 4 -2.1B~2.1B
      BIGINT 8 -9Q~9Q
      • Exact Numeric Data Type Example
        USE market_db;
        CREATE TABLE hongong4 (
            tinyint_col TINYINT,
            smallint_col SMALLINT,
            int_col INT
            bigint_col BIGINT );
        INSERT INTO hongong4 VALUES(127, 32767, 2147483647, 9000000000000000000);
        INSERT INTO hongong4 VALUES(128, 32768, 2147483648, 90000000000000000000); -- Out of range error
        CREATE TABLE member
        ( mem_id CHAR(8) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
          mem_name VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
          mem_number INT NOT NULL,
          addr CHAR(2) NOT NULL,
          phone1 CHAR(3),
          phone2 CHAR(8),
          height SMALLINT,
          debut_date DATE
        • Inefficient use of exact numeric data types
        • Can use UNSIGNED to only store positive numbers
          • TINYINT UNSIGNED is 0 ~ 255

        • Correction
          CREATE TABLE member
          ( mem_id CHAR(8) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
          mem_name VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
          mem_number TINYINT NOT NULL, -- member number cannot be over 127
          addr CHAR(2) NOT NULL,
          phone1 CHAR(3),
          phone2 CHAR(8),
          height TINYINT UNSIGNED, -- height cannot be over 256
          debut_date DATE
    • String Data Type

      data type byte
      CHAR(num) 1~255
      VARCHAR(num) 1~16383
      • CHAR: fixed length
      • VARCHAR: variable length
        • VARCHAR can use space efficiently, but CHAR has a faster speed in terms of performance in MySQL

      • CHAR and Numeric String
        CREATE TABLE member
        ( mem_id CHAR(8) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
          mem_name VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
          mem_number TINYINT NOT NULL,
          addr CHAR(2) NOT NULL,
          phone1 CHAR(3),
          phone2 CHAR(8),
          height TINYINT UNSIGNED,
          debut_date DATE
        • mem_id can be CHAR(3)/VARCHAR(3)/CHAR(8)/VARCHAR(8)
          • but CHAR(8) is most efficient
        • phone1 and phone2 can be numeric data type
          • but it has no meaning as an integer
            • arithmetic operation
            • size comparison
          • 0 in front of the string disappears

      • Large amount of string data
        CREATE TABLE big_table (
            data1 CHAR(256), --column length too big error
            data2 VARCHAR(16384) ); --column length too big error
        data type byte
        TEXT TEXT 1~65535
        LONGTEXT 1~4294967295
        BLOB BLOB 1~65535
        LONGBLOB 1~4294967295
        • TEXT and LONGTEXT are for long script.
        • BLOB means Binary Long Object, like images and videos (binary data)
        • example
          CREATE DATABASE netflix_db;
          USE netflix_db;
          CREATE TABLE movie
             (movie_id       INT,
              movie_title    VARCHAR(30),
              movie_director VARCHAR(20),
              movie_star     VARCHAR(20),
              movie_script   LONGTEXT,
              movie_film     LONGBLOB
    • Approximate Numeric Data Type

      data type byte description
      FLOAT 4 7 decimal places
      DOUBLE 8 15 decimal places
    • Data and Time data type

      data type byte description
      TIME 3 HH:MM:SS
    • Using Variables

      • SQL can declare variable and set value, but closing MySQL will delete the variables
      • how to use variables
        • SET @variablename = value ;

        • SELECT @variablename ;

          USE market_db;
          SET @myVar1 = 5 ;
          SET @myVar2 = 4.25 ;
          SELECT @myVar1 ;
          SELECT @myVar1 + @myVar2 ;
          SET @txt = 'singer name==> ' ;
          SET @height = 166 ;
          SELECT @txt , mem_name FROM member WHERE height > @height ;
          • Using variable and retrieving data from the table

          + Using LIMIT with variables ```SQL SET @count =3; SELECT mem_name, height FROM member ORDER BY height LIMIT @count; -- error, LIMIT cannot have variables ```
          + Solution using PREPARE and EXECUTE.
          SET @count = 3;
          PREPARE mySQL FROM 'SELECT mem_name, height FROM member ORDER BY height LIMIT ?';
          EXECUTE mySQL USING @count;
          • PREPARE doesn't execute but prepare the SQL statement and EXECUTE executes it
          • ? takes value from what comes after USING

    • Data Type Conversion
      • Explicit conversion using functions
        • CAST(), CONVERT()
        • Format
          • CAST ( value AS data_type [ (length) ])
          • CONVERT ( value, data_type [ (length) ])
        • Example
          SELECT AVG(price) AS 'average price' FROM buy;
           SELECT CONVERT(AVG(price) , SIGNED) 'average price' FROM buy ;
          SEELCT CAST('2022$12$12' AS DATE);
          SEELCT CAST('2022/12/12' AS DATE);
          SEELCT CAST('2022%12%12' AS DATE);
          SEELCT CAST('2022@12@12' AS DATE);
          SELECT num, CONCAT(CAST(price AS CHAR), 'X', CAST(amount AS CHAR), '=' ) 'priceXamount', price*amount 'purchase amount'
          FROM buy;
          • CONCAT() concatenates strings

