Project completed in the course Distributed Systems Engineering Lecture 2022 - Vienna University of Technology, Dr. Johannes Weidl-Rektenwald
FastV2I is a visual simulation software that allows you to simulate vehicles and traffic lights in a given configuration. The cars aim to minimize the amount of standing time in front of red traffic lights. To do so a sophisticated flow control algorithm tells the car what speed it should drive.
The project is developed using a microservice architecture. The service consists out of 6 Microservices:
- Gateway Service: used to hide internal services from the outside world
- Tracking Service: storing dynamic information about the actors of the simulation (e.g. Remaining seconds in state green or current location of the car).
- Entity Service: holds static information about the actors of the simulation (e.g vehicle information, location of the traffic light)
- Flowcontrol Service: responsible for calculating the perfect speed of the cars
- Simulator Service: simulates the behaviour of the actors in the simulation.
- Cockpit: the UI of the simulation.
Below you can see an overview of the architecture and their communication channels. Orange arrows denote asynchronous communication over the MoM (Message Oriented Middleware). Blue Arrows denote Restful communication from Service A to Service B.
Under https://[gateway-service-ip]:8080/swagger-ui.html
you can access the interactive swagger ui for all the publicly
exposed services. Below you can see a screenshot of the UI when the Entity Service is selected. In the top right corner
you can switch between the services.
The team of developers consists of:
- Diego Krupitza
- Jan Müller
- Kian Pouresmaeil
yarn install && yarn install:all
yarn dev
yarn down
- Logo generated by DesignEvo free logo designer