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Donateable Logo

DonateABLE is a site for users to sign up for an account and using their device to mine cryptocurrency for a charity of their choosing. No need to make a financial donation, just leave your device running to make an impact in your community!

DonateABLE is built using TypeScript, React, SASS and Firebase.

See the project live here


Clone the repository

git clone

Change to the directory

cd donateABLE-firebase

Finally run npm to install dependencies

npm install

There is a couple scripts described in package.json that are needed to run the development environment.

Run the Firebase emulators

npm run emulate

Run the webpack watch script to watch for changes in the codebase as you develop

npm run watch

Awesome! You can make changes and see them live at: http://localhost:5000

Folder Structure

  • / - Contains the various config files for TSLint, webpack, Firebase and dependencies
  • /functions - Contains the firebase functions that are setup in the backend
  • /src/components - Contains all of the React components that can be reused across all of the pages (i.e. Buttons, Modals, Forms)
  • /src/orm - Contains the ORM wrapper around Firebase, the structure for data used in the web app, and the model
  • /src/pages - Contains the individual pages