      • Implicit Conversion
        SELECT '100' + '200' ; -- Automatically convert string to numeric
        SELECT CONCAT('100','200'); -- how to concatenate strings
        SELECT CONCAT(100,'200'); -- Automatically convert numeric to string
        SELECT 100 + '200'; -- Automatically convert string to numeric

4-2. Join

  • Join: combine rows from two or more tables, based on a related column between them
    • Inner Join
      • In order to Join, table should be connected as one to many relationship
        • One to many relationship: one record(PK) in a table can be associated with one or more records(FK) in another table
      • Most common type of join
      • Join can be done with 3 or more tables, but mostly 2
      • Format

        SELECT (row list)
        FROM (first table)
         INNER JOIN (second table)
         ON (Join condition)
        [WHERE search condition]

        USE market_db;
        SELECT *
            FROM buy
                INNER JOIN member
                ON buy.mem_id = member.mem_id
            WHERE buy.mem_id = 'GRL';
        • Needs to specify from which table we use the common row_name

        • Example: table_name.row_name

      • Uses alias to simplify the code

        SELECT B.mem_id, M.mem_name, B.prod_name, M.addr, CONCAT(, M.phone2) 'contact'
            FROM buy B
                INNER JOIN member M
                ON B.mem_id = M.mem_id;

      • Inner join only shows the record that has a content in both tables.

        • If you want to see the record that has has a content in at least one of the tables, use OUTER JOIN

      • Use DISTINCT to remove duplicates in the result

        SELECT DISTINCT M.mem_id, M.mem_name, M.addr
            FROM buy B
                INNER JOIN member M
                ON B.mem_id = M.mem_id
                ORDER BY M.mem_id;
    • Outer Join
      • Outer Join: returns matched values and unmatched values from either or both tables
      • Format

        SELECT (row list)
        FROM <first(LEFT) table>
         <LEFT|RIGHT|FULL> OUTER JOIN <second(RIGHT) table>
         ON (Join condition)
        [WHERE search condition];

        SELECT M.mem_id, M.mem_name, B.prod_name, M.addr
            FROM member M
                LEFT OUTER JOIN buy B
                ON M.mem_id = B.mem_id
            ORDER BY M.mem_id;
        • LEFT OUTER JOIN = LEFT JOIN: contents from the left table should all be printed

      • Same result using RIGHT JOIN
        SELECT M.mem_id, M.mem_name, B.prod_name, M.addr
            FROM buy B
                RIGHT OUTER JOIN member M
                ON M.mem_id = B.mem_id
                ORDER BY M.mem_id;

      • Utilizing Outer Join
        SELECT DISTINCT M.mem_id, B.prod_name, M.mem_name, M.addr
            FROM member M
                LEFT OUTER JOIN buy B
                ON M.mem_id = B.mem_id
            WHERE B.prod_name IS NULL
            ORDER BY M.mem_id;


    • Other Joins
      • Cross Join: generates a paired combination of each row of the first table with each row of the second table
        • Also known as cartesian product
        SELECT *
            FROM buy
            CROSS JOIN member ;
        • Cannot use ON
        • Randomly join, no meaning in the result
        • Main purpose is to create a large amount of data
        SELECT COUNT(*) "# of data"
            FROM sakila.inventory
                CROSS JOIN;
        • In order to create a table with this data, use CREATE TABLE ~ SELECT statement

      • Self Join: joining table itself (using 1 table)
        • Format

          SELECT (row list)
          FROM (table) alias_a
           INNER JOIN (table) alias_b
           ON (Join condition)
          [WHERE search condition];

          SELECT A.emp "employee", B.emp "boss", "boss contact"
              FROM emp_table A
                  INNER JOIN emp_table B
                  ON A.manager = B.emp
              WHERE A.emp = 'chief of accounting';
          • Same data in one table, but exists in more than 2 rows

4-3. SQL Programming

  • Stored Procedure: a database entity when we need programing within MySQL; a prepared SQL code that you can save
    • Structure of Stored Procedure
      DELIMITER $$ 
      (Coding here)
      END $$
      CALL (Name of Stored Procedure)
    • IF Statement
      • Basic Format
      IF <conditional statement>
          SQL statement
      END IF;
    • if there are more than two sql statements, use BEGIN ~ END
      • Example
        DELIMITER $$
        CREATE PROCEDURE ifProc1()
            IF 100 = 100 THEN
                SELELCT '100 is equal to 100.';
            END IF;
        END $$
        DELIMITER ;
        CALL ifProc1();
        1. drop procedure named ifProc1() if it was created before
        2. '$$' distinguishes SQL and stored procedure

    • IF ELSE Statement

      • Example
        DELIMITER $$
        CREATE PROCEDURE ifProc2()
            DECLARE myNum INT;
            SET myNum = 200;
            IF myNum = 100 THEN
                SELELCT '100';
                SELECT 'not 100';
            END IF;
        END $$
        DELIMITER ;
        CALL ifProc2();
        1. DECLARE: declare variable and data type at the end
        2. SET: set value to a variable

