The objective of this Project is to look at how we can customise Flutter Widgets to achieve our own interactive user interface designs and integrate them with Firebase database and activating the user registration and authentication system. If you have a designer on board, no matter how unconventional their designs are, we can create them using Flutter.
Weโre going to make a prototype of a Tourism App inspired from a design on Dribble. It will be a multi screen app with navigation between pages with Firebase activated in it for user registration and authentication and data storage.
- How to use Firebase and integrate with the app.
- How to use the Firebase user registration and authentication feature.
- How to use the Firebase data storage feature.
- How to use Flutter themes to create coherent branding.
- How to create multi-page apps using Flutter Routes and Navigator.
- How to extract and refactor Flutter Widgets with a click of the button.
- How to pass functions as parameters and fields.
- How to use the GestureDetector Widget to detect more than just a tap.
- How to use custom colour palettes by using hex codes.
- How to customise Flutter Widgets to achieve a specific design style.
- Learn about composition vs. inheritance and the Flutter way of creating custom UI.
- Understand the difference between const and final in Dart and when to use each.
- In handling multiple screens.
- Customizing the Flutter Widgets and achieving the specific design.
- Integrating the Firebase with the App.
- Had great fun in building the app. Learned a lot of new things while designing the UI. Learned about new methods, technologies, widgets and implemented them successfully.