This plugin/virion has been created in order to help beginner developers create and manage their tiles easier.
Tiles are basically block entities that pocketmine uses to save block relevant data. Just like items, they have an NBT which allows for effective data saving without having to use an external database.
All data passed on to a tile is saved through restarts,
meaning that when you restart your server, the tiles that
have already been created will remain there, unless you
them, which basically deletes them. This is why
tiles are a preferred way to save block data.
The point of this plugin/virion hybrid is to allow for developers to create & manage tiles easier. Without this virion, tiles have to first be created as a custom class with some custom methods for saving tile data properly, and they also have to be initialized using NBT/CompoundTag. For a beginner developer, some of this stuff may be hard to understand, which is why I have created this virion to simplify the tile system for beginner developers.
- This has been created by @DenielWorld, who is mainly a developer of private plugins.
- This was tested by @Heisenburger69, and was said to be working just fine. Feel free to open an issue if you find a bug, or if you want to request a feature.
- This is a tool for easier developing, not a functional by itself plugin, so don't expect it to magically add the features you want.
- This is a public project which was created as a result of my boredom, if it is used I'll try my best to keep it updated, but I will not make any promises.
- Lots of information can be found by reading the source code itself, if you feel like you won't need the documentation below.
- This should be run as a virion, because as of now running this as a plugin will prevent you from using some of existent tile features. Although, this will be resolved soon :D
First of all, it is recommended to use this as a virion, if you want your tiles to have custom callable updates without having to modify the plugin itself.
To use this as a virion, run this code in your PluginBase
public function onEnable(){
Next step is to register the custom tiles, because they won't be registered automatically if you are running this as a virion
Now that you have setup the virion, you can create and manage tiles much easier
As of now the only available custom tile is SimpleTile, which you can create like this:
$tileInfo = new TileInfo(new Position(0, 0, 0));
new SimpleTile(Server::getInstance()->getLevelByName("ExampleLevel"), $tileInfo);
The code above shows how to create the most basic simple tile, which will simply exist at the given position and level
This was an overall explanation of how EzTiles work, if you want a deeper explanation, you may read ahead
By now you know how to setup EzTiles as a virion and create the most basic tile, so now you will find out how to add functionality to your tile
Tile data is the most basic way to store your data in the tile
for retrieval and later use. Data is passed on as the second
argument of a TileInfo
instance, as shown below
$tileInfo = new TileInfo($pos, ["id" => "simpleTile"]);
This TileInfo class now stores an "id"
key, which holds
a value of "simpleTile"
in the tile.
Following that array format of $key => $value
, you can
store your own data in the tile. It is recommended to keep
"id" => "simpleTile"
as it is, because SimpleTile's tile
id is registered as "simpleTile"
. The effects of removing
the id are unknown to me, but I personally suggest
you to keep it as it is for safety :)
Also, the $key
in every data piece must be a string, and
must be a variable of one of the types below:
Integer, Boolean, String, Long, Short, Float, Double, Int Array, Bool Array
Data cannot hold any instances or callables, because they cannot be saved to the tile's NBT. Also, only specific array types are allowed, such as an integer array or a bool array. Bool array is eventually converted to a byte array full of integers and saved as a string of that array. I personally did not completely understand how it works, so I would recommend to use an integer array instead of a boolean array.
The last 2 arguments of TileInfo are used to handle the updating of tile from time to time. There is no specific time for tile updating, but it is still often useful to interact with the tile from time to time.
The first argument is a boolean to schedule update or not, if set to false then updating is impossible and the last argument becomes useless, but if set to true then the last argument is required.
new TileInfo($pos, $data, true, $callable);
If you know PHP well, you might think that the last argument,
, is a callable
, but in fact it is a simple
string, which must be a static method's name. The static method
passed on will be executed on any scheduled update. It is
also important to note that the method must be IN the registrant
Here is an example of how you would make a fully functional
instance with saved data and an update scheduler
new TileInfo(new Position(0, 0, 0), ["id" => "simpleTile", "randomInt" => 4], true, "staticUpdateMethod");
Now that you have created the tile and provided a method
string of staticUpdateMethod
, you have to create it IN
your registrant class as a PUBLIC STATIC FUNCTION with SimpleTile
as its one and only required argument, and with a returnable
bool. I am uncertain, but I believe that the returned bool
will determine whether to continue updating the tile or not.
This is what it would look like:
public static function staticUpdateMethod(SimpleTile $tile) : bool {
/*In here, insert the code that should be executed
with the $tile variable upon every update that
the tile has*/
//Note: don't forget to return true to continue updating, and return false to stop updating
For the last part, let's talk about how you can retrieve and modify the data stored in your tile. As of now there are only two methods allowing that, and they are pretty self-explanatory after you see them:
public static function staticUpdateMethod(SimpleTile $tile) : bool {
$id = $tile->getData("id", false);
if($id == false){
$tile->setData("id", "simpleTile");
return true;
The first part of the code above will retrieve the
tile's "id"
value every update, and if the value is
not found it will return false
, since that is the default
value. The second part of the code sets the tile's "id"
to "simpleTile"
if the value equals to false
. The third
part of the code returns true
, so the tile will continue
to get updates.
This is about it, hope this little guide helped you get started :D
More tile possibilities & enhancements are planned in the future, but as of now I will remain silent about them.
use DenielWorld\EzTiles\EzTiles; //Main file for registration
use DenielWorld\EzTiles\tile\SimpleTile; //The most basic and as of now the only custom tile that you can use
use DenielWorld\EzTiles\data\TileInfo; //Object that has to be passed on to SimpleTile as the second argument upon creation, it contains all data relevant to the SimpleTile