    • Using IF Statement

      DELIMITER $$
      CREATE PROCEDURE ifProc3()
          DECLARE debutDate DATE;
          DECLARE curDate DATE;
          DECLARE days INT;
          SELECT debut_date INTO debutDate
              FROM market_db.member
              WHERE mem_id = 'APN';
          SET curDATE = CURRENT_DATE();
          SET days = DATEDIFF(curDATE, debutDate);
          IF (days/365) >= 5 THEN
              SELECT CONCAT("It's been ", days, "since debut. Congrats!");
              SELECT "It's been only", days, "since debut. Cheer up!";
          END IF;       
      END $$
      CALL ifProc3();
      1. SELECT~INTO-: save ~ into -(variable)
      2. CURRENT_DATE(): current date
      3. DATEDIFF(): date difference between two arguments

    • Case Statement

      • Unlike IF Statement dealing with only two cases(TRUE or FALSE), CASE Statement can handle more than two cases
        • similar to switch~case in other programming languages
      • Basic Format

      WHEN (condition1) THEN
      (SQL Statements1)
      WHEN (condition2) THEN
      (SQL Statements2)
      WHEN (condition3) THEN
      (SQL Statements3)
      (SQL Statements4)
      END CASE;

      • Example
        DELIMITER $$
        CREATE PROCEDURE caseProc()
            DECLARE point INT ;
            DECLARE credit CHAR(1);
            SET point = 88;
                WHEN point >= 90 THEN
                    SET credit = 'A';
                WHEN point >= 80 THEN
                    SET credit = 'B';
                WHEN point >= 70 THEN
                    SET credit = 'C';
                WHEN point >= 60 THEN
                    SET credit = 'D';
                    SET credit = 'F';
            END CASE;
            SELECT CONCAT('score: ', point), CONCAT('grade: ', credit);
        END $$
        DELIMITER ;
        CALL caseProc();
    • Using CASE Statement

      USE market_db;
      DELIMITER $$
      CREATE PROCEDURE caseProc2()
              SELECT M.mem_id, M.mem_name, SUM(price*amount) "total purchase", 
                      WHEN sum(price*amount) >= 1500 THEN 'VIP'
                      WHEN sum(price*amount) >= 1000 THEN 'GOLD'
                      WHEN sum(price*amount) >= 1 THEN 'Regular'
                      ELSE 'Inactive'
                  END "membership"
              FROM buy B
                  RIGHT OUTER JOIN member M
                  ON B.mem_id = M.mem_id
              GROUP BY M.mem_id
              ORDER BY SUM(price*amount) DESC ;
          END $$
          DELIMITER ;
      CALL caseProc2();
    • WHILE Statement

      • Sets a condition for the repeated execution of an SQL statement or statement block

      • Basic Format

        WHILE (condition) DO
        SQL statements
        END WHILE;

      • Adding from 1 to 100

        DELIMITER $$
        CREATE PROCEDURE whileProc()
            DECLARE i INT;
            DECLARE hap INT;
            SET i = 1;
            SET hap = 0;
            WHILE (i <= 100) DO
                SET hap = hap + i;
                SET i = i + 1;
            END WHILE;
            SELECT 'sum from 1 to 100 ==>', hap; 
        END $$
        DELIMITER ;
        CALL whileProc();
      • Using WHILE Statement

        DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS whileProc2;
        DELIMITER $$
        CREATE PROCEDURE whileProc2()
                DECLARE i INT;
                DECLARE hap INT;
                SET i = 1;
                SET hap = 0;
            myWhile: --designating WHILE Statement as a label myWhile
            WHILE (i <= 100) DO
                IF (i%4 = 0) THEN
                    SET i = i + 1;
                    ITERATE myWhile;
                END IF;
                SET hap = hap + i;
                IF (hap > 1000) THEN
                    LEAVE myWhile;
                END IF;
                SET i = i + 1;
            END WHILE;
            SELECT 'sum from 1 to 100(except multiple of 4), end if sum is over 1000 ==>', hap; 
        END $$
        DELIMITER ;
        CALL whileProc2();
        • ITERATE: proceed with the loop (go back to label)
        • LEAVE: break the loop

    • Dynamic SQL

      • SQL statement that is constructed and executed at runtime based on input parameters passed


      • Example

        use market_db;
        PREPARE myQuery FROM 'SELECT * FROM member WHERE mem_id = "BLK"';
        EXECUTE myQuery;
      • PREPARE Statement has "?" value to be entered later so that the SQL statement is executed in real time

        • Example
          DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gate_table;
          CREATE TABLE gate_table (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, entry_time DATETIME);
          SET @curDate = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP();
          PREPARE myQuery FROM 'INSERT INTO gate_table VALUES(NULL, ?)';
          EXECUTE myQuery USING @curDate;
          DEALLOCATE PREPARE myQuery;
          SELECT * FROM gate_table;
          • The time is recorded on the table by the INSERT statement when a pass is tagged in real time

Table and View

5-1. Creating Table

  • Table: row(record) and column(field)
    • How to build table
      1. table name
      2. column name
      3. data type for each field
      4. private key, foreign key (connect two tables)

