- Nodejs
- TypeSript
- Nestjs
- Postgresql
- Stripe (payment gateway)
User Authentication and Authorization
- login
- register
- JWT Authorization
Roles (super-admin, admin, user)
- super-admin can up user to admin And vice versa
Movie Management
- super-admin and admin can create, update and delete movies
- Movies are categorized by genre.
- user can filter movies by ( name, category, showTime and between tow dates)
- pagination response for optimization
Firebase integration
- to uploade movies poster as (image or video)
Reservation Management
- user can create order for an movie and payment
- after payment success user resevied and email with tikck details
- user can cacele reservat movie and refund mony
- An hour before the movie is shown, an email is sent to users to remind them of the show time.efore
Emails Notifications
- send emails to user (create order, payment success, refund order and movie show time)
Integtation Testing (jest)
- created a test for all service and controllers in app
> npm i -g pnpm
> pnpm install
> pnpm start:dev
> pnpm build
> pnpm start:prod
// APP
PORT: number;
JWT_KEY: string;
NODE_ENV: 'test' | 'dev' | 'prod';
HOST: string;
// DB
DB_NAME: string;
DB_HOST: string;
DB_PORT: number;
DB_USERNAME: string;
DB_PASSWORD: string;
// payment
STRIPE_SK: string;
STRIPE_PK: string;
// email smtp
EMAIL_USER: string;
EMAIL_SK: string;