Some quant chem calculation tests using open source PSI4 package.
"proof of concept". Among that, to use a smiles to XYZ format instead of starting from XYZ as is the input format for PSI4.
Initial idea was to calculate energy of a compound to then calculate an approximation of reaction energy (delta) as a means to check if a reaction is endo- or exothermic (a chemical process safety background).
Accuracy on this level unfortunately not sufficient, maybe for simple mols like water, where I am close to the reported heat of formation. On the other hand already with e.g.
nitrobenzene + H2 -> aniline + water
the result is log units off .... so one can say that the package works, but some of the approaches (e.g. choosen parameters) are not always correct.
Another example (in the jupyter notebooks) are simplistic torsional energy calc/visualization, purpose to check the profile of a unhindered compound versus a atropisomeric compound.
The absolute values aren't correct? Also here, a q of choosen parameters....
had some issues with installation, e.g.:
tested, but didn't work:
conda create -n psi4_env python=3.7
conda activate psi4_env
conda install psi4 psi4
conda install -c conda-forge rdkit
a second attempt:
conda create --name psi4_env python=3.11
pip install psi4-step
pip install rdkit
did not work since not supported in 3.11 (for now)
finally, what worked:
conda create --name psi4_env python=3.10
conda install psi4 psi4
pip install rdkit
(jupyter also required for the notebooks)
regularly check you tmp files folder (or add an autodelete function), some of the files can get quite big (giga bytes of data).
in linux it's /tmp/psi*
e.g., but not exclusively:
code wise, using in one case a module by Steven Kearnes, license 3-clause BSD, check the file for details.
MIT - bascially, if anyone finds this interesting they can do what they want with it (see for details), after all, most of this is based on other open-source stuff.
added new logger functions to simplify/clarify future snippets. Demonstrated so far only in the files.
! as I slowly learned... there is a function psi4.set_output_file("output.dat", True)
which can take care of all that out of the box.
Also a scratch function psi4.core.IOManager.shared_object().set_default_path("/scratch")
Added to the script. Shows that I don't really know the details of the Psi4 package outputs....