    • Create database
      • Drop(to remove duplicate) and create database
        DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS naver_db;
        CREATE DATABASE naver_db;
    • Create Table
      • Basic Format

        CREATE TABLE sample_table (num INT);
      • member table

        USE naver_db;
        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS member;
        CREATE TABLE member
        ( mem_id        CHAR(8) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
          mem_name      VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
          mem_number    TINYINT NOT NULL,
          addr          VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
          phone1        CHAR(3) NULL,
          phone2        CHAR(8) NULL,
          height        TINYINT UNSIGNED NULL,
          debut_date    DATE NULL
      • buy table

        CREATE TABLE buy
          mem_id        CHAR(8) NOT NULL,
          prod_name     CHAR(10) NOT NULL,
          group_name    CHAR(10) NULL,
          price         INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
          amount        SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
          FOREIGN KEY(mem_id) REFERENCES member(mem_id)
    • Insert Value
      • member table
        INSERT INTO member VALUES('TWC', 'twice', '9', 'seoul', '02', '11111111', 167, '2015-10-19');
        INSERT INTO member VALUES('BLK', 'blackpink', '4', 'gyeongnam', '055', '22222222', 163, '2016-8-8');
        INSERT INTO member VALUES('WMN', 'girlfriend', '6', 'gyeonggi', '031', '33333333', 166, '2015-1-15');
      • buy table
        INSERT INTO buy VALUES(NULL, 'BLK', 'purse', NULL, 30, 2);
        INSERT INTO buy VALUES(NULL, 'BLK', 'macbookpro', 'digital', 1000, 1);

5-2. Constraint

  • Constraint: specify rules for the data in a table for data integrity(no defect in data)
    • Different types of constraint
      • primary key
      • foreign key
      • unique
      • check
      • default
      • null
    1. Primary key : an identifier that differentiates data
      • Characteristics
        • cannot be null
        • cannot be duplicated
        • one for each table
      • Create a primary key constraint
        CREATE TABLE member
        (   mem_id CHAR(8) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY
        • If you want to drop a table with a primary key, you first need to drop the associated table using the primary key as its foreign key

      • Different way of creating a primary key
        CREATE TABLE member
        (   mem_id CHAR(8) NOT NULL
        PRIMARY KEY (mem_id)
      • Add a primary key using ALTER TABLE
        ALTER TABLE member
            ADD CONSTRAINT
            PRIMARY KEY (mem_id);
    2. Foreign key : associates two different tables by connecting primary key
      • Characteristics

        • Referenced column should be a primary key or unique
          • but the name of the column doesn't need to be the same
        • A table with primary key: Referenced table or parent table
        • A table with foreign key: Child table

      • How to create a foreign key constraint

        • Create foreign key
          CREATE TABLE buy
          (   mem_id  CHAR(8) NOT NULL,
              FOREIGN KEY(mem_id) REFERENCES member(mem_id)
        • Add a foreign key using ALTER TABLE
          ALTER TABLE buy
              ADD CONSTRAINT
              FOREIGN KEY (mem_id)
              REFERENCES member(mem_id);
        • cannot change or delelte the column name of the primary key (mem_id ='BLK' into mem_id = 'PINK' isn't possible)
          • How to do this: ON UPDATE CASCADE
          ALTER TABLE buy
              ADD CONSTRAINT
              FOREIGN KEY(mem_id) REFERENCES member(mem_id)
              ON UPDATE CASCADE
              ON DELETE CASCADE;
    3. Unique : similar to primary key in that it doesn't allow duplicates, but allow NULL
      • Characteristics
        • can be multiple in one table
        • error message if tries to insert same values in different record
      • Create UNIQUE
        CREATE TABLE member
        ( email CHAR(30) NULL UNIQUE
    4. Check : checks the input data with conditions
      • Create CHECK
        CREATE TABLE member
        (   height TINYINT UNSIGED NULL CHECK (height >= 100)
      • Change CHECK value
        ALTER TABLE member
            ADD CONSTRAINT
            CHECK (phone1 in ('02', '031', '032', '054', '055', '061'))
    5. Default : sets value if null
      • Create Default
        CREATE TABLE member
        (   height TINYINT UNSIGED NULL DEFAULT 160
      • Change default value
        ALTER TABLE member
            ALTER COLUMN phone1 SET DEFAULT '02';
      • Insert value
            INSERT INTO member VALUES('SPC', 'spacegirl', default, default);
    6. NULL : allows null
      • Characteristics
        • Default is NULL (for column with primary key, default is NOT NULL)
        • If not allow null, NOT NULL
        • Different from 0 or ""

5-3. View

  • View: a database entity similar to table (virtual table)
    • Two types of view
      • Simple View: a view connected to one table
      • Complex View: a view connected to more than two tables
        • read only
    • Concept: View is actually a SELECT statement
    • How to create view

      CREATE VIEW view_name
        SELECT statement;

    • Example
      USE market_db;
      CREATE VIEW v_member
              SELECT mem_id, mem_name, addr FROM member;
      • A view with conditions
        SELECT mem_name, addr FROM v_member
            WHERE addr IN ('서울', '경기');
    • Characteristics of view
      • Process: A user executes view -> view executes query -> query brings data from the table -> view shows the result to the user
      • View is basically a read-only, but view can also change the data within the table if satisfies some conditions
    • Why use view?
      • Secure
        • can only access specific information from the table
      • Simplify complicated SQL
        • access view instead of writing a query
    • How to use view
      • Create a view -> CREATE VIEW
        • When accessing view, use "`" if the column name has a space in it
          • used if a view with the same name already exists
      • Update a view -> UPDATE VIEW
      • Drop a view -> DROP VIEW
      • Look up a view info -> DESCRIBE VIEW
        • cannot check primary key
      • Check a source code of a view -> SHOW CREATE VIEW
      • Add data to a view
        • if a view only refer to specific column names, it cannot add data to other columns
        • if the column not referred doesn't allow NULL,
          • need to redefine the view again referring to the columns that requires NOT NULL
          • Change the property of the column(allow NULL or set default value)
        • if a view was created with specific condition but data that does not satisfy the condition is added,
          • data is added but does not appear in the view
          • use WITH CHECK OPTION so that the data that doesn't satisfy the condition is not added
          ALTER VIEW v_height167
                  SELECT * FROM member WHERE height >= 167
                      WITH CHECK OPTION ;
          INSERT INTO v_height167 VALUES('TOB', '텔레토비', '영국', NULL, NULL 140, '1995-01-01') ;
      • Drop a table referred by a view
        • can drop the table, so cannot use the view
        • CHECK TABLE statement can see the status of the view
        CHECK TABLE v_height167;


6-1. Understanding the Concept of Index

  • Index: a tool that helps find data faster
    • Two types of Index
      • Clustered Index: automatically generated when set as a primary key; one for each table; automatically aligned based on the column specified as a primary key
        • like a dictionary, data are aligned from the beginning
        • when setting a primary key, clustered index is automatically generated
        • by setting a primary key, records are aligned based on the field with the primary key e.g. alphabetically
      • Secondary Index: automatically generated when set as a unique key; can be more than one; not automatically aligned
        • when setting a unique key, secondary index is automatically generated
        • a unique key doesn't realign the preexisting data as clustered index
    • Concept of Index
      • Like the index at the end of a book, an index allows you to quickly search without having to search through the entire book
      • More efficient when it comes to large tables
      • However, creating too many useless index increases the space occupied by the database and make searching for data using the index slower.
        • MySQL decides by itself whether to use index depending on the time it spends to look up the data
      • Pros: faster SELECT statement query -> reduce the burden on the computer and improve system performance
      • Cons: occupies more space / need to spend some time creating your first index / INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE might worsen the performance
    • How to check index
      SHOW INDEX FROM table1;

6-2. Internal Operation of the Index

  • Both clustered index and secondary index are made of Balanced tree (B-Tree), one of universally used data structures.
    • B-tree are made of root, internal, and leaf nodes
  • Internal Operation of the Index
    • Concept of a B-tree
      • Node: where the data are stored
        • root(highest) - internal - leaf(lowest)
        • called page in MySQL
      • Page: minimum unit of storage
        • can store 16Kbyte
      • B-tree is efficient in SELECT statement that it reads data in the root page, which will directly lead to the leaf page that contains the data we want (not a Full Table Scan)
      • On the other hand, in INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements page split occurs, so the index cause more time for data modification
        • Page split: data modification causes changes in the number of pages because of the capacity of page or even create new internal pages
  • Structure of the Index
    • Clustered Index
      • Add Constraint Primary key
        • aligns data based on the primary key
        • creates root and leaf pages
    • Secondary Index
      • Add Constraint Unique
        • doesn't align data (no effect on data page)
        • aligns data in the leaf page of the index
        • each data is assigned the location, in a format of page number + #location, since data page is not aligned
    • Index Scan
      • SELECT statement
      • Clustered Index is a little faster than Secondary Index

6-3. Actual Use of the Index

  • Syntax for creating and dropping index

    • 3 ways to create index
      • primary key (clustered index)
      • unique (secondary index)
      • CREATE INDEX statement


    CREATE [UNIQUE] INDEX index_name
      ON table_name (column_name) [ASC | DESC]

    • UNIQUE: do not allow duplicate
    • ASC | DESC: default is ASC
    • Example
      CREATE INDEX idx_member_addr
          ON member (addr);
      • This creates a simple secondary index, which allows duplicate, while unique secondary index doesn't
      • You cannot create a unique index if the records already have duplicates
      • After creating a unique index, you cannot enter any record that violates the unique constraint.

    DROP INDEX index_name ON table_name

    • only drop index that is created by CREATE INDEX statement
    • Example
      DROP INDEX idx_member_mem_name ON member;
      DROP INDEX idx_member_addr ON member;
      • To drop clustured index
        ALTER TABLE member
            DROP PRIMARY KEY;
        • Before executing this code, look for any constraint like foreign keys
          SELECT table_name, constraint_name
          FROM information_schema.referential_constraints
          WHERE constraint_schema = 'market_db';
        • Drop foreign key constraint
          ALTER TABLE buy
          DROP FOREIGN KEY buy_ibfk_1;
          ALTER TABLE member
  • How to check index status

    USE market_db;
    SHOW INDEX FROM member; -- one clustered index (mem_id)
    SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'member'; -- Data_length indicates the size of the clustered index (the size of one page in MySQL is 16KB)
    -- Index_length indicates the size of the secondary index
    • After creating a secondary index, to apply the change to the table status, use ANALYZE TABLE statement to reflect the change

      ANALYZE TABLE member;
      SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'member';
  • Practice using index

    • MySQL choose the way of scanning, depending on which way is more efficient
      • When selecting every record, FULL TABLE SCAN
      • When selecting every record for only a few columns where indexes are created, FULL TABLE SCAN
      • Same as the previous case, but using WHERE statement to identify specific records, INDEX SCAN
        • Single Row (constant): WHERE statement indicates specific record
        • Index Range Scan: WHERE has a range
      • Same as the previous case using WHERE statement, but when there's a lot to look for, FULL TABLE SCAN
      • Calculation within the WHERE statement, FULL TABLE SCAN
  • Final notes on Index

    • Index is created in columns
      • One index for one column (most of the time)
    • Create index in columns where WHERE statement is used
    • Create index when used frequently
    • Do not create index where the column has many duplicates
    • Clustered Index is created one for each table
    • Drop any index that is not in use

Stored Procedure

7-1. How to Use Stored Procedure

  • Stored Procedure: adds programming features to SQL
    • Concept and format of stored procedure
      • Stored Procedure: a set of query, used to collectively process certain actions

      • Format

        DELIMITER $$
        CREATE PROCEDURE stored_procedure_name (in or out parameter)
        -- code goes here
        END $$
        DELIMITER ;

        • $$ used as a delimiter instead of ";", to distinguish from the delimiter used inside the procedure
        • Execute procedure

          CALL stored_procedure_name();

        • Drop procedure

          DROP PROCEDURE stored_procedure_name;

          • no parenthesis when dropping the procedure
    • Example
      USE market_db;
      DELIMITER $$
      CREATE PROCEDURE user_proc()
          SELECT * FROM member;
      END $$
      CALL user_proc();
      • Using IF ELSE
        DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS ifelse_proc;
        DELIMITER $$
        CREATE PROCEDURE ifelse_proc(
            IN memName VARCHAR(10)
            DECLARE debutYear INT;
            SELECT YEAR(debut_date) into debutYear FROM member
                where mem_name = memName;
            IF debutYear>=2015 THEN
                SELECT "rookie" AS 'message';
                SELECT "senior" AS 'message';
            END IF;
        END $$
        DELIMITER ;
        CALL ifelse_proc('오마이걸');
      • Using WHILE
        DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS while_proc;
        DELIMITER $$
        CREATE PROCEDURE while_proc()
            DECLARE hap INT;
            DECLARE num INT;
            SET hap = 0;
            SET num = 1;
            WHILE (num<=100)	DO 
                SET hap = hap + num;
            SET num= num + 1;
            END WHILE;
            SELECT hap AS 'Sum of 1 to 100';
        END $$
        DELIMITER ;
        CALL while_proc();
      • Using dynamic SQL
        DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS dynamic_proc;
        DELIMITER $$
        CREATE PROCEDURE dynamic_proc(
            IN tableName VARCHAR(20)
            SET @sqlQuery = CONCAT('SELECT * FROM', tableName);
            PREPARE myQuery FROM @sqlQuery;
            EXECUTE myQuery;
            DEALLOCATE PREPARE myQuery;
        END $$
        DELIMITER ;
        CALL dynamic_proc('member');
    • How to use parameter
      • Input parameter

        IN input_parameter_name data_type

        • how to execute stored procedure with input parameter

          CALL procedure_name(value);

        • Example
          USE market_db;
          DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS user_proc1;
          DELIMITER $$
          CREATE PROCEDURE user_proc1(IN userName VARCHAR(10))
              SELECT * FROM member WHERE mem_name = userName;
          END $$
          DELIMITER ;
          CALL user_proc1('에이핑크');
      • Output parameter

        OUT output_parameter_name data_type

        • how to execute stored procedure with output parameter

          CALL procedure_name(@variablename);
          SELECT @variablename;

        • Example
          USE market_db;
          DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS user_proc3;
          DELIMITER $$
          CREATE PROCEDURE user_proc3(
              IN txtValue CHAR(10),
              OUT outValue INT    )
              INSERT INTO noTable VALUES(NULL,txtValue);
              SELECT MAX(id) INTO outValue FROM noTable;
          END $$
          DELIMITER ;
          -- create noTable
              txt CHAR(10)
          -- call procedure
          CALL user_proc3 ('test1', @myValue);
          SELECT CONCAT('Entered ID value ==>', @myValue);

7-2. Stored Function and Cursor

  • Stored Function: provide the ability to create functions directly, in addition to built-in functions provided by MySQL

    • RETURNS: return a single value
    • Concept: User-created function in MySQL
    • Format:

      DELIMITER $$
      CREATE FUNCTION stored_function_name(parameter)
        RETURNS return_format
        RETURNS return_value;
      END $$
      SELECT stored_function_name();

    • Difference from Stored Procedure
      • RETURNS and RETURN to return a value
      • only has input parameter, so no need to have IN within the parenthesis
      • SELECT to call the function, not CALL
      • cannot have SELECT statement within the function
      • used to return single value through some specific calculations
    • How to use Stored Function
      SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1;
      • authorize to create the function
      • need to set up only once
    • Example
      • sum of two input integer
      USE market_db;
      DELIMITER $$
      CREATE FUNCTION sumFunc(number1 INT, number2 INT)
          RETURNS INT
          RETURN number1 + number2;
      END $$
      SELECT sumFunc(100, 200) AS 'sum';
      • calculates active period in year
      DELIMITER $$
      CREATE FUNCTION calcYearFunc(dYear INT)
          RETURNS INT
          Declare runYear INT; -- period of activity
          SET runYear = YEAR(CURDATE()) - dYear;
          RETURN runYear;
      END $$
      SELECT calcYearFunc(2010) AS 'active year';
      • use SELECT ~ INTO ~ to store values and use
        SELECT calcYearFunc(2007) INTO @debut2007;
        SELECT calcYearFunc(2010) INTO @debut2013;
        SELECT debut2007-debut2013 AS 'difference between 2007 and 2013';
      • YEAR() function
        SELECT mem_id, mem_name, calcYearFunc(YEAR(debut_date)) AS 'active year' FROM member;
    • how to check the content of previously made function
      SHOW CREATE FUNCTION function_name;
    • how to drop function
      DROP FUNCTION calcYearFunc;
  • Cursor: a programming method used to process one row at a time in a stored procedure

    • How a cursor processes the data
      1. declare a cursor
        • prepare variables
          DECLARE memNumber INT;
          DECLARE cnt INT DEFAULT 0;
          DECLARE totNumber INT DEFAULT 0;
          • variable for end of the row
        • declare a cursor
          DECLARE memberCursor CURSOR FOR
              SELECT mem_number FROM member;
      2. declare a loop condition
        • DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER: a reserved word to prepare a loop condition
        • FOR NOT FOUND: executes the following statement if there's no remaining row.
            FOR NOT FOUND SET endOfRow = TRUE;
      3. open the cursor
        OPEN memberCursor;
      4. bring the data
        • FETCH
      5. process the data
        • format

          cursor_loop: LOOP
           # repeated code
          END LOOP cursor_loop

        • change endOfRow to TRUE to avoid infinite loop
          IF endOfRow THEN
              LEAVE cursor_loop;
          END IF;
        • code
          cursor_loop: LOOP 
              FETCH memberCursor INTO memNumber;
              IF endOfRow THEN
                  LEAVE cursor_loop;
              END IF;
              SET cnt = cnt + 1;
              SET totNumber = totNumber +memNumber;
          END LOOP cursor_loop;
        • calculate the average
          SELECT (totNumber/cnt) AS "member's average number of people";
      6. close the cursor
        CLOSE memberCursor;
    • Call the stored procedure with a cursor
      CALL cursor_proc();

7-3. Trigger

  • Trigger: a special type of stored procedure that automatically runs when an event occurs in the database server
    • runs when executing the event of DML(Data Manipulation Language - INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE)
      • ex) When an employee leaves the company and deletes its records from the database, it automatically updates the employee's resignation information table in case you want to know the resignation information
    • a program code that is attached to a table
    • AFTER trigger vs. BEFORE trigger
    • similar to a stored procedure
      • but not use CALL because automatically executed
      • No IN or OUT Parameter
    • Example
      • show a pre-written message when delete the record from the table
        DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS myTrigger;
        DELIMITER $$
        CREATE TRIGGER myTrigger
            AFTER DELETE --execute the trigger after the DELETE statement
            ON trigger_table
            FOR EACH ROW -- always use this line for trigger
            SET @msg = 'Deleted'; -- the actual part to be executed as a trigger
        END $$
        DELIMITER ;
      • create a backup table that keeps a record of who changed the record and when it happened whenever someone updates the table
        DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS singer_updateTrg;
        DELIMITER $$
        CREATE TRIGGER singer_updateTrg
            AFTER UPDATE
            ON singer
            FOR EACH ROW
            INSERT INTO backup_singer VALUES (OLD.mem_id, OLD.mem_name, OLD.mem_number, OLD.addr, 'mod' CURDATE(), CURRENT_USER() );
        END $$
        DELIMITER ;
        • when deleting a record, the system delete the record from the original table, and the table before the data is deleted is briefly retained under the name OLD Table
        • Similarly, INSERT adds the record to the NEW table while retaining the original table for a while
        • Hence, UPDATE uses both NEW and OLD table
    • When using TRUNCATE statement, DELETE trigger doesn't work

SQL and Python

8-1. Python Development Environment

  • Python: 1991, Guiddo van Rossum
    • more intuitive than other languages and useful in many areas (Big data, AI, Web development, Science, Education, etc)
    • key strengths
      • free
      • easy to install
      • useful libraries
  • How to install pymysql
    • Install python library called PyMySQL to connect Python and MySQL
    pip install pymysql
  • Basic python
    • IDLE: Python's Integrated Development and Learning Environment
    • python is a interpret(script) language
      • compile language vs script language
        • compile language: a language that executes the translated file (.exe, .class) after the source code is translated into executable machine language
          • C, C++, JAVA
        • script language(interpreter): a language that executes right away by reading the source code one line at a time
          • Python, JavaScript, Perl

8-2. Connecting Python with MySQL

  • pymysql library enables database interoperation program

    • Advantage: Users don't need to learn SQL to use databse
  • How to enter data in Python IDLE

    1. Create database in MySQL
    2. Connect to MySQL in IDLE

      import pymysql
      conn = pymysql.connect(host='server ip address', user='user', password='password', db='database name', charset='character set')

      • conn is a variable used as a connection
      • charset = 'utf8': To use Korean
    3. Create a cursor
      • A cursor is used as a path to retrieve the output of SQL statement from the database
      cur = conn.cursor()
    4. Create a table
      • use a CREATE TABLE statement as a parameter in the cursorname.execute() function
      cur.execute("CREATE TABLE userTable (id char(4), userName char(15), email char(20), birthYear int)")
      • The result of this code is 0 or other numbers
    5. Enter a record into the table
      cur.execute("INSERT INTO userTable VALUES('hong','jiyoon', '[email protected]', 1996)")
      cur.execute("INSERT INTO userTable VALUES('kim','taeyeon', '[email protected]', 2011)")
      cur.execute("INSERT INTO userTable VALUES('star','sarang', '[email protected]', 1990)")
      cur.execute("INSERT INTO userTable VALUES('yang','jieun', '[email protected]', 1993)")
      • The result of each line of code is 1, meaning 1 record is entered
    6. Save data in the table
      • commit: save the data
    7. Close MySQL connection
  • How to lookup the data in Python IDLE

    1. Connect to MySQL
    2. Create a cursor
    3. Lookup the data in the table

      cursorname.execute("SELECT ~")

    4. Print the lookup data
      • iterate this part

      cursorname.fetchone() cursorname.fetchall()

      • fetchone() access each row; fetchall() access all rows at once
    5. Close MySQL connection
    • Code Example
      import pymysql
      con, cur = None, None
      data1, data2, data3, data4 = "", "", "", ""
      conn = pymysql.connect(host='', user='root', password='0000', db='soloDB', charset='utf8')
      cur = conn.cursor()
      cur.execute("SELECT * FROM userTable")
      print("userID    username    email      yearofbirth")
      while (True) :
          row = cur.fetchone()
          if row== None :
          data1 = row[0]
          data2 = row[1]
          data3 = row[2]
          data4 = row[3]
          print("%5s   %15s   %20s   %d" % (data1, data2, data3, data4))

GUI Application Program

  • GUI(Graphic User Interface): a graphical environment in Windows
    • tkinter: a python library that enables to write a GUI application program
  • GUI basic programming
    • basic components

      from tkinter import *
      root = Tk()
      • Tk(): returns a basic window, called root window
      • root.mainloop(): necesssary for all events such as pressing a button on keyboard or click
      from tkinter import *
      root = Tk()
      root.title("Study alone GUI")
    • A label is a widget(componets on the Window screen, use pack() function) that can print letters

      from tkinter import *
      root = Tk()
      root.title("Study alone GUI")
      label1 = Label(root, text="studying alone SQL is")
      label2 = Label(root, text="easy", font=("sans-serif",30), bg="blue", fg="yellow")
    • A button is a widget that execute a specific task when clicked

      from tkinter import *
      from tkinter import messagebox
      def clickButton():
          messagebox.showinfo('click button', "clicked the button...")
      root = Tk()
      button1 = Button(root, text="click here", fg="red", bg="yellow", command=clickButton)
      • command calls a function
      • expand=1 to center the button
    • Aligning the widget

      from tkinter import *
      root = Tk()
      button1 = Button(root, text="study alone 1")
      button2 = Button(root, text="study alone 2")
      button3 = Button(root, text="study alone 3")
      from tkinter import *
      root = Tk()
      button1 = Button(root, text="study alone 1")
      button2 = Button(root, text="study alone 2")
      button3 = Button(root, text="study alone 3")
      button1.pack(side=TOP, fill=X, padx=10, pady=10)
      button2.pack(side=TOP, fill=X, padx=10, pady=10)
      button3.pack(side=TOP, fill=X, padx=10, pady=10)
    • Frame, Entry, Listbox

      from tkinter import *
      root = Tk()
      upFrame = Frame(root)
      downFrame = Frame(root)
      editBox = Entry(upFrame, width = 10, )
      editBox.pack(padx = 20, pady = 20)
      listbox = Listbox(downFrame, bg = 'yellow')
      listbox.insert(END, "하나")
      listbox.insert(END, "둘")
      listbox.insert(END, "셋")
      • create two frames(entry and listbox)


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